Blending doesn't mean changing oneself

Yeah the invader missed the word " blend ".

The invader doesn't actually knew what this word " blend " actually meant. And the invader didn't wanted to leave that one word alone without knowing what exactly it meant. It might be possible that the word " blend " hiding something vital toward the control of the seawater.

Soon the invader focused on the word " blend " on the map.

It didn't take long for the invader to create a venture cylindrical pipe.

After creating the venture cylindrical pipe the invader inserted its white tentacle inside one of the opening.

Soon the invader threw that tentacle toward the word " blend ". The tentacle made a ark like motion through the space and then struck on the word " blend " perfectly.

The invader had quite a lot of experiences on throwing his tentacle through the venture cylindrical pipe. So, it was easy for the invader to land its white tentacle on the " blend " without any mishap.

As the white tentacle touched the word " blend " and retracted back to the invader with smooth movement.

Soon a line which was connected to those sentences lit up immediately and it ran a bit deeper into the map. The invader also followed the lit up line and soon found a unreadable sentence on the inner part of the map.

Soon the invader got its venture cylindrical ready for another shot and this time the invader to hit on the whole sentence not just a single word and also a bit into the map.

Soon the invader started to observe the map. After observing for a while the invader seems to have found a good position from where it can hit the unreadable hit without any mishap.

It seems that the invader needed to make some adjustment to its venture cylindrical pipe too as the invader was currently wrapping and folding the inner part of the venture cylindrical pipe.

After adjusting its venture cylindrical pipe and position the invader soon looked the unreadable sentence that was currently connected with a lit up line. The invader got its modified venture cylindrical pipe for another shot.

Soon the invader shot a white tentacle through the venture cylindrical pipe. The white tentacle soon shot itself toward the unreadable sentences. The white tentacle avoided all the sentences in front of it with smooth movement and soon reached its destination.

Before landing on the sentence the end part of the tentacle started to spread so that it doesn't just touched a single word in it instead the whole unreadable sentence or else the mission of this white tentacle would fail.

Soon the white tentacle touched multiple words on the sentence before retracting back to the invader smoothly.

The dark blue ball of light that was currently performing another unknown set of sequences of vibrations the invader wasn't interested in this set of sequences of vibrations even if it was an unknown set. The invader had already got what it wanted so it wasn't interested anything else.

The moment the white tentacle hit the unreadable sentences immediately the vibrating movement of the dark blue colored ball stopped and soon the dark blue colored shook for a moment and then started to perform another unknown set of sequences of vibrations.

The invader was looking intently and with anticipation at the dark blue colored ball all along since it hit the sentences related to " blend " perfectly.

The invader was already ready it was only waiting for the dark blue ball to perform so it can copy its set of sequences of vibrations produced by it inside its mind.

As such the invader was currently copying the set of sequences of vibrations with a bit of seriousness. Soon the dark blue colored ball finished performing the set of sequences of vibrations.

Soon after that dark blue colored ball started to perform another set of sequences of vibrations like it always did. The currently set that the dark blue colored ball was performing can be recognized by the invader in one glance. It was the same set that explained the invader how to gain control over seawater.

The invader already knew what this set of sequences of vibrations meant. But looking at the dark blue colored ball performing the same set the invader felt quite weird for a moment as it recovered soon. But this awkward feeling had never been felt by the invader before. Surely this awkward feeling was unique to the invader.

Whatever, the invader soon focused on practicing the set of sequences of vibrations that it just copied from the dark blue colored ball.

After practicing for sometimes the invader soon gain mastery over the set of sequences of vibrations and right now the invader was perfectly able to execute the said set of sequences of vibrations.

After mastering it the invader looked at the unreadable sentences related to the word " blend ". Those unreadable sentences had now turned into readable sentences to the invader soon too.

The invader soon read the sentences.

" Wherever I go

You wouldn't even know

Mixing in with a bow

There's a lot of things to know

If a bow is the price

Let me bow thrice

Turn solid in front of a cold face

Run! It's a hot base

Blending doesn't mean changing oneself

Don't forget you are yourself

If you do and just lay

Then there's nothing to say "

The invader just looked at those tricky words to figure out what they meant. The invader read the first part of the sentences. Started to think who is this " I " is it referring to itself who is trying to replicate the action of the seawater ten who is this " you ".

Then the invader remembered a sentence from the previous set of sequences of vibrations. Yes, it was true that the invader didn't knew if the seawater was flowing below the sea bed.

It seems that the invader came to a realization. The invader realized that the " you " was itself who didn't knew where the seawater was flowing through. Who knows if it is true or not. Whatever, finally the invader came to a final assumption.

The invader soon moved to the next part. The invader tried to read them several times because it didn't knew the actual meaning of the word " bow ".

While looking at this word the invader thought that does it needed to learn what this word " bow " means just like how it learning the meaning of the word " blend " right now.

Soon, the invader felt that it was quite farfetched idea. The invader thought that why doesn't it reads all the sentences it might realize or figure what this word meant.

Soon the invader moved to the next parts and came to realize that the " bow " is the price to mix in and learn from them with whom you have mixed in. Then it was quit vital for th invader to learn what this word " bow " meant.

The invader soon started to read the next part. Turning solid in front of cold face what was that about soon the invader started to imagine about the green colored gas surely the seawater turns solid when the coldness hits it.

Then reading the next part the invader didn't even needed to think too much after all when its body froze due to the effect of the green colored gas the invader use the red hot crystals to scatter away the coldness from its freezing body.

The invader soon started to look at the next part of the sentences. " Blending doesn't mean changing oneself ". Surely the invader understood this part too. The invader assumed the same thing before too when the invader read the previous part.

But right now this sentence confirmed what the invader had thought about. For the invader this word " blend " meant acting. Yes, acting similar to someone by mixing with them no observing them.

And this assumption was confirmed by the invader when it read the next part. " Don't forget you are yourself, If you do and just lay, Then there's nothing to say. ". The invader understood this point more than anyone else.

Surely if the invader loses its own way even when copying the action of the seawater it wouldn't be able to gain control over the seawater. Not only that while losing its main characteristics it might dive into the seawater to cease to exist forever from then on.

The invader was more worried that if it started to act like seawater and loses its originality then its better to die then to live a life like this. Then on the other and the invader wanted to live even if it loses its originality but only at an extreme situation where there no other way to reverse the situation any other way and it was left with only one option. Only at such condition the invader was willing to lose its originality as a condition to live on.

Now the invader wanted to figure out the meaning of the " bow " from these sentences.