I don't need to dive at last

After repeatedly reading those sentences few more times the invader decided to read those sentences one by one or it would be better to say word by word.

The invader again focused its senses on the first part of the sentence. " To control water you need to be like water ".

It was a very simple to understand. The invader also understood that to gain control over the water it needed to act like water not dive into it to understand how it acts.

The invader knew that the latter par should be about how the water acted.

For the invader it was same as how it used to copy the set of sequences of vibrations from the dark blue balls of light inside its mind. And then practice those set of sequences of vibrations till it just looked similar to how the dark blue ball of light vibrated before.

Simply a perfectly replicated act.

Right now there weren't any dark blue ball of light to show how the water actually. Wait, how can the dark blue ball of light act like water it wasn't water at the first place.

Similarly there weren't any mass of water in front of the invader to show it how water actually acts. So, the needed to understand these sentences which explains how the seawater actually acts.

The invader can only imagine by itself from those explanation and try like so until the invader et satisfied with itself.

Soon the invader starts to read the latter parts word by word.

" It gives life to everything

Though it asks for nothing "

The invader was quite familiar with the sentence it just read it seems that the invader also had read similar sentence before. It was very easy to understand too. No need to ask anyone else the invader knew that it itself came out of the black seawater or born from it.

And as per the invader if the seawater was able to give birth to a great existence like itself then it was capable of producing anything not just life.

And as for the next few words that was also true did the seawater had ever asked anything from the invader. The answer would be a big " NO ".

The invader soon to the next few words.

" The existence of existences all around

Still it lower itself below the ground "

As usual the invader always revered the seawater. No matter how unsightful the black seawater was still the seawater had a different place inside the invader's non-existence heart. So, there was no question that the seawater or water was existence of all existences.

The invader read the next few words few more times. The invader seems had understood what this words meant yet not at the same.

It was indeed true that the seawater was always flowing beneath them. And to say below the ground it should be that the seawater was also flowing beneath the sea bed. That can also be possible but the invader had no way to justify if it was true or not in its current condition. It can only believe it to be so and so.

Then what about the " Still lower itself ". The invader was pondering deeply upon these words. The invader then tried to think it other way around placing iton the position of the seawater.

The invader felt that if it was a great existence like the seawater then it never let itself down to the point that the invader or the existence like the chaotic dark violet colored gas to approach itself. Let alone trying to control the seawater that was out of question.

So, finally the invader understood that although the seawater is the existence of all existences yet right now the invader itself was going to learn how to control this great existence like the seawater. Surely the seawater had lowered its status to the point that the invader and also that chaotic dark violet colored gas were on their way to learning how to control the seawater.

Now the invader was even competing with chaotic dark violet colored gas who would gain control over the seawater first the invader itself or the chaotic dark violet colored gas. It seems that seawater had lower itself to the point that it became plaything for the invader and the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

Simply a high mighty boss had now lowered itself to the point that right now some common road side punks were able to bully that high and mighty boss.

The invader soon started to think can it truly lower its head like how the seawater always lowered its head. The invader knew that it wouldn't be that easy for the invader to lower itself like the seawater. The seawater was truly magnanimous enough. Not just enough but to the extreme.

As the invader understood that part it didn't waste any more on that part because there were still few words left to understand. So it read the next few words.

" Carefree like no other

Able to blend

Able to mend

Everything that you see "

This part was quite easy for the invader to understand. And the invader was also able to link it with the meaning of the previous words that it came up with itself. Surely the seawater was carefree in nature to the point that it didn't even mind being toyed by the invader and also by the chaotic dark violet colored gas.

" Able to blend, Able to mend " The invade understood that as the seawater is capable of producing life it should be able to mend or to say cure everything too. Then what about this word "blend "the invader didn't knew what this words meant. And it was quite vital for the invader to know what this word meant.

Not hackling too much time on this single word the invader moved to the next words.

" Deep and mysterious like no other

Knowing it the end, let see

No one would know how deep is it"

The invader also agreed with this statement. The taboo of existence like the seawater should be deep and mysterious. And on the next few words the invader understood that the seawater was challenging other's to unravel its existence.

And the seawater seems to be quite confident that no matter how anyone or everyone tries to gain complete knowledge of the seawater. They would never gain complete knowledge about it no matter how hard they tried.

As the previous part was quite easy for the invader to understand the invader proceeded to read the next part.

" By force you wouldn't know it deeply

You can only let it flow freely "

The invader read this part of the few more times but wasn't able to guess what this words meant. Soon the invader just started to ponder over the few words that were " By force you wouldn't know it deeply ". The invader thought that how can it learn how to control the seawater f it didn't force itself. This line felt to absurd to the invader.

The invader thought that these words meant something else that it wasn't able to guess. After all this part of the sentence seems too absurd to the invader so, the invader started think harder what can it meant otherwise.

The invader soon looked at the next few few words that were " You can only let it flow freely ". Soon after reading this another question hung above the invaders head. The question was to let whom flow freely. Himself into the seawater and freely on that, that was impossible and was ridiculously absurd.

Can it be about its practice over the copying the act of the seawater after all in the previous part it should be talking about the practice. As it said that you can't force it.

After pondering for quite a while over the words that the invader just read the invader came to understand that it was truly about how it should practice the acts or behavior of the seawater. By the words like " By force " and "Flow freely " the finally understood that it needed to remain natural to itself while practicing and let itself flow with act of the seawater freely on its own way.

Soon the invader approached the end of those sentences. And the invader read the part that ends the whole set of sequences of vibrations. " Freely as you move along to gain control over it ".

After reading the same part that the invader read at the first time while it barely understood meaning of the whole contents the invader thought that it needed to dive into the seawater to gain control over it.

Now after reading all the parts of the sentences one by one the invader understood that " freely as you move along " it wasn't asking the invader to jump into the seawater and move along with it instead it meant that the invader needed to act like seawater to the point where their action would look similar to each other then only the invader can gain complete control over the seawater.

Soon the invader felt like it missed something from these sentences.