What is a heart?

The invader started to shift the cylindrical pipe from one position to another. It's been a while since then.

The invader then soon retreated and started to practice shooting once again. It kept firing behind itself the tentacle that it shot would draw an arc in the air after reaching a certain distance it would retreat into the cylindrical pipe.

The invader tried this out a few times before it pointed the nozzle toward the map and shot the tentacle through it.

The tentacle soon drew an arc in the air and entered deep into the image. The tentacle has almost avoided all the sentences in its way then it moved toward its destination.

Just when the tentacle was a bit away from the sentence it struck on another sentence. Simple, that's a failed attempt.

The dark blue ball of lights also started to perform a new set of sequences of vibrations. But the invader wasn't interested in it at all.

Soon the invader took its tentacle back while moving back the tentacle also avoided all the sentences in its way.

The invader stood there silently for a moment. Then the invader started looking at the map with seriousness and started to analyze the inner diagram of the whole map.

Soon the invader came to a decision and prepared its cylindrical pipe again. And pointed it toward the map.

After a bit of pondering the invader shot its tentacle through the cylindrical pipe. The tentacle shot deep into the map and it almost avoided all the sentences on its way and just as it was about to hit the sentence that it had previously hit. It swung from there and avoided hitting the word. Due to this reason, it seems that the tentacle was going to hit on another sentence but with a bit of control from the invader the tentacle shifted its position and got right back into its track.

As expected the tentacle finally hit on the sentence deep in-between the image. The tentacle again made a splash-like effect. The whole sentence was hit by it soon the invader carefully retreated its tentacle back.

The dark blue ball of lights made a tremor and then it started to perform the set of sequences of vibrations related to this sentence.

Soon the invader started to observe it with full concentration and seriousness. The dark blue ball of lights has performed more than three sets repeatedly.

The invader observed all the sets it performed with full concentration. It had already got its lesson from its first experience not to miss a single unknown set of sequences of vibrations.

After observing all the sets, as usual the invader started to practice them separately. Soon the invader completely perfectly mastered those sets of sequences of vibrations.

The invader was currently in a very serious mod, it was just waiting for this moment when it would will be able to know how to manifest the dark violet colored gas. To know that it needed to know what is a heart and how does it work.

The invader soon read the sentence that was written in the depth of the map in the between.

" Everything have a heart

No one knows, till it last

Even if you have heart

You don't have a heart

There are lots of six

You need six, six, six, and six

Heart will never die

Even if you say good bye

Even if you think your heart is yours

Wrong guess, it had never been yours"

After reading this sentences the invader was in deep thought. but soon the invader noticed that there was still a sentence behind those sentences. It was very hard to recognise this sentence because it was just hiding behind the sentence it just read and it seems it seems that it was also unraveled it. But the nvader wasn't able to see it clearly because it was covered by the sentence in the front.

To see the sentence clearly the invader started to search for a angle from where it can see this. The invader shifted from here and there finally it found a spot from where the half of the sentence can be seen.

Soon the invader read the sentence and it moved its spectral body again to find correct angle from here it can see the other half of the sentence.

It didn't take too long for the invader to find a angle from where it can see the other half. The invader soon read the sentence and stored in its mind.

Afer reading the both half parts the invader started to orgainise the sentences and it joned the two sentences together. Then the invader with a very serious mood started to read the sentences.

" If you have six, six, six, and six

It can be misery or bliss

Dont call on it alone

then you will be blown

When you call on it as double

There's going to be trouble

Dont ever call on it thrice

Nothing would remain, except the vice

Four times you call it

To make yourself complete"

It was quite long but the invader started to link the both the sentences that it read previously with the current sentence that it read just now. After relating it for some time the invader found nothing of importance it only felt that it understood but didn't at the same time. It was quite frustrating for the invader. Then the invader read both the sentences one by one.

While readingthrough the sentences the last part of the second sentences interested the invader. It only read that part again.

" Dont ever call on it thrice

Nothing would remain, except the vice "

The invader understood this part a bit but it was still vague. It also didn't knew what this " vice " meant. That was not the main issue here. the invader started to arrange the words and stared to solve the mystery behind those words.

It focused on the sentence " Dont ever call on it thrice ". The invader thought to call whom thrice. It seems to call the word " six". If it's three six that makes it six hundred sixty sixth by numerics if they were placed side by side.

Then the invader soon remembered about its six hundred sixty sixth barrier where the pink colored gas in its semi solid form remained. It always trying to destroy the barriers and reach deeper toward its core body. Even the barriers were made from the lights rom its body it wasn't able to devour them due to some tricks from the invader still it was able to harm the barriers time to time. So it always needed to check over it.

As the invader remembered it it felt quite anxious and it told itself " When I solve the mystery behind these words which would unravel how to manifest the dark violet colored gas then I will leave as soon as possible and look at the condition of the six hundred and sixty sixth barrier. "

The invader with a serious mood looked at the next part of the sentence. " Nothing would remain, except the vice. " The invader was more scared right now when it noticed this sentence. Then it remembered that vision shown by a pink colored light ball from the colorful world. It seems like if it was careless for moment it condition would also be same as that white colored light ball that it saw in its vision.

The invader was scared for moment but soon it controlled itself. Yeah, I think the invader had gotten the habit of calming itself again and again.

Whatever, soon the invader got itself busy in solving the mystery behind those sentences.

Currently the invader was sure that the numbers represented the numbers of barriers it once created to protect its core. From this sentence.

" There are lots of six

You need six, six, six, and six ".

So, the invader needed to create the six thousand, six hundred and sixty sixth barrier. It would not only be able to manifest the dark violet colord gas but all the other colored gases that it use to produce.

Then the invader started to read the first part.

" Everything have a heart

No one knows, till it last

Even if you have heart

You don't have a heart "

The doubt was that if everything have a heart that means the invader also had a heart. It seems the gases are manifested from the so called heart. On the next it says that it might get destroyed at any time due to some unseen event. Thats for sure after its beloved barriers to destroyed due to some drop let of the seawater, the invader never foreseen these event to happen it happened abruptly.

The invader was quite bewildered when it read the next part. It didnt understand it at all. If I had a heart at the same time I also have a heart. After some decision and looking at the next part the invader made a conjecture. The invader read the sentence along with the previous part.

" Even if you have heart

You don't have a heart

There are lots of six

You need six, six, six, and six "

I always had heart but to make the heart have its effect I needed to manifest the six thousand, six hundred and sixty sixth barrier. Even if had something if it want useful to you and didn't have any effect then it would always be regarded as a nonexistense thing, like it has never been there.

The invader was quite happy that it was able to unravel all those puzzleing sentences. It got its answer that how to manifest the dark violet colored lights again.

The sriousness it had for a while also lifted a bit and the invader was quite happy from within.

As the invader had already got its answer it decided to leave this place as soon as possible after all there were a lot of shameful act done by it while it was here. Yeah, shameful act of begging.

As for the other part that the invader had yet to understand for those it thought it will think about the other part when it was out of this place. So, its first priority was to leave this place as soon as possible.