Uncover that mysterious veil

While the invader was in great dilemma.

The miniature spinning wheels just did what it supposed to do. Of course to convert the dark violet colored gas into violet colored lights.

So, meanwhile the miniature spinning wheels had converted all the other dark violet colored gas alongwith the miniature violet colored gas itself.

So currently there were no dark violet colored gas on the outermost barrier of the invader.

The invader can only sigh. It was quite the unexpected situations.

The invader then started thinking why did this unexpected situation occurred?

After thinking for a while the invader had a thought or assumption.

The invader thought that it might be because the amount of dark violet colored gas the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier produced was higher than the previous time. That can be the reason why did sudden the rate of conversion increased.

The invader thought to test out its thought and make sure whatever it thought was correct.

Such the invader again ordered its six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier to manifest the dark violet colored gas.

Soon dark violet colored gas started to appear on the outermost barrier of the invader.

After few moments one twelve part of the outermost barrier was covered with the dark violet colored gas.

The invader stopped ordering its six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier and it immediately stopped producing the dark violet colored gas.

The invader then proceeded to create those miniature spinning wheels. As the invader willed soon few dark violet colored miniature spinning wheels appeared.

As soon as the miniature wheels appeared those spinning wheels started to spin immediately with out delay.

The invader was also watching the procedure at which rate the miniature spinning wheels were spinning at.

Everything was the same as usual there were no changes in the rate at which the miniature spinning wheels were spinning at.

The invader just kept observing the miniature spinning wheels. The invader felt that the changes that occurred previous time was covered in mysterious veil.

Because as per the invader at the rate the spinning wheels were spinning at was same when first it observed these spinning wheels so what can happen during the conversion process. Wouldn't it be the same.

However the invader just waited for the time when these miniature spinning wheels would start converting the dark violet colored gas.

Like this the invader just kept waiting and waiting.

Just like this quite a long time has passed. As per the invader currently the miniature spin wheels should start converting the dark violet colored gas. Because the previous time the miniature spinning wheels had started the conversion process at this time.

But something like this didn't happen the invader just kept on waiting.

Again some time has passed since then soon the invader realized that exactly at this time the miniature spinning wheels started the conversion when the invader first started to observe the dark violet colored gas and the miniature spinning wheels.

Still the miniature spinning wheels present infront of the invader hadn't started the conversion process.

The invader still just kept for the time when the miniature spinning wheels would start converting the dark violet colored gas.

After quite a long time the miniature spinning wheels started to convert the dark violet colored gas into violet colored lights.

The invader soon focused at the miniature spinning wheels.

The invader kept on observing the miniature spinning wheels the invader noticed that although the conversion rate by each of the spinning rate was same as usual still it seems quite slower than the two previous attempt.

The invader was dumbfounded by this discovery. So the invader started to find what did it miss.

If the rate at which the miniature spinning wheels spun and the conversion rate was also same why does it seems like that the miniature spinning wheels were converting the dark violet colored at quite slower pace.

The invader thought what was the thing that it was missing.

Although it was proven right that with less amount of dark violet colored gas. The speed of conversion was also less.

Soon almost all the dark violet colored gas over the outermost barrier was on the brink of getting converted into violet colored lights.

The invader wanted to observe it more so it can't let the process of conversion end right now. So, the invader ordered its six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier to produce dark violet colored gas to support the continuation of the conversion process.

As usual the speed of conversion was doubling at each rotation. But still it felt like the process of conversion was much slower compared to before.

The invader started to look thoroughly through the dark violet colored gas and the miniature spinning wheels.

Still the invader didn't find anything worthwhile. So, currently the invader thought about observing the current scenes and record them in its mind.

So, the invader just started to supply the dark violet colored gas for further conversion of the dark violet colored gas by the miniature spinning wheels.

Meanwhile the invader just watched the scenes infront of them.

Along with the passage of time the invader had also accurately quite a lot of violet colored lights.

And the speed of conversion also reached at an unpredictable level.

The invader seems quite contained. So, the invader stopped supplying anymore dark violet colored for further conversion of the dark violet colored gas.

The invader stopped and looked at the accumulated violet colored lights. There were one fourth of higher amount of dark violet colored lights than most amount the invader had ever accumulated.

The invader didn't do anything with the accumulated violet colored lights. It just left it where it was. And the invader started to recall what it saw just now.

Then the invader started to recall the moment from the previous unexpected event.

The invader kept both of the images side by side and started to compare them in its mind.

As usual the invader found that the rate of speed at which the miniature spinning wheels was spinning at was same in the both memories.

The invader fast forwarded both the memories to the point where the miniature spinning had started the conversion process.

The invader still saw the same thing about the speed of conversion from both the memories. But still it seems that the previous memory was converting the dark violet colored gas much faster than the recent memories.

The invader started to look thoroughly through both the memories several times.

Soon the invader what was the main problem in both the situation. There seems to be a lot more miniature spinning wheels in the larger amount of violet colored gas.

While there were quite less number of miniature spinning wheels when there were less amount of dark violet colored gas has been accumulated.

When the invader willed for the creation of the miniature spinning wheels. The production number of the miniature spinning wheels seems to be dependent on the amount of dark violet colored gas produced.

The invader felt like the mysterious veil that covered through the previous unexpected accident seems to have removed now.

The invader sighed with satisfaction.

And soon the invader noticed the heap of violet colored lights beside it. The heap was much larger than any other heaps that it ever produced.

So the invader stared at the huge amount of violet colored gas beside dor a moment.

Then the invader just took a bunch of violet colored lights toward itself.

The invader started to weave sheets of barriers with those violet colored lights.

After quite a while the invader weaved a sheets of barrier. The invader continued to weave sheets of clothes like barriers one after another.

After quite a long time the invader had weaved a lot of barriers with those violet colored lights that it just converted from the dark violet colored gas.

Currently there were more than ten thousand complete multi folded barriers over the body of the invader.

From one thousand barriers till the outermost barrier that was in ten thousand plus place was completely made from the violet colored lights.

Except the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier that had a mixture of violet colored lights and the white colored lights.

The invader was quite happy so it starts to float around that place.

While floating around that place the invader soon noticed the chaotic dark violet colored gas that was still wildly dancing in that same place.

Currently the dancing dark violet colored gas smashed itself into the terrain with force than before.

And the range where the dark violet colored dancing tentacles reached was quite longer than before too.

The invader stopped and looked at the chaotic dance of the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

Just like before again when the invader looked at the dancing chaotic dark violet colored gas. It started to feel high.

The deep arrogance started to rise inside the non-existent heart of the invader.

The arrogant invader just kept looking at the chaotic dark violet colored gas like it was watching a performance.

Not just any performance the invader felt like it was a king watching a court dancer perform while it enjoyed it from its grand seat.