Game of splashing the seawater

The invader just waited there patiently.

As the invader waited for quite a long time this time something odd happened again.

The invader looked at the scene its non-existent eyes were about to pop out from the eye socket.

Currently the little seawater that was left on the end of the stream was being absorbed by the chaotic dark violet colored gas itself.

A small ash colored thread was coming out of the chaotic dark violet colored gas whenever the seawater struck on the lower part of the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

And these small ash colored lights would start to absorb the seawater within itself. And reach deeper inside the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

The most amazing thing was that when the ash colored lights touches the seawater it was like rain was falling on a lonely desert after a very long time.

The desert wa happily absorbed the rain was filled with life.

Literally when ever the black unsightly seawater touches these dead ash like lights the ash like light would reflect different kind of lights from it.

Everytime the ash colored lights touched the seawater there would be different kinds of colors reflected on it completely filling with various colored. Making it look lively from its lifeless state.

So the invader came to a new understanding.

It seems that the during the process of destruction the chaotic dark violet colored gas has formed or filtered a part of the dark violet colored gas to resist the seawater.

Just like how the invader filtered its violet colored lights to resist the orange colored gas.

After this event the invader saw that when ever the sea waves came the chaotic dark violet colored gas absorb some seawater. This time the seawater didn't even destroy the chaotic dark violet colored gas insted it obediently got absorbed by it.

As the time passed on the absorption rate of chaotic dark violet colored gas toward the seawater was also increasing.

This scene was something the invader had never imagined about. Yes, this was beyond the invader's imagination.

The invader looked quite gloomy.

But the invader also noticed another thing that the mass of the chaotic dark violet colored gas wasn't increasing as it always did.

The mass of the chaotic dark violet colored gas remained at the same mass as the time when it started to absorb the seawater.

The invader knew that some filtering process was going inside the chaotic dark violet colored gas to resist and control the seawater. And just like itself sooner or later the nefarious seawater would become a weapon to be used by the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

The invader was fell in deep thought. The invader knew that if the chaotic dark violet colored gas started to use the seawater then anything can.

And whatever would happen wouldn't profit the invader but it would unprecedented disaster toward the invader itself.

The invader knew that the seawater was a taboo existence it wouldn't be easy for the mindless chaotic dark violet colored gas to control the taboo existence like the seawater.

The invader started to think of other plans to escape form this place as soon as possible.

Because after introducing the seawater toward the dark violet colored gas the invader had increased the level of danger toward itself.

While the invader kept thinking about various idea another changes started to take place inside the chaotic dark violet colore gas.

The invader also noticed these changes.

The mass of the chaotic dark violet colore gas started to shrink suddenly and the black seawater started to splash out from the middle of the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

As the chaotic dark violet colored gas was always in a chaotic state the dark seawater also started to splash everywhere around the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

The invader was left in between laughter and crying.

As the invader thought the seawater was a taboo of a existence it wouldn't be easy for the chaotic dark violet colored gas to control it.

But currently as the black seawater was being splashed by the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

And not only that just like the various tentacles of the chaotic dark violet colore gas. The seawater was also splashed on random location it didn't have any fixed positive where it.would definitely splash on.

And the main thing is that the speed at which the water are being splashed on are quite high similar to the chaotic dark violet tentacles.

The invader knew if any of those shooting black seawater strikes its body then there would be some unprecedented disaster happening to it.

The invader had to no time to think anymore. It was time for it to run for its life.

Safety first the modus operandi of the invader. And it was right now in great threat the invader wasn't willing to get hit by any of those splashed water.

So the invader sprinted away from there at the highest speed possible and it also kept its senses to recognise any possibilities of threats coming toward it.

Ofcourse the possible threat was the splashed seawater.

Soon another game of avoiding theses splashed seawater and running away from the chaotic dark violet colored gas started again.

The invader sped at a straight line whenever a bucket of sea water was supposed to splash on the invader the invader would avoid it by stepping aside from there.

The most troublesome were those small drops of water. They weren't recognized easily.

And their speed was also quite higher than those splashed bucket of seawater.

That it makes it too hard to avoid from them. How ever the invader still kept its vigilance toward these small water droplets.

After all previously few water droplets from the world of the left eye destroyed more than ten thousands of the invader's precious barrier.

That was incident was something unforgettable to the invader and this incident also made the invader realise why it always felt an unknown fear toward this ordinary looking seawater. Why it always felt like this ordinary looking seawater was a taboo of a existence.

So, basically being hit by any one of these droplets of seawater would being unknown disaster toward the invader. Let, alone a bucket of them.

The invader couldn't even let a single drop of black seawater to fall on it. The invader can't bear the possibility of having more of it barriers being shattered into pieces in no time.

The invader's great vigilance paid off and the invader was some how got quite far from the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

Though the invader was quite far from the chaotic dark violet colored gas it was still within the range of the water droplets.

The water droplets were splashed on the walls, roof, and ground of the terrain. Simply the whole terrain was covered by the black water droplets and the range of the water droplets was the whole terrain.

So, no matter where the invader ran to it still had to face the black seawater droplets.

The invader was quite far from the chaotic dark violet colored gas. And nearer to the range of the sea waves basically where the sea waves moves to and fro.

So, the invader had no way to run beyond.

The invader just stood there and started to focus on avoiding the splashing seawater droplets.

Whenever there were possibility of being hit by any of the splashed water droplets, the invader step aside smoothly.

This little game didn't seems like it would end anytime soon.

Whatever the main thing right now was that the mass of the chaotic dark violet colored gas has started to reduce at a visible rate.

The invader was currently focused on avoiding the splashed water droplets and it wasn't possible for the invader notice the changes on the chaotic dark violet gas.

It been a while. The little game of avoiding the water droplets still continued on. The invader has also fallen in love with this game.

After all these time the invader had accumulated the lot of experience in avoiding these water droplets and the invader currently was able avoid these black water droplets with ease.

The invader was also able to focus other thing than avoiding the water droplets with whole heart.

The invader now also saw the condition of the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

Though still a lot of water droplets were being splashed from the chaotic dark violet colored gas. The mass of the chaotic dark violet colored gas has also diminished by a lot.

Right now the mass of the chaotic dark violet colored gas wasn't touching the whole upper and lower part of the terrain.

Looking at such conditions of the chaotic dark violet colored gas. The invader thought that there might be chance for it cross the chaotic dark violet colored gas and reach the other side to run backward.

The invader thought of taking a risk. Just at this time when the invader thinking about running across the chaotic dark violet colored gas reach the other side.

The splashing of the seawater from the mass of chaotic dark violet colored seems to have stopped suddenly.

And as soon as the splashing of the water stopped the mass of the chaotic dark violet colored gas started to expansion with great speed.