Reappearance of venture cylindrical pipe

The invader took a non-existent deep breath.

Soon the invader started to weave a all new barrier where the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier previously stood.

Obviously this new barrier was supposed to take place of the previous six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier.

It didn't take too long to construct a all new white colored barrier after all the process of weaving with the white colored lights was much faster than while doing with the violet colored lights.

Every one might think why did the invader just weaved the whole six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier a new?

The invader thought that while the other colored gas it may need to remove more of the violet colored from the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier. So, why not recreate it completely with white colored lights.

After completing the weaving of the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier the invader looked at with joy. And it felt proud of itself and it's intelligence.

The invader soon ordered its six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier to manifest the orange colored gas.

As expected the newly created six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier immediately started to produce the orange colored gas.

Soon there were quite the amount of orange colored gas accumulated between the gap of the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier and the barrier stood above it.

As the orange colored gas appeared between the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier and the barrier stood above it.

The six thousand six hundred sixty seventh barrier that was near the orange colored gas started to crack little by little then it started to crack unceasingly.

Soon the whole six thousand six hundred sixty seventh barrier collapsed and after it collapsed it seems that the six thousand six hundred sixty eighth barrier has also started to crack little by little.

The invader never expected something like this to happen.

The destructive effect of the orange seems to have appered even before the invader tried to stirring the orange colored gas.

Currently the invader just looked at the six thousand six hundred sixty eighth barrier cracking and breaking apart as the waves from the vibrating of the orange colored gas affecting it.

Soon the six thousand six hundred sixty eighth barrier also broke apart completely. Next the six thousand six hundred sixty nine barrier aslo started to crack little followed by the destruction of the six thousand six hundred sixty eighth barrier.

The invader just looked at the barriers being destroyed one after another not intending to do anything at all. Most importantly it seems that the invader didn't have anything that can do to stop the destruction of the barriers.

The invader fell into deep thought again while the six thousand six hundred sixty nine barrier was cracking unceasingly and soon it will also follow the other destroyed barriers.

The invader started to think about the orange colored gas that currently being manifested by the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier and about how to stop the destruction caused by it?

Firstly the invader was amazed by the destructiveness of the recently produced orange colored gas. Previously when the invader manifested this orange colored gas it wasn't that destructive like how it is right now.

The invader was thinking and thinking and suddenly the remembered the incidents from the subconscious world.

The invader remembered that the orange colored gas from the subconscious world was as strong as this orange colored that has been recently manifested by the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier.

An unknown unpleasant memory seemed to be surfacing in the mind of the invader. The unpleasant memory where the invader shattered its own spectral body with the effect of the orange colored gas inside its subconscious world.

The invader felt a chill run down its non-existent back. The invader thought, let alone the pain it felt that time. The main thing is that it was its spectral body that got shattered into many pieces.

Currently the same kind of orange colored gas appeared in reality what would happen if now it got shattered by this orange colored gas. That was its spectral body no matter many pieces it shattered into it will just rejoin together again to its original condition.

But in reality of the invaders main body shatters into many pieces will it be able to reconstruct it again. No no, that's impossible that can only happen in the subconscious world not in real world.

If truly the invaders main body gets destroyed then there wouldn't be any invader in existence anymore. And I as the author need to drop this book.

The invader was just amused by the destructiveness of the orange colored gas but now after the resurfacing of the lost memories about the orange colored gas from the subconscious world the invader was scared. Scared beyond belief.

The invader always knew that nothing would happen of the invader just thought about how scary it is, the invader needed to find a solution to control this destructive orange colored gas.

The invader soon calmed itself down and right now the invader's mind was completely empty. The invader knew that now was the time to think about some when it wasn't feeling feeling anxious, fear, etc.

Meanwhile more than fifteen barriers had already been destroyed by the destructive waves of the orange colored gas.

The invader wasn't interested in knowing how many barriers has currently been destroyed by the destructive waves of the orange colored gas.

The invader just looked through its memory from the subconscious world. The invader saw how it controlled the orange colored gas with the violet colored lights.

After repeatedly watching the same thing two more times the invader decided to repeat the same process in the real world.

Meanwhile more than fifty barriers has already been destroyed by the destructive waves produced by the vibrating body of the orange colored gas.

The invader quickly started to deconstruct the violet colored barriers that were covering it and formed a hole in all of them. Like some one has thrusted a spear on the barriers on the invader making hole in each of the barriers one after another.

The invader didn't move the orange colored gas from there instead it itself made itself move away from there while the invader moved from there the orange colored gas also passed through those holes in the barriers.

The invader kept a safe distance between itself and the vibrating orange colored gas.

The invader then looked at its barriers where there was a hole in each of the barrier that it had created itself. There was also a lots of cracks on all of those violet colored barriers. It seems that when the orange colored passed through them, they got inflicted by the destructive waves and all these barriers had some cracks spreading from the hole.

The invader took some time to settle itself down.

Then the invader proceeded to take the next procedure.

The invader felt a little hesitant to take step but still the invader took out some white colored lights from its main body then the invader started to wrap it fold it and mold it.

Soon the invader made a venture cylindrical pipe similar to what it saw it in its memory.

After creating the venture cylindrical pipe the invader didn't just stop there instead it started to separate the multilayered violet colored barriers into single fold barriers.

The invader soon thought about throwing these single folded barriers toward the colored gas.

But the invader understood one more thing that as the invader had separated those multi layers of violet colored gas and formed single layered violet colored lights barrier.

If the invader threw these single layered violet colored barriers toward the orange colored gas the destructive waves from the orange colored gas might destroy them even before they had a chance to reach nearer to it.

The invader's sense fell on the venture cylindrical pipe by its side. The invader also remembered how it threw the violet colored tentacle toward the ring orange colored gas to destroy it. But there comes another function of the violet colored lights.

So the invader startes to roll the single folded violet colored barrier and installed it inside the venture cylindrical pipe. Just like how it did in the subconscious world. Here in real world the invader used single layered barrier insted of a violet colored tentacle.

The invader soon shot a rolled barrier from its venture cylindrical pipe.

The rolled barrier flew at the orange colored gas at an unprecedented speed. It shot like a rocket.

The single layered violet colored barrier has reached much nearer to the orange colored gas. Upon reaching too near it immediately shattered into many pieces and those shattered pieces also started to shatter little by little.

Now looking at the shattered pieces that were being shattered into many pieces the invader felt quite weird. It thought if this destructive waves of the orange colored gas keep on destroying the violet colored lights like this then the invader might not even find any trace of the violet colored lights that it threw at the orange colored gas.