Red mucous like things

After imagining the dangerous unrecognizable word the invader felt extreme unimaginable pain until it faints from extreme pain.

After a long time, the invader comes into its senses. It finds that in front of it there were that sea waves coming and going according to its time continuously. It was still in that terrain where there was no way back or forward.

The invader sighed in relief after realizing that it wasn't in its subconscious world.

Soon the invader looked toward its own body not its spectral body to look at the condition of its six hundred and sixty-sixth barrier.

As expected there were too many holes in its six hundred and sixty-sixth barrier. The pink-colored gas in its semi-solid form has almost destroyed the six hundred and sixty-sixth barrier and about reach deeper into the next barrier. Not only that there few fleshly pink-colored gases were acting like mucous drooping deep into the inner side of the barriers. Few of such mucous-like things have already breached deeper into the six hundred and thirty-seventh barrier.

The invader felt that it was in its subconscious world for a very long time giving such misfortune to occur. But at least most of the fleshy pink-colored gas was still in the six hundred and sixty-sixth barrier.

And those mucous-like things that have breached deeper into the six hundred thirty-seventh barriers looked much different from those that were still stuck at the six hundred and sixty-sixth barrier. It was able to drill deeper because the invader mostly strengthened the six hundred and sixty-sixth barrier and the barriers behind it were just normal barriers that weren't strengthened enough.

Those drooping mucous wasn't pink in color at all it was red in color and hot in nature. Same as those hot red liquid that formed when the red crystal stabbed into the fleshy pink colored gas. There were a few parts that looked reddish-pink in color. Some black and white matters can be seen oozing out of those mucous-like things.

The invader most amazed by another fact is that there were complete white-colored crystals poking out from certain positions. They looked completely like those red-colored crystals just they were completely white in color and much thinner than it. Few of them were so thin that it seems like someone has pricked a large watermelon with a small toothpick.

Then the invader's attention fell on the fleshy pink-colored gas in its six hundred and sixty-sixth barrier. The invader saw that there were very few red-colored crystals embedded in it. Because most of the red-colored crystals had similarly gotten thinner and they were white in color. There were very few that were still red in color.

The invader knew it won't be long for those red crystals to turn thin white too. This made the invader feel how dangerous the fleshy pink-colored gas is. It didn't even leave the red crystals formed from the purple-colored gas. And turning them thin and white absorbing all of their vitality.

The invader then started to retract those drooping mucous back into the six hundred and sixty-sixth barrier.

It formed a tentacle over its six hundred thirty-seventh barrier to wrap those drooping mucous-like things and throw them back into the six hundred and sixty-sixth barrier through the holes that it had created while breaching the barriers.

But whenever it tried to catch them with its tentacle they would wiggle away from there. The invader also sped up its tentacle to catch those mucous-like. It seems along with the increase in speed of the tentacle the mucous-like things also increased their speed to avoid getting caught by those tentacles.

The invader tried hard to catch them but none of them fell in its tentacle. They just wiggle away from those tentacles avoiding them. Soon the invader increased the speed of its tentacle.

Soon after that, it caught a few of those mucous-like things with its tentacle and threw them into six hundred and sixty-sixth barrier through the holes that were created by it. When the invader caught them with its tentacle the tentacle started to shrink at a fast pace those mucous-like things were absorbing the lights that it was made of, so the invader tried to throw them as fast as possible into the six hundred and sixty-sixth barrier. When the invader looked at its tentacles they were looked less than half of its original size.

There were still more than three such things still wiggling in the six hundred thirty-seventh barrier. The invader was worried right now that these mucous-like things were much dangerous than those fleshy pink-colored gas in the six hundred and sixty-sixth barrier.

The invader tried to catch them more seriously with its tentacles this time the invader even whipped with its tentacles toward these four mucous-like things that were still left to transfer.

After a long time finally, the invader had caught three of them with its tentacle then t threw them into the six hundred and sixty-sixth barrier immediately. There was still one left in the six hundred thirty-seventh barrier.

The invader looked at this lone mucous that was still wiggling in the six hundred sixty-sixth barrier and making weird noises from its body. It felt very irritating to the invader, it never heard such absonant cacophonous sounds in its whole life.

The invader tried to catch it for a very long time. Every time when it was almost caught by the tentacle that mucous-like thing would make those absonant cacophonous sounds the invader would feel irritated and its tentacle would falter giving a chance for it to run away. After running away from there the mucous-like thing would again produce those absonant cacophonous sounds for a while and then start to run around the six hundred thirty-seventh barrier dodging the invader's tentacle. But the main thing was that it was much faster than all those mucous-like things, that was the reason for it to not getting caught by the invader's tentacle.

Even after countless tries, the invader was still unable to catch it. While the invader was busy trying to catch it. Those mucous-like things in the six hundred sixty-sixth barrier were already drooping away from the six hundred sixty-sixth barrier toward the inner barriers through the holes in the barrier.

The invader then quickly took a few tentacles and whipped them toward the mucous-like things that were escaping from the six hundred sixty-sixth barrier toward the inners barrier through the holes in the six hundred sixty-sixth barrier.

Soon the invader wrapped them with its tentacle and then threw them into the six hundred sixty-sixth barrier as much fast as possible. After throwing back into the six hundred sixty-sixth barrier the invader started to mend the hols in the six hundred sixty-sixth barrier.

After mending the holes in the six hundred sixty-sixth barrier it even started to strengthen the six hundred sixty-sixth barrier, so that the fleshy pink colored gas can't do any damage to it for a while.

As the way to the six hundred sixty-sixth barrier was enclosed there was no way to make the last remaining mucous-like thing in the six hundred thirty-seventh barrier to return on the six hundred sixty-sixth barrier.

The invader now started to observe the small mucous-like thing in the six hundred thirty-seventh barrier.

The mucous-like thing was wiggling around the barrier and from time to time it would make those absonant cacophonous sounds.

After looking at it for some more the invader decided to strengthen the barrier on the six hundred thirty-seventh barrier. The invader started to strengthen the barrier.

After strengthening the barrier the invader started to look at the other barriers between the six hundred sixty-sixth barrier and the six hundred thirty-seventh barrier. There few holes on them too. So the invader started to mend those in the too.

Soon all the holes present in those barriers had already been mended. The invader heaved a sigh of relief after completing its task. Then it stared at its work for some time.

Again it started to strengthen those barriers that it just mended right now. After strengthening a few of them the invader even looked at the barriers below the six hundred thirty-seventh barrier. And the invader drove itself to strengthen a few of those barriers too.

The invader was cautious of any unfortunate event being caused in the future due to its misjudgment. Safety is first, the main motto of the invader.

Then the invader started to check its whole body. To find if there's anything amiss. After finding that there was no problem. After the problem with the barriers caused by the fleshy pink colored gas had already been solved by the invader there doesn't seem to be any other problem on it.

After making sure that it didn't miss anything. It again sighed in relief.

The invader started to look around itself for a while.

Then the invader started to recall its journey into its subconscious world. The memories from the world of the subconscious mind seem to be quite vague. The invader tried hard to make them more clear.

The invader knew why it wanted to go to the subconscious world. If it didn't make them more clear it would be futile journey and all the pain it felt in the subconscious world would be for naught.