The failed attempt to cross the chaotic dark violet colored gas

When the invader remembered about the pink colored gas. The invader felt a bit of anger, depression, and sorts of feelings started to enveloped the invader these feelings were not not on the good side at all.

So manifesting the pink colored gas that has never been considered. Even if the thought that manifesting the pink colored gas the invader would remove the thought as soon as possible.

The invader then thought about the light blue colored gas. The most silent type that doesn't seems to have any harm effect or any advantages effect at all.

Simply the light blue colored gas didn't have any use.

So, as manifesting the light blue colored gas has no effect or anything like that the invader decided to manifest the light blue colored gas.

The invader soon ordered the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier to manifest the light blue gas.

As the invader willed soon the light blue gas started to appear above the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier.

Soon a lot of light blue colored gas appeared above the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier.

As those light blue colored gas appeared the light blue colored gas started to vibrate on their own then they started to move roll around itself and they formed a long tentacle like shapes and there were a lot of them.

The invader was all the tentacle like light blue gas soon started to merge with each other.

This action was similar to a snake game I remember where you need to eat the fruits around yourself to enlarge your own snake.

But here the other light blue ropes made of light blue colored gas were merging with each other. Then soon all the remnant light blue ropes has already merged with each other and formed one single long rope like single existence.

That single rope or tentacle like form of the light blue gas started to descend on the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier.

And the light blue colored rope wrapped itself on the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier and remained there silently it didn't have any intension to move from there.

The invader knew something like this would happen so it didn't bother the invader at all.

Currently there were a handful of green colored gas that has been accumulated above the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier.

The invader sensed how much of green colored gas has been accumulated above its six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier.

So, the invader felt quite weird looking at this pitiful amount of green colored gas accumulated after so much time.

The invader thought that this much green colored gas were enough to create the effect of freezing its target.

So the invader ordered its six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier to stop manifesting the green colored gas.

Now that the invader was quite prepared for its journey with the final touch of the other gases on its six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier.

It was time for the move back and reach back on the other side from where the journey to this place started. The invader had no desire to reach on the other side crossing the dark sea waves. Rather than that the invader wanted to go back where it was once born.

The invader had some reason for such choice.

First it was very risky to cross the dark sea waves. Even with the use of the these handful of green colored gas then invader might not be able to achieve it.

Secondly the invader didn't knew how the world beyond the sea waves was but what ever the invader didn't have any good feelings about it.

If it was the world of the left eye the invader might consider going on the other side but not now that the invader was in world of the right eye. There were no mean for consideration.

As soon as the invader turned backward to move from there.

The invader faced a very amusing sight. Looking at such amusing scene the invader felt like crying.

In front of the invader from where the invader was supposed to move from. The chaotic dark violet colored gas was dancing on.

If only the chaotic dark violet colored gas was dancing that was okay but right now it was not only dancing but it occupied the whole place around it.

There were no way for the invader to pass through there.

The invader never expected such thing to happen.

The chaotic dark violet colored gas seems to be stretched to such mass while the invader was busy trying to manifest the other colored gases.

Currently the chaotic tentacles from the chaotic dark violet colored gas was smashing on the terrain non stop not just on the ground but also on the roof and on the both sides of that terrain.

If this was case the invader might have no issue. But the most amusing thing to the invader was that the chaotic dark violet colored gas was surrounded by lot of broken flying objects.

When the dark violet colored gas smashed on the terrain and when it wasn't able to bear anymore and crack should have appered and finally falling from the terrain becoming one of those flying objects.

Some of these flying objects were just floating around there without much movement while a lot of them which where nearer to the chaotic dark violet colored gas were moving at a very high speed along with chaotic tentacles of the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

It was truly an amazing sight for the invader to see.

Soon the invader started to look deeper into the chaotic dark violet colored gas searching for a position from where the invader can escape to the other side.

Then soon the invader realized that there were a lot of such position from where the invader can escape with but the invader also had to suffer a lot of wanted to cross through those positions.

The invader soon started to plan out to escape from one of those positions.

Soon the invader had planned for its escape and got its colored gases ready for support. The invader didn't forget about the venture cylindrical pipe. After all the venture cylindrical pipe along with the orange colored gas was a great combo.

The invader took another deep look at the position from where it was supposed to escape from.

The position the invader was currently looking at. At that point from time to time a dark violet colored tentacle would come blocking the way and go back as soon as it arrived.

The invader soon got its violet colored lights ready to increase its speed and also the venture cylindrical pipe along with the orange colored gas. The invader also took the pitiful amount of green colored gas with it.

The invader soon sped toward the position from where it was supposed to escape from. The invader took its venture cylindrical pipe infront of it.

When the invader was quite nearer to that position the invader blew the destructive waves from the venture cylindrical pipe.

The front position of the invader was completely blasted apart the invader soon sped through that position where still the destructive waves of the orange colored gas remained.

The invader wasn't affected by it at all.bIt seems that the outermost barrier of the invader had been constructed with the filtered violet colored lights.

The invader felt that it was quite nearer to its goal..The invader felt quite happy as it just about to reach the other side crossing the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

Soon an unfortunate event happened.

A large flying object covered with the dark violet colored gas came crashing down on the invader.

As soon as the flying objects smashed at the invader the invader was thrown back toward the black sea opposite to it.

When the invader started its plan to cross the chaotic dark violet colored gas. There were more than seven thousand barriers on it.

But now when the flying object crashed on its before throwing it far away. More than three thousand of those violet colored barriers didn't just shatter but they were absorbed by that flying object covered with chaotic dark violet colored gas.

This happen with in a microseconds the invader didn't have any way to stop it from happening.

The barriers that it had constructed pain stalkingly had now been part of some thing else as they were absorbed by flying objects that means it was a part of the chaotic dark violet colored gas now.

The most painful thing to the invader was that the venture cylindrical pipe and it's outermost barrier.

The outermost barrier and the venture cylindrical pipe contained the filtered violet colored lights.

As the venture cylindrical pipe was at the front the first to get smashed was this venture cylindrical pipe. And when the venture cylindrical pipe was smashed it was time for the outermost barrier.

As both of these were the first to get smashed by the flying object covered with chaotic dark violet colored gas the filtered violet colored lights on them were the first to get absorbed by the flying object.

The smashing of the venture cylindrical pipe wasn't that hurtful compared to the absorption of the filtered violet colored lights to the invader.