Not just clue but the whole thing

When the invader noticed that the dark blue ball of light was performing another set of sequences of vibrations that was new to the invader. The invader soon started to copy that set inside its mind.

After sometime the dark blue ball of light finished performing that unknown set of sequences of vibrations.

As usual the dark blue ball o light started to perform another set of sequences of vibration without giving any chance for the invader to catch up to it.

The invader also noticed that the dark blue ball of light was going to perform another set. The invader didn't rush to practice the set that it just copied inside its mind. The invader wanted to copy more of the unknown set of sequences of vibrations.

Alas the dark blue ball of light was performing set of sequences that was already known to the invader and the invader was able to recognize the set that the dark blue ball of light was performing right now with one glance.

As the dark blue ball of light was performing a set of sequences of vibrations that was known to the invader the invader soon retracted its senses from the dark blue ball of light. The invader wasn't interested at all in watching the dark blue ball of light performing something that is already known to it. The invader didn't have that much time and time is of essence right now for the current invader it can't relax at all.

The invader soon started to practice the set that it just copied immediately without any more wait.

Soon the invader practiced the said set of set of sequences of vibrations to perfection and got mastery over it.

As the invader has mastered the set of sequences of vibrations it was time for it to search what this set of sequences of vibrations means through the map in front of it. The invader took a glance at the dark blue ball of light hoping to see it performing any other unknown set of sequences of vibrations.

Soon the invader got disappointed when it looked at the dark blue ball of lights it was performing a set of sequences of vibrations that was quite familiar to the invader.

When the invader wanted to retract its senses from the dark blue ball of lights the dark blue ball of lights soon finished the performing the current set of sequences of vibrations and started to perform another set of sequences of vibrations that was unknown to the invader.

The invader also noticed this change too. The invader felt quite disappointed in itself for some reason.

Whatever the invader soon started to observe the dark blue ball of lights who was performing another unknown set of sequences of vibrations without desire to find what the set of sequences of vibrations means that it learned just now.

The soon started to copy the current set of sequences of vibrations that were being performed by the dark blue all of lights. Soon the dark blue ball of lights also finished performing the set of sequences of vibrations that it was performing now and soon it started to perform another set of sequences of vibrations that invader was still watching the dark blue ball of lights intently.

Currently the dark blue ball of lights was performing another set of sequences of vibrations that was unknown to the invader. The invader soon started to copy this set of sequences of vibrations too.

Soon the dark blue balls of lights also completed its performance over the current set of sequences of vibrations and started to perform another set of sequences of vibrations the invader noticed that the dark blue ball of lights was currently performing another set of sequences of vibrations that was well known to the invader.

The invader thought that this much of information that it copied from the dark blue colored lights was enough for it to make itself busy for a while. And it might get a clue of art of manipulation of seawater from the set of sequences of vibrations that it just copied inside its mind.

Soon the invader starts to practice the set of sequences of vibrations and soon the invader completely masters one of the set of sequences of vibrations that it learned just now.

After mastering one of the set of sequences of vibrations the invader took a glance at the dark blue colored gas to see if it was performing any other unknown set of sequences of vibrations. No, it wasn't. So, the invader again starts to practice the other set of sequences of vibrations that it copied inside its mind.

Soon the invader master the other set of sequences of vibrations too. After mastering this set of sequences of vibrations that it mastered just now the invader again starts to glance at the dark blue colored gas. It was for the same reason again was the dark blue colored lights was performing any other unknown set of sequences of vibrations.

The invader again saw that the dark blue colored lights was performing a known set of sequences of vibrations.

The invader didn't just hurry back to search which sentence that were now readable to it on the map right away. Instead the invader waited a bit more for the dark blue balls of lights to finish performing the current set and proceed to the next one.

The invader had learned its lesson from the previous experience. So, the invader was careful this time and observed at which point the performance of the set of sequences of vibrations has progressed to.

When the invader looked carefully at the performing dark blue colored lights it noticed that the progress of the set of sequences of vibrations reached the end point so the invader waited for some more time.

As expected the dark blue ball of lights soon finished performing the current set of sequences of vibrations and proceeded to the next one.

The invader was currently looking at the dark blue colored lights quite intently. But soon its interest was shaken. Yes, you thought it right this was another set of sequences of vibrations that was already known to the invader.

So, the invader proceeded to search the meaning behind those set of sequences of vibrations that it mastered just now on the map in front of it. Soon the invader looked through the whole front part of the map.

Soon the invader found that one of the set of sequences of vibrations that it learned just now meant something to the invader as one of the sentences had become readable to the invader.

The invader soon read that sentence. While reading the first part the invader became dumbfounded and then happy beyond belief. The invader felt like it didn't need to find what the other set of sequences of vibrations mean.

The sentences were

"To control the water

You need be like water "

The invader was quite excited to read the remaining parts. And soon it starts to read the latter part.

" It gives life to everything

Though it asks for nothing

The existence of existence all around

Still it lowers itself, below the ground

Carefree like no other

Able to blend

Able to mend

Everything that you see

No one knows how deep is it

By force you wouldn't know it deeply

You can only let it flow freely

Freely as you move along to gain control over it. "

The invader read the sentence one by one. And soon the invader came to the end.

Though all the content of the sentences ran over the invaders mind still the invader was felt over joyed when it read the last part." Freely as you move along to gain control over it. ".The invader soon understood that to gain control over the seawater it needed to understand the content of these sentences.

The invader felt that it didn't needed to look anything anymore this was enough for it. So, the invader soon started to focus on the last sentence that interested it the most.

"Freely as you move along to gain control over it. ". Freely as you move. The invader understood this means it meant that it needed to be free willed like how it has always been. Now the next word what makes the sentence a great difficult for the invader. "Along", along with whom? ofcourse along with the seawater.

Now the question was how can the invader move freely along with the seawater. It didn't wanted to die that young. Even if the invader ever wished to dive into the seawater that means that it wanted to exist anymore.

Soon the invader reached to the other parts of the sentences. The invader understood that to gain control over the seawater it can't just dive into the seawater. It kept on avoiding the destructive seawater to not let it destroy itself with them willingly.

Soon the invader read the whole sentences again to understand what they meant. It would surely not ask it to dive into the seawater again would it.

Yeah that can only be understandable when the invader truly knows what those tricky words meant.