The invader vs the orange colored gas

After successfully destroying a fragment. The invader started to repeat the same that it used with the previous fragment.

Along with the flow of time, the invader also kept on shattering one fragment after another.

Soon almost all the fragments seem to have been destroyed.

Currently, the invader stood in front of that fragment on which it tried to smash at the first time. With a happy mood, the invader looked at this fragment for a while thinking what will happen to you now.

The invader then shot its tentacle through the newly made venture cylindrical pipe. The violet-colored tentacle shot through the nozzle and smashed into that fragment.

The invader was feeling giddy to see the result but when it saw the condition of that fragment its mood instantly turned grim.

Yes, there was not even a single scratch on this fragment just that time when it hit it with the regular cylindrical pipe.

The invader repeatedly hit it a few more times. But the result was the same no matter how it tried to hit it.

Now the invader was quite frustrated and angry on this fragment, it looked at this fragment for a moment and its anger kept increasing as it kept looking at it.

Then again the invader started to hit the fragment relentlessly.

It's been a while since the invader had kept on hitting it relentlessly but the result was the same even all this time.

As the invader was too angry on its failure to smash this fragment. As the invader was feeling angry its spectral body started to produce an all-new color on it and guess what it could be?

With full of anger, the invader still kept on shooting its violet-colored tentacle at that fragment. While the fragment remained the same there wasn't even a little scratch on it.

Meanwhile, the invader was bashing at the fragment for the first time there was a little bit of orange-colored gas appearing on its spectral body. It was also the first time something like gas appeared in this space.

The invader felt something wasn't right as suddenly it felt intense pain flowing through it. The invader started to scream I mean started to produce a weird vibration from its body.

The tiny bit of orange-colored gas started to vibrate. As we know let alone smashing this orange-colored gas if anyone comes near it and was inflicted by the spreading vibration that it produced they will sure get shattered in too many pieces.

As the orange-colored gas that appeared too near to the invader, let alone near to the invader it was on the spectral body of the invader. It bore the full brunt of the destructive effect of the orange-colored gas.

The invader kept on screaming its spectral body started to form some cracks. Those cracks started to widen continuously.

From the point where the orange-colored gas was located on the spectral body of the invader. Those cracks became soon became huge and it's spectral body was also separated into many pieces and each of the pieces of its spectral body kept screaming in pain.

Due to it's spectral body being divided into too many pieces and each pieces were screaming on their own tune.

One scream, two screams a lot of screams made a complete chaotic scene.

A few pieces of it's spectral body that was made of violet-colored lights also started to float away from there. Soon more of the shattered pieces of its spectral body started to float away from it.

Currently, the invader was in a very perilous situation. Even though it was shattered into many pieces it still remained there. If it was its original body that got destroyed like this then there would be no more invader in existence anymore and the story would stop then and there.

After some time the invader started to think. How can it think in such situations? We can't forget that the invader had a very good habit of calming itself at serious situations and thinking calmly.

All the screaming shattered pieces of the invader started to calm down one by one. Almost all the pieces of the invader's spectral body had moved away from there. Currently, there were at a point where the vibrational effect of the orange-colored wasn't present anymore.

Right now all the scattered pieces of the invader's spectral body were looking at the orange-colored gas that was constantly producing the destructive vibration it always use to produce.

No one what came inside the mind of the invader all the scattered pieces of the invader's spectral body would look at the orange-colored gas and then to the torn down venture cylindrical pipe.

I think that the invader was thinking about hitting the orange-colored gas with its broken-down venture cylindrical pipe.

Yes, my guess was correct how can I not be correct after all I am the author of this story. The scattered pieces of the invader's spectral bodies started to rejoin one by one. soon it completely formed a white spectral projection of its own.

Currently, all the violet-colored lights that it had on it previously were scattered all over the place, few of them even floated far toward all those huge gigantic colored lights balls. They are also quite hard to control so the invader lets them be just like that.

The invader then controlled a few of the violet-colored lights that were floating around it and soon it connected them to itself. The amount was too little still the invader created a violet-colored tentacle from it.

The invader stretched that tentacle toward the torn-down venture cylindrical pipe.

The front part of the venture cylindrical pipe was made of white-colored lights with some little violet-colored parts attached to it which were all broken down from its end. It didn't look like how it used to look before.

The violet-colored tentacle pulled this torn-down venture cylindrical pipe toward its spectral body.

After pulling the torn down venture cylindrical pipe he invader stared to observe it vary carefully. After checking it for a while the invader started to modify the broken down torn down venture cylindrical pipe.

After folding and molding the torn down venture cylindrical pipe for a while another all new new venture cylindrical pipe soon arrived.

This venture cylindrical pipe was lot different from the previous one. A lot why? Becasue almost all the violet colored constructed part has been destroyed and what remain currently was only the white colored part. After modification the violet colored part cant be seen anymore it was looked purely white from outside and those violet colored parts seems to have been vanished. I think the invader should have done something with it how can it vanish.

And for it's body it looked quite smaller than the previous one. Its looked like only its front part remained a big opening at one end and on other end it was narrow. The bumps that it once use to have seems to have vanished too. Currently it perfectly looked like a straight vikng war horn.

As I thought, the invader took its newly made violet colord tentacle and put inside the big opening of the venture cylindrical pipe and then it shot it toward the orange colored gas. But due to its size being quite small it didn't even reach the orange colored gas. It reached certain distance but not the orange coloredgas and upon its return half of the violet colored tentacle got shaterred into many pieces and they started to float into the space.

Looking at such result the invader knew that if it wanted to hit the orange colored gas it needed to hit it with more speed and the length of the tentacle should be more than enough to make sure it can succeed in its next try.

The invader floated around that space for a while and collected a lots of floating pieces of the violet colored lights. Then it started to modify the venture cylindrical pipe.

After some modification the venture cylindrical pipe loked a little longer than before but t still looked complete white. Along with this the invader also formed a ciolet colored tentacle that was more than long enough to reach the orange colored gas and strict it.

Soon the invader loaded its violet colored tentacle inside the venture cylindrical pipe. After loading the violet colored tentacle the invader started to aim at the tiny orange colored gas.

The kept its aiming position for a while it didn't fire its violet colored tentacle abruptly. The invadervwas measuring the distance and also how it would hit the orange colored gas after all the orange colored gas was quite tiny in size and there was a big possibility of missing it.

Soon the invader fired its violet colored tentacle through the venture cylindrical pipe. The violet colored tentacle spun at a very high speed and left the narrow nozzle of the venture cylindrical pipe. Currently it was moving at a very high speed and it seems it was going at a wrong direction but soon it swung in the air and a arc in the air before it sped toward the orange colored gas.

It didn't take too long for the violet colored tentacle to reach and hit the tiny orange colored gas that kept on vibrating.