A complete reconstruction of six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier

The invader was watching the bizzare dance of the chaotic dark violet colored gas. It's been quite a while since the invader had started to watch the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

After quite a long time the invader came back to its own sense.

Currently the invader was in its normal state not too high nor too arrogant. The fuzzy feelings that covered its mind just some time ago was also gone.

The normal invader started to remember what it felt just now when it stared at the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

As per as the invader knew there were no such effect produced by the dark violet colored gas.

Then the invader remembered the certain flashes of different kind of colors in the dark violet colored gas. It seems that this kind of effects were caused by one of those colored gas or lights that was presented inside the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

The invader didn't ponder way too much and stepped away from there who knows when those chaotic dancing tentacles of the chaotic dark violet colored gas would come crashing down on it.

Soon the invader was feeling quite happy and it looked at the dark unsightly sea water coming and going forth in an orderly manner.

Still the invader was quite happy, the unsightly dark sea waves didn't make any changes to its happy mood. While looking at the sea waves the invader remembered how it lost more than half of its outer barriers only leaving one thousand one barriers behind. If the invader wasn't careful that time not just the barriers there might not be any invader watching the dark sea waves coming and going back and forth in orderly manner.

The invader just stared at the Black sea waves for a while.

Currently the invader had recovered its six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barriers along with extra barriers that were made with violet colored lights.

Currently there were more than ten thousand barriers on the invader where as there were more than nine thousand barriers that were made from the violet colored lights.

The invader was currently radiating with violet color due to the outer barriers being violet in color.

The invader thought that now that it had recovered its six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier and can manifest the dark violet colored gas. Right now it had a way to run away from this place.

With this amount of violet colored lights as barriers the speed at which it would be able to reach is more than enought to reach back to the other side.

The invader thought that it should prepare itself for the worst condition while travelling back from here.

So, the invader decided to manifest the other gases as a security.

As for the other gases the first thing came to the invader's mind was orange colored gas. The invader has always been a great fan of the destructive nature of the orange colored gas.

The invader soon willed toward the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barriers for the manifestation of the orange colored gas.

The invader waited patiently for the production of the orange colored gas.

The waited for a while still there were no trace of orange colored gas from the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier.

The invader repeated ordered the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier to manifest the orange colored gas.

Then the invader panicked a bit because the orange colored gas a gas where there were always a invisible caution marked written over it " handle with care ".

Because how much destruction it inflicts other it can do the same thing with the user too if it wasn't handled properly. It was like a bomb that no can mess with.

And if the invader ordered a lot of times and then when the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier starts to manifest the orange colored gas it might produce a lot of orange colored gas. And that would be quite troublesome.

The invader then didn't order the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier recklessly and just waited for the manifestation of the orange colored gas.

The invader waited for quite a long time. But still there was no trace of the orange colored gas being produced by the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier.

After waiting for quite a long time the invader started to feel frustrated. As per the sentence that the invader learnt from the subconscious world the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier should be able to produce all the colored gases from it.

The invader then started to reason why didn't the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier was able to produce the orange colored gas.

Then the invader thought that if there were realy any problem with the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier then shouldn't be able to produce any other colored gas.

At this time the invader ordered the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier to produce the dark violet colored gas.

As soon as the invader ordered the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier immediately started to produce the dark violet colored gas.

As soon as the dark violet colored gas produced by the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier. The invader knew that there wa no problem with the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier.

Then the question came why didn't the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier wasn't able to manifest the orange colored gas?

Soon the invader started to think about the said problem. After thinking for a few moments the invader suddenly came to a realisation.

The invader had once faced a similar situation before. It was at that time when the invader constructed the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier completely with the violet colored lights and it didn't produce any dark violet colored gas until the invader mixed some white colored lights within it. Then only the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier was able to produce the dark violet colored gas.

Then the invader made a guess that for the manifestation of the orange colored gas by the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier. The invader need to fill up some condition.

The condition should be that there should be a limit to the use of the violet colored lights in the barrier to manifest certain type of gases.

So, the invader needed to remove some constructed violet colored lights and add white colored lights in the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier.

As the invader thought it started to slowly slowly deconstruct a violet colored part of the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier.

At the meantime the invader threw some white colored threads toward the deconstructed parts. Weaving them into barriers to fill in the gap left behind after the deconstruction.

Soon half of the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier was white in color while the other half was still violet on color.

Soon the invader ordered its six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier to produce the orange colored gas.

The invader waited for sometime still there were no reaction from the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier.

The invader soon started to deconstruct more of the violet colored construction from the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier and filled the gap with white colored lights.

Soon more than half of the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier was made from the white colored lights.

The invader again ordered its six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier to produce the orange colored gas.

This time as soon as the invader ordered the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier to manifest the orange colored gas. Immediately following that moment the invader saw that there were orange colored gas coming out of the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier.

The invader sighed with relief. This proved that what the invader had assumed was actually right.

Right now it was time for the invader manifest some orange colored gas from the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier but the invader didn't proceed to order the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier to produce more of the orange colored gas.

Instead the invader started to think for a moment. Who knows why did the invader had such idea.

The invader decided deconstruct the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barriers and reconstruct it completely with the white colored lights from its main body.

With a single thought of the invader the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier immediately fell apart and along with it some white colored lights, a little amount of violet colored gas and some tiny amount of dark violet colored gas and orange colored gas started to float around between the six thousand six hundred and sixty fifth barrier and six thousand six hundred and sixty seventh barrier.

The invader spread some more white colored lights from its main body toward this place. The invader removed the floating violet colored lights from that gap. Now there was only pure white colored lights between the gap of six thousand six hundred and sixty fifth barrier and six thousand six hundred and sixty seventh barrier.