All new venture cylindrical pipe

Currently, the invader was ready to leave its subconscious world.

But the question is how will it leave this space.

The invader was forced out in its previous visit to this place its not like it wanted to leave. So, how will it be able to leave its subconscious world? The invader had no idea about it.

The invader looked at its surrounding without any idea what to do. For once in a while the invader thought of imagining the dangerous unrecognisable word but it removed that thought as soon as as it appeared in its mind.

The invader was afraid of the consequences of imagining that dangerous unrecognizable word too often. First it was able to transfer it from the world of the left eye to the world of the right eye without any warning, then it was able to destroy its subconscious world and force it out of the subconscious world but last not the least, that dreadful feeling it always felt while gazing at that unrecognizable word.

Whenever the invader thought about it, it always felt an unprecedented danger from this dangerous unrecognisable word. If it tried to gaze at it once more the something more bizarre effect might appear again and who knows it might also get destroyed while trying.

The invader knew of no other way than to imagine that dangerous unrecognisable word to destroy the current construction of the subconscious world and force itself out of this space.

But that was too risky, so the invader started to think of other ways to leave this place.

The invader kept thinking of a long time but itstill unable to come to conclusion.

The invader remembered that when it left this space it flew upward and soon left this space. So, the invader tried to jump up into the space get out of this place.

Soon the invader found that no matter how hard it tried and flew how high up into the space it didn't seem to feel any trace of the exit. And not only that due to the existence of the little blackness on its body, it would be pulled back into the place where it was before.

Simply, the invader wasn't able to fly in this space it can only jump high into the air to fall back again. There was an invisible layer where it should return no matter how high it flew or how deep it dived.

The invader tried to jump up to leave this place countless times . Except failure it got nothing in its non-existence hand.

Soon the dipressed invader started to think very deeply to formulate another plan.

The invader thought of destroying the construction, but it was already destroyed to the point that none of the dark wall came in its view where the invader was once stuck in. The invader soon thought that there might be some of the remaining part of the construction if it destroyed that part too it might be able to leave this place.

So, the invader started to find the remaining of the almost destroyed part of the construction of its subconscious mind. Soon the invader found some parts that were still attacked to the broken construction of that contruction.

The invader tried to break them by shooting its tentcle through the cylindrical pipe. Because this it had no issue involving safety, the invader used the tentacle which was half violet and half white. The indar purely wanted to destroy these fragments of the construction.

As the invader shot its tentacle to hit the fragments. The tentacle left the nozzle of the cylindrical pipe and it on one of the fragments.

After the invader hit the fragment with its tentacle the fragment just remained there without any change. Its like nothing had ever hit it. the invader shot at the same fragments few more times but there was no change to it at all.

As for the invader it thought when it will hit those fragments with its tentacle it will shatter into bits but the reality just smacked its non-existence face , there wasn't even a little bit of crack on it after hitting it several time with the violet and white colored tentacle.

The invader thought that it was because it was using the tentacle made of violet colored lights thatwas the reason why it didn't get destroyed. With this thought the invader started to adjust its tentacle and soon a pure white tentacle was created.

Soon, the invader used this tentacle to hit on the same fragment it hit previously, let alone getting destroyed there was not even a little scratch on it. The invader repeatedly hit on the same fragments few more times but the result was same.

The inavder looked at the whitecolored tentacle then it remembered when it hit the word in the map with the pure violet colored tentacle filled by the word, the sentence and the lines that were related to the word also crumbled from the map.

After coming to an another decision the invader decided to use only the violet colored lights to create a tentacle. Though it some time but the invader soon finished creating a violet colored tentcle.

Without any hesitation the invader loaded the violet colored lights in the cylindrical pipe ready to shoot at the same fragment that it previously hit. The violet colored tentacle hit on that fragment, still the result was the same. There not even a little bit of scratch on that fragment.

So, the invader came to an conclusion that this was the toughest fragmen of all the few scattered fragment present here. The invader soon targeted another fragment that was present there. The invader shot that fragment with its violet colored tentacle.

After hitting on that fragment for once that fragment just acted like the previous fragment. Le alone getting shattered there wasn't even a scratch on it too.

The invader felt quite disappointed upon such result. It started to think how to destroy these fragments?

After thinking for a while the invader kept looking at the cylindrical pipe that was attached to its spectral body. Seems like the invader had thought of something as it started to reconstruct the cylindrical pipe.

The invader started to wrap it, fold it, bind it, and grind it. After all this this process soon the invader formed a all new cylindrical pipe. The design of this cylindrical pipe was much different from the previous ones.

Previous design were very simple they looked like a common cylindrical pipe. But this cylindrical pipe was lot different. The nozzle of the pipe was quite extended now it cant even even be just called a cylindrical pipe instead it should be called venturi type cylindrical pipe.

It almost looked like musical wind instrument. like clarinet and oboe it had a big opening at its end and there were few enlarging part on its body. t body just looked like front part of a trombone, or a trumpet, To saw it clearly it more or less looked like shawm or a flutephone. If there was no enlarging part at the beginning of the pipe and it being a straight one or else it would just look like a viking war horn.

The invader randomly chose a fragment and place the mouth part of that newly made cylindrical pipe toward. Why I said mouth part because if you think of it as a wind instrument then the mouth part has always been the narrow part but currently the invader has placed the narrow part toward the targeted fragment.

Then it shot its violet colored tentacle through it. With a blinding speed the tentacle smashed itself on that fragment. Though the fragment didn't shattered like how the invader expected it to be but still where that tentacle had smashed itself before had turned little pit on it.

The invader wasn't disappointed from this result . Though it wasn't able to shatter the fragment it was at least able to made some srached on it. It was like it was better to have something than nothing.

Soon the invader shot its violet colored tentacle again through that venture cylindrical pipe. This time it seems that the speed was much faster than before. The invader shot it on the spot where there was already a little concave part. After it on the same spot. A little pit was formed on that spot.

The invader strtedto hit on the same spot again and again. Soon, a little crack started to form on the body of that fragment as the invader kept on hitting on the same spot the crack also start to enlarge with the flow of time.

Soon the crack enlargened a lot and there was deep pit on the middle of the fragment from where it originates from. After hitting for a while the fragment was almost at its breaking point. It was like if the invader hit on it once more then it would shatter immediately.

Though it seemed like the fragment was on its breaking point. Still the invader needed to hit few more time and finally the fragmen shaterred into many pieces. Th shattered pieces of the fragment started to fall into the dark space and soon they vanished into thin air.

As the shattered pieces of the fragents were quite black in color and the space was also pitck black dark. Itbmade the invader feel like the shattered pieces had vanished into thin air. Even it has fallen somewhere in the dark space the invader will never know of it.

Being successful in its attempt to shatter the fragments the invader was in hppy mood.