Shooting practice with cylindrical pipe

The invader started to repeat the same old procedure as usual. But this time there was no excitement in it. Like zombies or bull plowing land it just kept repeating the same process with a dead heart. It just wanted to complete this task as soon as possible without any stop.

After taking a long time, the invader had already completed unraveling almost all the sentences present in the front on the map. Often the invader would glare at the center region of the to see if the sentence had become readable or not. Every time it would look at the word which was still unrecognizable and it would feel a little depressed over it.

Right now the invader was just looking at the dark blue ball of lights which was performing a set of sequences of vibrations. The invader had already unraveled the sentence related to this set of sequences of vibrations being performed by the dark blue ball of lights.

Though the invader was able to read what was written on the sentence but it was quite hard for it to understand. For the last thing, the invader wasn't really interested in this sentence that's all.

Soon the dark blue ball of lights completed performing the current set of sequences of vibrations and started to perform another set of sequences of vibrations. The invader just kept looking at it with a dead man attitude. It was another set of sequences of vibrations that the invader had already unraveled so it just stood there and did nothing. It wasn't interested in this sentence too.

Just as usual the dark blue ball was performing another set of sequences of vibrations after completing the current set of sequences of vibrations this set of sequences of vibrations was also has been unraveled by the invader and the invader was also not interested in this sentence. Thus, it just stood there silently looking at the dark blue ball of light's performance.

Just like this, the invader stood there silently. No one knows how many sets of sequences of vibrations had been performed by the dark blue ball of lights. The invader even forgot to count how many sets of sequences of vibrations the dark blue ball of lights had performed and how many times it repeatedly performed the same set of sequences of vibrations. It vaguely remembers that the dark blue balls of light had already performed more than ten times the same set of sequences of vibrations. Yeah, it's vague, it exactly didn't know how much.

Once in a while, the dark blue balls of lights would perform an unknown set of sequences of vibrations. The invader would quickly scan, copy, and practice the set of sequences of vibrations to mastery. And then search for the meaning in the map, it never forgets to take a glance at the center of the map. As usual, it was faced with disappointment every time it took a glance it was still unrecognizable.

looking at the dark blue ball of lights repeating a set of sequences of vibrations, the invader didn't even know many times it has seen this set of sequences of vibrations being performed by the dark blue ball of lights. The invader felt frustrated and a little bit angry. It felt like smashing the dark blue ball of lights but it withstood this impulse. It knew what would happen if it smacked the word with the violet-colored tentacle.

Just like before the invader kept looking at the dark blue ball of lights performing and looking at the dark blue ball of lights repeating the same set of sequences of vibrations again and again frustration and anger started to rise too, inside the invader.

The invader couldn't take it anymore it wanted to smack the map. Realizing that it was quite angry the invader shifted its attention from the projection of the dark blue ball of lights and started to clear its mind. Or else it would have smacked on the map and smacking on the map the invader knew what would happen.

After clearing its mind it started to think rationally over this matter. It thought It cant go on like this I would need try to whip it again. Simply the invderwa thinking about hitting the words on the map gain.

So, the invader started to ponder over how to hit the word on the sentence without causing any mishap. After thinking for a time the invader thought that it seems that only hitting with the white tentacle is allowed and any other colored tentacle weren't allowed at all.

As the invader thought it prepared to create another cylindrical pipe with the white lights came from its spectral body. It seems that there wasnt enough white lights available to itself. If the invader used all the white lights available in its spectral light to create a cylindical pipe it would be as long as before and there would be no invader too.

With lots of hesitation the invader finally decided to create the cylindrical pipe using the violet colored lights hover over its spectral body. Soon the invader controlled the violet colored lights then it wrapped, folded it many times to create a cylindrical pipe.

After som hard work finally the invader had created a new cylindrical pipe with the violet colored lights, there was small cylindrical pipe that it had previously create using the white lights from its spectral body.

Crrently the invader's body reduce to half of its original body. Soon the invader thought of a idea and connected the long violet colored cylindrical pipe with the small white colored cylindrical pipe. Length wise this cylindrical pipe was same as the previous one.

The invader right wanted to gable on its luck than it painted the white part of the cylindrical pipe toward a sentence then on a word in that sentence. This time the invader pointed it again toward a word " name " that was quite curious about.

The invader looked at the word for a second then it stretched a white tentacle from its spectral body that entered the cylindrical pipe from one end. then it thrusted the tentacle to reach other side due to the existence of the violet colored lights on the cylindrical pipe the speed of the white tentacle reached four times than it did with the violet colored tentacle.

This was a new discovery for the invader. The violet colored lights it itself wasn't fast it made its host fast. But from inside the invader was anxious and it was praying for a success.

The white tentacle reached the other side very quickly and hit on the word " name " accurately and it was going to reach further inside the map but the anxious invader soon stretched it back.

The lines beside the sentence on the map lit up. The other side of the line reached deeper into the image. This is a multilayered image does anyone still remember it. Whatever this was grand success for the invader and its speculation was correct.

This word was on the right corner of the image in the deeper part. This sentence was also something the invader hadn't unravelled yet.

Looking at the inner part of the image the invader realized that there were barely anything that invader had unravelled until now from the inner part. Now the question was how to hit the sentence in the inner part.

The invader decided to use the cylindrical pipe to shoot its tentacle in the inner part of the map toward the sentence where the litted up lines ends.

Soon the invader pointed the cylindrical pipe behind it on opposite to the map. Yeah right, not on the map but behind it. It seems that the invader truly learned from its previous lesson and didn't dare to mess with map in front of it.

The invader then put its white colored tentacle inside the cylindrical pipe and shoots it through the either end. The tentacle stretched and it reached quite further away from the invader with a whose. The invader repeated the same process again and again.

Every time the invader hoot its tentacle through the cylindrical pipe it would reach quite far and sometime it would reach quite near. It seems the invaderwas trying to master its shooting with the cylindrical pipe. Oh, I thought too much how can the stubborn invader leave withouttrying. This time it was just extra cautious about its next move.

A long time had already passed the invader was still practicing shooting with the cylindrical pipe. This time whenever the invader shot its tentacle through the cylindrical pipe it would stretch the same length as it did before on its previous shot.

Like this the invader would shoot many time at a same length then again changing the length of the shot and repeating the process again again. It seems the invader had already mastered shooting with the cylindrical pipe. What the hell, what is it doing again.

The invader again started to mold the cylindrical pipe that it used for its shooting practice. It seems that the invader had thought of something new again.