Entering the subconscious world

The invader hid behind the slabs and started to think what was this wrong feeling it was feeling about.

The invader felt something wasn't right even though the invader currently had three layers of slabs for its protection from the splashing of the water.

The invader thought about it for a moment then the invader remembered that when the seawater was splashed by the chaotic dark violet colored gas the seawater then start to run toward the sea.

Though the sea water dropped down in the floor and moved toward the sea. What if the water gets behind the slabs and it touches the invader who is currently hiding behind those slabs.

The invader had a thought how to avoid such conditions from appearing.

The invader soon started to move the three slabs that were placed in front of it. The invader just grabbed the right side of the slabs and pulled it toward itself.

All the three slabs were currently in a slanted position. After positioning the three slabs in such a way the invader felt quite relieved.

Right now the invader needed to learn how to control the seawater before the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

The invader knew that for it to learn how to control the seawater it can only reach the subconscious world to and take some lesson from that humongous dark blue colored ball.

Now the invader was in a great hurry and it needed to find a quickest way to enter the subconscious world.

The invader started to imagine about all the past related to how it entered the subconscious world.

After watching through its for once the invader didn't seems to have found anything. So, the invader again proceeded to review those scenes again.

Soon the invader started to connect all the common things about those experiences that it felt before entering the subconscious world.

The invader soon started to realise that the condition to enter the subconscious world was to fall in daze while thinking about certain particular thing.

The invader first entered the subconscious world while admiring the beautiful ocean before it in the word of the left eye. That time the information the large dark blue ball of light shower was related to the seawater.

On its next experience the invader was deeply regretted losing the dark violet colored gas and light form and kept on thinking about it. Then the invader unknowingly entered the subconscious world where the huge dark blue ball showed the information related to the dark violet colored gas.

The invader seems to have understood the basics related to entering the subconscious world.

The current invader needed the information about the seawater. So, it needed to think about the seawater and fall into daze while admiring it.

Soon the invader started to position itself behind the slabs. After positioning itself the invader stared at the unsightly looking black sea water that was flowing back forth in a timely manner similar to how it flowed in the world of the left eye.

The invader tried to admire the black sea infront of it but it got nothing to admire about this unsightly black sea infront of it.

After staring at the black sea for quite the long time the invader understood that it can't keep on like this. If it keeps on like this the invader might never able to fall in daze while admiring it.

The invader soon started to think of another solution. Meanwhile the splashing of water from the chaotic dark violet colored gas has also stopped. Just like before the mass of the chaotic dark violet cored gas has also shrink a lot and just like before the mass of the chaotic dark violet colored gas soon started to enlarge to the point where it again covered the roof and floor of the terrain.

The invader was busy in its own business it didn't have my time to focus on the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

The invader was currently thinking of another method to enter the subconscious world. The invader soon thought of the experience on when the invader got the information about the dark violet colored gas.

The invader thought that it can imagine the dark violet colored gas as ot was its most beloved gas then what about the unsightly black sea.

The invader just stood there and kept thinking what it should do next.

The invader soon came to an another understanding that right now the main thing to do was to fall in daze while thinking about the unsightly black sea.

If the invader can't admire the dark violet colored gas then it would be able to fall in daze while loathing the unsightly black sea.

The invader soon started to look deeper into the unsightly black sea started to think how how unsightly the black sea is compared to the beautiful sea on the world of the left eye.

While loathing the unsightly black sea the invader soon fell into deep trance. While being in trance the invader was still cursing at the unsightly black sea.

Soon the invader's senses condensed into one point and formed a replica of itself. Yes, finally the invader had formed its spectral body.

Soon the invader's spectral body started to travel deep into its subconscious world.

The invader soon reached a space inside its subconscious world. The construction of the subconscious space of the invader's subconscious world looked quite sinister and ghastly.

The invader also soon realised that it had travelled into its subconscious mind. The invader also noticed the sinister and ghastly construction of the subconscious mind and due to this construction all the lights ball that exists in its subconscious world weren't visible to the invader right now.

After some time in front of the invader a projection of the huge dark blue ball of light appeared and as always shiny water droplets were streaming down from that projected image of the huge dark blue ball of light.

Soon over the projected body of the huge dark blue ball of light a image of the unsightly black sea appeared along with the map and the connecting lines through it.

Whatever the main focus of the invader was on the image of the black sea in front of it along with the usual mapping. Not the sinister and ghastly constructed space around it.

The invader soon focused on the sentences that were written on the map.

Although this is the dark version of the seawater still all the information on the map in front of it were the same as before.

Whatever the information that the invader collected from the dark blue colored ball in its previous visit were currently present on the map and usually the invader was able to read them except those that were still not unravelled by the invader.

Soon the invader started to look for the information related to gaining control over the seawater.

As always the projection of the dark blue colored gas was currently performing an unknown set of sequence of vibration related to one of the unreadable sentence on the map.

The invader currently didn't have any clue from where it should start from.

As the invader had no clue it started to copy the current set of sequence of vibration that were being performed by the dark blue ball.

The invader copied the current set inside its mind after the dark blue ball completed performing the set the invader started to practice the set that it just copied from the dark blue blue ball.

The invader practiced the set until it gained mastery over it.

After mastering the set the invader started to search the meaning of the set of sequence of vibration that it mastered just now on the map.

Soon the invader found another new sentence that became visible to it.

The invader soon read that sentence.

" Its vital for everything that has vitality

Even though it doesn't have any vitality "

The invader understood what it meant. Basically the invader also knew that it was born from the black seawater itself.

So, surely it should also have vitality or life in it. But right now this very believe of the invader was in question.

Simply the sentence was telling that the seawater was the giver of life while it itself was lifeless.

The invader didn't learn anything related to gaining control over the seawater. Still the invader was quite satisfied with this information that it learnt just now.

Soon the invader started to look at the dark blue ball of lights that was currently performing another set of sequences of vibrations that the invader already knew about.

The invader waited for the dark blue balls of lights to finish performing the current set of sequences of vibrations.

The invader planned to wait for the time when it would be able to learn of any of the clue related to gaining control over the seawater.

So, the invader waited for the next unknown set to be performed by the dark blue colored ball so that the invader can copy an unknown set and master it so that it can unravel a new sentence.

Soon the dark blue ball of light started to perform a new set of sequences of vibrations that were unknown to the invader.