Knowing what name means

After some folding and molding the cylindrical pipe looked the same as usual. The cylindrical pipe was the same from the outside as the invader made some changes to it. If it's not on the outside then it should in the inside. Let's see what the invader had done.

The invader soon tried to shoot through this old but different cylindrical pipe again but this time the tentacle that has been shot through the cylindrical pipe started to spin rapidly in the air before it bent a bit then it shot toward the body of the invader itself.

The invader stepped aside a bit to avoid the incoming tentacle. Yeah, it seems that the changes were made inside the cylindrical pipe and the inside of the cylindrical should look like a screw.

The invader kept on practicing but every time it shot the tentacle would be bent a bit and would shoot in a random direction. After practicing with the cylindrical pipe for a while it would make some changes to it and start practicing with it again. No one knows how many times the invader had made changes to the cylindrical pipe and it kept practicing.

A long has passed, the invader was still practicing shooting with the cylindrical pipe. Right now whenever the invader shot through the cylindrical pipe the tentacle would draw an arc in the air to a certain distance before coming back to the invader.

At some time when the invader was practicing shooting the tentacle would shoot straight while spinning and then on reaching a certain distance it the front part of the tentacle would spread to form a splash-like effect.

It seems like this time the practice of the invader was quite longer than before it did with the normal cylindrical pipe.

It seems that the invader was quite confident with its practice as it pointed the cylindrical pipe toward the map again. The invader kept on pointing the cylindrical pipe from on random direction again and again.

Soon the invader pointed the cylindrical pipe toward the direction of the unrecognizable that the lit-up lines last met. The invader then started to move the cylindrical pipe at different positions but the nozzle of the pipe was still pointing at the sentence deep into the image.

Soon it seems that the invader had found the position it was searching for to hit the sentence deep into the image at the corner without touching any other sentence in the way.

After observing for a while the invader soon fired its tentacle through the cylindrical pipe. The tentacle flew and it just about hit another word in the front but it drew an arc and avoided hitting the word then the tentacle flew deep into the image as it kept swinging.

Just like this the tentacle almost avoided all the sentences in the front and inside the image then it moved toward the destined sentence without any hitch. As the tentacle about hit the destined sentence the tentacle formed a splash-like effect on its front end and struck the sentence.

Soon the dark blue ball of lights started shaking a little then it started to perform the set of sequences of vibrations related to that sentence. Along with it, the invader left anything that it was doing and completely focused on observing the dark blue ball of lights that was shaking it knew that the dark blue ball of light was soon going to perform the set of sequences of vibrations related to that sentence.

The same old rules the invader but this time the invader was quite serious than before as it kept observing the projection of the dark blue ball of lights quite seriously. After the dark blue balls of light seems to have completed performing the set and was going to perform another set the invader still just kept on observing it seriously because the current set of sequences of vibrations that were being performed by the invader was a new set that the invader hadn't seen before.

Soon the invader had completely observed and copied the whole set of sequences of vibrations in its mind. Just it was about to leave observing and the dark blue ball of lights started to perform another new set of sequences of vibrations.

The curios invader didn't get to practice what it copied till now instead it started to observe this new set of sequences of vibrations too. After the invader had completely observed the current set then it expected that the dark blue balls of light would perform another new set of sequences of vibration but its hope was for naught as the dark blue ball of lights again started to perform another set of sequences of vibrations that the invader was quite familiar with.

The invader didn't feel good as its hope got crushed. However, soon it felt excited as it was going to practice these sets of sequences of vibrations that the invader had copied from observing the dark blue ball of lights.

The invader started to perform the first set of sequences of vibrations that it copied, as it had acquired quite a lot of experience in this, the invader soon practiced it to mastery, and then it looked at the sentence in the depth of the image at a corner. Then the invader saw that the unrecognizable had become readable to the invader.

The invader soon read the sentence with excitement. " Name name, has its own game, aren't you ashamed that cant claim. " the invader was dumbfounded by this sentence because it wasn't able to make a head or tail from this sentence. It just flew above its head.

The invader soon practiced the second set of sequences of vibrations to mastery and looked for its meaning in the map surprisingly there was another part in the last sentence it read that was yet to be unraveled. And this part now had become readable this time. The invader was quite happy that it persistently kept on observing the dark blue ball of lights performing new sets of sequences of vibrations one after another.

The invader read the following sentence. " Big or small, Short or tall. Right on the top or beneath the stop. Everything has a name ". The invader understood this sentence. It was quite easy for it to understand. It seems to tell it that everything had a name it doesn't matter how it looked and where it stood. There was still an unrecognizable sentence following that paragraph.

Then the invader looked at the third set of sequences of vibration that it had copied as usual the invader had soon practiced this part to perfection too. Then it looked toward the map.

The last unrecognizable sentence following the para soon became readable to the invader.

The invader read the sentence. " They aren't ashamed, cause they can claim. Big as the name they are, small as the name they are. ". The invader understood that a name defined an existence. The big one should have a big name whereas the small one should have a smaller name.

A great desire sprouted inside the invader's heart it also wanted to have some great names. It wanted to give itself the most beautiful and as glorious and name as possible.

The invader soon thought of naming itself as the biggest one in existence, but it soon thought of the first line that it had read in the sentence. " Aren't you ashamed, that you can't claim. " The invader thought that it would be quite insulting for itself if named itself as the biggest one because it wasn't truly the biggest existence.

There had been a lot of balls of lights with a humongous size compared to itself even when it was at its prime. Currently, the size of its actual body was had gone through many harsh trials and it finally reduces to less than half of its actual body.

The invader was quite unhappy realizing this fact. And it swore to itself that one it would become the largest existence. Then it will call itself the largest one in existence for sure.

Soon the invader shook off these thoughts from its mind. Because currently, its first priority was to learn how to manifest the dark violet-colored gas again.

As the trial had completed the invader looked at the map in front of it.

The invader soon pointed the nozzle of the cylindrical pipe toward the sentence then on a word in that sentence. That word was " heart ". The invader didn't wait for too long as it fired its tentacle through the cylindrical pipe.

It didn't take a long time for it to reach out of the nozzle and it perfectly hit on the word " heart" in that sentence and the tentacle retracted back into the cylindrical pipe.

Just like before similarly all the lines that previously had lit up had also lit up this time too. Then the lit-up lines ended deep into the image just like before.

As the shown sentence was quite deep into the image and also in the middle at that. It became quite tricky for the invader too.

Now the invader started to find a suitable position from where it would be able to shoot without making any mishap.