The newly created streams

The violet colored tentacle didn't directly strike on the orange but passed by it when it was supposed to hit on it.

This is understandable that the invader wanted to filter these violet colored lights.

The invader repeated the same process for filtering the violet colored lights so that they can be of used to restrict and control the orange colored gas.

The invader soon started to filter more and more of the accumulated violet colored lights untill the invader felt like it was enought to contruct a venture cylindrical pipe.

Soon the invader started to coat the inner part of the venture cylindrical pipe with the filtered violet colored lights.

After coating the inner part of the venture cylindrical pipe completely the invader was ready to insert the orange colored gas inside the venture cylindrical pipe for use.

The invader soon inserted the orange colored gas inside the venture cylindrical pipe. Now the invader was ready for a strike.

The invader just looked at the so called chaotic dark violet colored gas that was still dancing wildly obstructing the path to the backward.

The invader measured from where ot should hit to make the black seawater splash on the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

The invader soon analysed the best best position from where it can hit the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

The invader thought that creating a new stream would take quite the time why didn't I extend the previously created stream from where the seawater or waves was still moving to and fro.

The invader soon stepped toward the small stream carrying the black seawater.

The invader soon got its venture cylindrical pipe then the invader pointed the venture cylindrical pipe at different small stream from different angle.

After moving from from here and there around the small stream and analysis what would happen if the destructive waves were to from different angles.

The invader soon stepped on the position where the small stream ends. The invader soon started to look through the small stream then the invader soon ran far from there staight.

After reaching quite far from there the invader soon analysed what would happen if the invader spreads the destructive waves from there.

With in the invader's imagination the invader had already threw a shot of the destructive waves toward the small stream far from there straight toward it.

The invader saw that when it had hit on the terrain from there where the small stream ends there that place became quite larger and deeper than before.

As the depth and area coverage was larger mist of the water should accumulate more than anywhere else. This logic toward the invader was like shit should happen though the invader didn't knew why.

Understanding that creating a stream from here wasn't feasible the invader soon started to move toward the small stream.

The invader soon came toward the small stream and started to analyse the same way it did before imagining that it had struck with destructive waves and what would happen after that.

Soon the invader felt like that it was quite feasible to use the destructive waves of the orange colored gas from here.

Soon the invader got its venture cylindrical pipe ready for a blast.

The invader was currently standing on the side of the small stream the invader pointed the venture cylindrical pipe from there perpendicular across the small stream.

The invader didn't wait anymore just it started to spread the destructive waves from there.

As the destructive waves released from the venture cylindrical pipe. From the front position of the venture cylindrical pipe a strait stream soon formed.

Because the small stream was connected to the newly created stream the black seawater also started to flow on that newly created small stream.

Small stream. I cant call it small stream as the stream's breath might be small but the length of the stream was too long.

The invader itself never imagined that the small stream that it created just now using the combination of the orange colored gas and the venture cylindrical pipe was way too strong.

The soon wanted know at what point the newly created stream ends at. The invader soon followed the newly created small stream and ran through it.

The invader soon reached the end. The end where the small stream truly ends. The small ended at the very end of the terrain where the land area ends the wall starts.

The wall of the terrain also had deep hole in it.

The invader knew the strength of the orange colored gas combined with venture cylindrical pipe. But the invader never thought their strength would be these exaggerated.

The invader soon started to analyse its next after realising the exaggerated strength of the combination of orange colored gas and the venture cylindrical pipe.

The black seawater was already moving through that small stream. The invader needed to make the stream flow toward the mass of chaotic dark violet colored gas. That was invaders main goal right now.

With the new found understanding the invader soon started to reach at a point from where the creating a stream. The newly created small stream would directly flow toward the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

The invader started to run on the side lines of the newly created stream. As usual the black water was also flowing to and fro through the newly created stream they didn't stay there forever one time the stream was filled with black water on the next moment the stream was completely empty.

The invader soon came to a point along at the side of the newly created stream. The invader took out its venture cylindrical pipe and pointed the mouth of the venture cylindrical pipe directly toward the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

The invader started to imagine what would happen if the invader shot the destructive waves from here. Soon the simulation of the process was completed inside the invader's mind.

The invader felt quite satisfied with the result from its mental stimulation. Now it was time for the invader to execute the plan from inside its mind.

The invader soon shot a destructive wave from the venture cylindrical pipe. Just like before stretching from the front position of the venture cylindrical pipe to toward the the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

The destructive wave stretched toward the chaotic dark violet colored gas there was also a long stream forming along with it.

The stream was also stretched deep into the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

When the destructive waves hit on the mass of the chaotic dark violet colored gas while creating a stream. A large hole formed on the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

The large hole on the chaotic dark violet colored gas that formed due to the destructive waves started to heal instantly like there was no such destruction done to it.

The invader looked at this scene. The invader giggled in its non-existent heart thinking about what would happen when the seawater from the small stream touches the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

The invader soon started to look deeper into the chaotic dark violet colored gas. Because soon the small stream would be fulle with seawater.

As the invader thought soon the empty newly created stream started to fill with black seawater. Soon the whole stream was filled with the dark violet colored gas and it also reached toward the chaotic dark violet gas.

As per the invader when the seawater touched the chaotic dark violet colored gas the while mass of the chaotic dark violet colored gas would shatter and fall apart and there would be no barrier for the invader obstructing it from going back.

The invader waited for the good results. But when the black seawater touched the chaotic dark violet colored gas the invader's non-existent eyes pop out from their eye sockets.

The seawater hit on the lower part of the huge mass of the chaotic dark violet colored gas. The chaotic started to crumble and got absorbed by the black sea water as the invader has expected.

The broken part soon started to recover as the more of the chaotic dark violet colored gas started to replace them.

Soon it was time for the seawater to retreat back into the sea above so all the water was also started to retreat back in high speed as it always mean to be.

Meanwhile a bit of the seawater was still left on the spot where the chaotic dark violet colored gas was. The invader soon felt hope arise in it.

Currently those little seawater that was left on that spot was destroying the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

As more of the dark violet colored gas started to destroy immediately more chaotic dark violet colored gas started to replace them.

This process seems to repeat or self more and more the invader thought as the chaotic dark violet colored gas was reducing with the flow of time soon a time will come when all the chaotic dark violet colored gas would vanish.

Soon another wave of the seawater came into that stream and the destruction of the chaotic dark violet colored gas also started to take take pace.

Still the destroyed part of the chaotic dark violet colored gas was replaced by other chaotic dark violet colored gas as soon as they were destroyed.

The invader hoped to see the whole mass of the chaotic dark violet colored gas reduce just like this.

The same thing repeated itself for quite a long time. The sea waves comes and back as usual like it always does fastening speed of destruction toward the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

And the mass of the chaotic dark violet colored gas also seems to have reduced a lot.

The invader was just kept waiting by looking at the chaotic dark violet colored gas being destroyed by the seawater and it's mass being reduced along with it.