No other way

The invader searched all over the tried to find more of the violet-colored lights. Soon it found more violet-colored far from where the past event unfolded.

The collected violet-colored lights were nearly equal to the amount when it produced it with a hefty amount. Only a little bit of violet-colored lights seem to have drifted further away from there no one where it has gone.

The invader looked at the collected violet-colored lights they are more than enough for it to create another set of violet-colored sheets for filtaration.

The invader then soon started to create another set of sheets from those violet-colored lights. It again started to repeat the process of filtering the violet-colored gas.

Soon almost all the available violet-colored lights seem to have gone through repeated filtering. But right now almost all the sheets that were placed in the process there were barely any amount of violet-colored lights that got filtered.

The invader needed to process more than four to five sets of sheets of violet-colored lights then only the unwrapped part of the orange-colored gas got covered by the filtered violet-colored lights.

To put the sets of sheets made from violet-colored lights the invader got behind the sheets and threw the sheets one by one toward the unwrapped part of the orange-colored gas. Those sheets immediately got destroyed even before they can reach the violet-colored lights. And a bit of the violet-colored lights would cover the unwrapped part orange-colored gas.

After the unwrapped part was completely covered the invader would use the old procedure. But soon it needed to repeat both new and old procedures to continue the process of filtering the violet-colored lights.

Thus, there were fewer and fewer amount of filtered violet-colored lights for extraction.

During all this running process soon a time came when the invader tried to filter the violet-colored lights but no matter how it tried there were no filtered violet-colored lights for extraction.

The invader still tried to initiate the process of filtering the violet-colored lights a few more times. After some more tries, the invader came to understand that no matter how it tried there won't be any more filtered violet-colored it seems there were only this much of violet-colored lights that had the ability to control the orange-colored gas.

The invader stopped what it was doing then it calmly tried to think of its next move. Soon the invader looked at the white damaged venture cylindrical pipe. It looked at the holes that appeared due to getting inflicted by the destructive waves.

Soon the invader took the damaged venture cylindrical pipe and it directly disassembled the venture cylindrical pipe and it started to reconstruct it again. There was another process of wrapping and folding it. This time the invader didn't use the violet-colored lights but the white-colored light from its spectral body.

Soon all new venture cylindrical pipe appeared again. As it was created from the white-colored lights it was completely white in color.

Soon the invader started to detach all those unfiltered violet-colored lights from its spectral body. Within a few moments, the invader had completely detached those unfiltered violet-colored lights from its spectral body.

Then the invader created a white-colored tentacle from the lights of its spectral body. After that, it started to take out those filtered violet-colored lights from its safe vaults where it stored them.

The invader wrapped those filtered violet-colored lights in its white-colored tentacle and started to put them inside the venture cylindrical pipe. After putting a few more filtered violet-colored inside the venture cylindrical pipe. The invader stated to paste them on the inner part of the venture cylindrical pipe.

Soon, half of the inner part of the venture cylindrical pipe was coated with filtered violet-colored lights. Again the invader took out some more filtered violet-colored lights from its safe vault and used them to coat the inner part of the venture cylindrical pipe that was left to cover before.

After completely coating the inner part of the venture cylindrical pipe, it looked just like before. There were not many differences in appearance but the materials and the process of making this venture cylindrical pipe were quite different from before.

The invader then looked at the violet-colored ball of lights that wrapped the destructive orange-colored gas. Then it stretched the white-colored tentacle that it created before toward the violet-colored ball.

The invader pulled the violet-colored lights ball toward itself then it put it inside the venture cylindrical pipe. After purring inside the invader controlled it and moved it toward the narrow opening of the venture cylindrical pipe.

The narrow opening of the venture cylindrical pipe was a bit wider for the violet ball of lights to fit in. After noticing this problem the invader then started to think of a solution. Then it quickly used its white-colored tentacle to modify the narrow part of the venture cylindrical pipe.

After modification, there was a tiny bulging part near the narrow opening. And the violet-colored lights ball completely fitted in the narrow opening. Soon the invader seems to have done something immediately the opening became just like before. Then again the invader had done something that the narrow part shrank to fit the violet-colored ball.

The invader was extremely happy with what it has done.

Soon the invader remembered about the fragment that didn't get destroyed no matter how the invader tried to hit it. It got beaten by the invader in various ways for countless times but after all those beating there was not even a single scratch on that fragment.

The invader soon found that fragment that was a bit away from its current position. The invader soon floated toward it.

After reaching there the invader looked at the fragment for some time.

Suddenly the invader put the larger opening of the venture cylindrical pipe toward that fragment. After putting in position the invader paused for a few moments again. Like it was taking deem breath to stabilize itself. Oh sorry, how can it breathe it didn't even have any lungs.

The invader soon stretched a white-colored tentacle on the narrow opening of the venture cylindrical pipe behind the violet-colored ball. What! the invader is trying to shoot tentacle again no way.

No, the invader controlled the violet-colored lights on the violet-colored ball and slowly, slowly and started to unwrap the covering of the orange-colored gas. Obviously, the unwrapped part was on the other side of the invader inside the venture cylindrical pipe.

As the invader slowly, slowly unwrapped the violet-colored lights covering the orange-colored gas. Immediately the destructive waves started to flow through the inner part of the venture cylindrical pipe.

Few of the destructive waves came out of the bg opening of the venture cylindrical pipe and struck on that fragment and immediately the so-called indestructible fragment shattered into pieces and mixed with dark space after getting shattered.

However, another unexpected thing happened inside the venture cylindrical pipe. No, the venture cylindrical pipe didn't get damaged but a few of the violet-colored coating in the inner part of the venture cylindrical pipe fell on the unwrapped part of the orange-colored gas completely covering it.

What! the invader wasn't surprised by this outcome. It seems to have been anticipated such an outcome.

After shattering that fragment the invader seems to be in quite a happy mood. Then the invader stood there like it was waiting for something.

It seems that a long time has passed and the invader still stood there. Suddenly the invader's mood turned completely grim.

The invader thought that when it destroyed all the fragments it would automatically leave its subconscious space. But that didn't happen. So, what can it do to leave this place?

Suddenly in its mind came the idea of imagining that dangerous unrecognizable word. And instantly its's mood turned grim upon thinking about this. It felt like all the things it did for was for naught.

Currently, the invader had no other choice but to imagine the dangerous unrecognizable word to get out of this place. But it was hesitating a lot to use this method. While another issue came into its mind that forced it to use any method possible to get out of this place. that was the existence of the pink-colored gas in its semi-solid form was more dangerous than anything else toward its life.

Having the made te decision the invader proceeded to imagine the dangerous unrecognizable word. But whenever it tried to imagine it would falter it was truly afraid of that dangerous unrecognizable word. It instinctively didn't even dare to imagine the dangerous unrecognizable word.

As usual, the invader calmed itself down for a moment then with a clear mind it started to imagine the sentence related to that dangerous unrecognizable word.

" **** closes his eyes as the deprived one is born, it begins as the harmony gets disrupted "

The invader got quite interested in the word " the depraved one ". Who is this depraved one? How will it disrupt the so-called harmony?

While reading this sentence the invader thought to itself how good would it be if the dark blue ball of light shows the detail about the seawater then it can unravel all the unrecognizable words on the map now that it knew more of its functions. Then again it might also come to know how to control the seawater.

The invader unintentionally the invader also starts to read the first part. And when its sense focuses on the dangerous unrecognizable word. Suddenly unbearable pain stikes the invader's spectral body.

The invader screams in pain uncontrollably not even stopping for a moment.

The invader screams with releasing weird vibration from its spectal body for a long time until it faints from the extreme pain.