An absurd idea

The invader has created these filtered violet colored lights after following a lot of processes.

And these processes were quite long too.

Surely the invader felt quite hurtful due to these losses but that wasn't just the end to it.

As all the filtered violet colored lights were absorbed by the flying objects the orange colored gas was now not restricted by any filtered violet colored lights.

So, the orange colored gas was able to spread the destructive waves that were previously restricted by the filtered violet colored lights.

The destructive waves started to start from the orange colored gas the invaders of outermost layers started to form cracks.

And soon few of the outermost barrier has also got destroyed.

The invader soon realised this point so it started to run from there. The invader knew that if it stayed here for few more hours the invader might get destroyed along with the destruction of it's barriers.

The invader ran quite far from the orange colored trying to maintain a safe distance where the destructive waves of the orange colored gas didn't spread yet.

The invader soon calmed itself down after reaching a safe place. The invader soon started to look at its outer body recounting the losses that it suffered this time.

The invader saw currently there only more than three thousand barriers above it.

This time the loss was great the invader had lost more than eighty percent of its hard work.

After suffering this time the invader understood one thing that it was almost impossible to cross through the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

The invader had thought that why don't I try another time this time I might succeed.

Having this thought the invader took another look at the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

The chaotic dark violet colored gas was dancing more frantically than before. Currently there barely any loop hole to take advantage of. It more than impossible to cross the chaotic dark violet colored gas now.

The way backward was now completely blocked by this chaotic dark violet colored gas.

The only way for the invader was to leave through this dark sea waves and reach the other side. Because looking at the currently condition the invader thought that it wasn't safe to stay here.

The rate at which the mass of the chaotic dark violet colored gas was increasing was too much. Soon the chaotic dark violet colored gas might cover the whole terrain the invader was currently standing at.

So, the invader needed to leave this place by hook and cook.

Leave this damn terrain the invader had no idea about it.

The going backward that was impossible going forward that seems impossible too. Where to go? Wait for the time when the chaotic dark violet colored gas enlarges it's mass to the point where it covers the whole terrain and for the invader to be smashed by the so called chaotic dark violet colored gas that was once manifested by itself.

Waiting for its own doom that has never been the invader's modus operandi.

The invader soon started to calm itself down. Soon the invader's mind became completely empty.

The invader knew it was time to think as it's mind was clear of all the unnecessary thought.

The invader thought deeply analysed all the possible way for it escape from this terrain.

After analysing all the possibility for some times with clear mind the invader came to an understanding that there were truly no available options for the invader to run from this terrain.

The invader didn't lose hope yet as it started to think of some absurd ideas to run from this terrain.

A lots of absurd ideas started to appear one by one infront of the invader's mind and the invader started to look deeper into each of them then analyse the possibility of their success of they were not above sixty percent the invader would just throw that thought aside and proceed to the next one.

All the absurd thoughts that the invader thought of almost most of their percentage were less than twenty percentage far from the invaders expectations.

While analysing all these thought an truly absurd idea came infront of the invader.

The invader was deep in thought looking at this very absurd thought.

The idea was that the invader will learn how to control the sea waters when the invader had learnt to control the sea water it will be quite easy for the invader to cross the sea waves.

Not only that the invader can also use the seawater and spread them on the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

The invader knew that the seawater was the greatest enemy of all kind of existence. If a little drops of sea water can destroy more than ten of thousands of its white colored barriers along with some violet colored gas it already shows how destructive the seawater is.

The invader felt that of it truly learnt the art of controlling the sea water it can also run to the world of the left eye and destroy all those rebellious large white balls and also the transparent sea monsters from there.

The invader thought that it would truly be the most amazing thing If the invader learnt the art of controlling the sea waves.

Then the invader started to analyse the possibility for the invader to learn the art of controlling the seawater and running away from this terrain.

The invader came to an answer soon. Though the answer still had some if attached to them.

Simply the invader needed to reach the other side of the subconscious world and learn the art of controlling the sea water as soon as possible and return back into the real world and use the knowledge that it learnt from the subconscious world to control the sea water and make a way through the sea waves run from this damn place through that passage.

The invader left this idea at the side and started to analyse other thoughts that it had.

The invader thought that there might be a better idea in its mind than the current idea that it just analysed. The invader soon started to look through all those thoughts.

Soon another absurd idea came infront of the invader that was quite amazing too.

The invader thought about controlling the orange colored gas and destroy a part of the terrain to create a stream like how once it did unintentionally.

The invader thought that this idea wasn't that farfetched like the previous one too.

It was always known that the seawater was the greatest enemy of all the other existence. It was a taboo of a existence etched deep inside the invader s mind too from the time it was born.

The invader soon analysed the success rate for this idea to succeed.

The invader felt quite satisfied with the success rate after its evaluation.

The invader soon repeated the same process as before. Yeah, changing the multiple folded barriers into single fold barriers to increase the number of barriers on the invader.

Soon there were six thousand six hundred sixty fifth barriers on the invader. The invader soon took out its own white lights and soon constructed a barrier.

There were currently six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barriers on the invader.

The invader didn't even wait for a second as it ordered the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barriers to manifest the dark violet colored gas.

Soon the dark violet colored gas started to appear above the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barriers.

Soon less than half of the outermost barrier was covered by the dark violet colored gas. The invader soon started to form the miniature wheels almost instantly a lot of miniature appeared too.

As usual they started to spin and their speed was getting doubled with each rotation.

At an expected time the dark violet colored miniature spinning wheels started to convert the dark violet colored gas into violet colored lights.

The invader soon started to provide the amount of dark violet colored gas needed for further conversion of the dark violet colored gas.

The soon the invader wasn't able to provide the amount of dark violet colored gas from its six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barriers to support the further conversion of the dark violet colored gas.

The invader kept those dark violet colored gas at the side and again started to order its six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barriers to manifest the dark violet colored gas.

Soon the same way the invader had converted these violet colored gas into violet colored lights.

The invader currently had quite the large amount of violet colored lights.

The invader soon created a tentacle with the violet colored lights that it had just converted. And the invader ran toward the orange colored gas.

The invader ran toward the orange colored gas but it maintained a safe distance between each other and before throwing the violet colored tentacle the invader started to create a venture cylindrical pipe with white colored lights from itself.

As soon as the construction of the venture cylindrical pipe was completed the invader threw that violet colored tentacle through it toward the orange colored gas.