A complicated way puzzle

The invader just made a guess that the meaning of the word " bow " would be lowering oneself. That was also a reason the invader wasn't willing to learn about it willingly and this was the invader's subconscious decision.

The invader now understood what this weird feeling it was feeling just now. This a feeling of one's face being slapped by oneself. Simply the invader looked down on the word " bow " and something similar to it now it needed to look back at it because it needed to do so since there were no other option.

The invader soon removed this weird feeling from its mind and focused on its current priority. Yeah to hit on the word " bow " with its white tentacle.

The invader soon got its venture cylindrical pipe ready for another shot. The invader soon started to find the best position from where it can hit the word " bow " without any mishap.

Soon the invader a spot around there from where it can give perfect shot at the word " bow ". After settling down there the invader started to adjust its venture cylindrical pipe.

Soon the invader adjusted its venture cylindrical pipe too. Now it was ready for the shot. The invader took an another look at the word " bow " for the last time before hitting it with the white tentacle.

The invader didn't wait for another moment and shot its white colored tentacle through the venture cylindrical pipe. The white tentacle flew shot itself at high speed and soon started to spin into the air drawing an arc through it.

The white passed through the map avoiding all the sentences that came in its way. It didn't take too much time to hit on the word " bow " perfectly. After touching the word the white made swift return.

As soon as the white tentacle hit on the word a line lit up that was connected to the sentences related to the word " bow ". The lit up line soon pointed at a unreadable sentence deeper into the map on the right side.

The invader soon looked at the unreadable sentence that was on the inner right side of the invader. After checking how deep it was the invader felt that it was truly quite tricky if the invader wanted hit on the sentence that was currently connected with the lit up line on the right inner side.

Then again the invader started to find the best position from where it can hit on that sentence perfectly without making any mishap. After looking at the unreadable sentence from various different angle still the invader wasn't able to come to a point from where it can hit on that sentence.

The invader felt that the sentence was situated at a point where it is very difficult to hit at. And it's been a while since the invader was trying to find a suitable position to shoot from.

After another period of time searching the invader soon came to a decision that it can't search for a suitable position like this it needed to think of other ways. Soon the invader started to look at the map from its front view till the unreadable sentence.

The was unwilling to search for the meaning of the word " bow ". Now when it needs to do it luck seems to be playing with it. The one it use to look down was currently the hardest thing to look at. It was like the word " bow " was taking revenge on the invader for looking down on it.

The invader soon at the layout but wasn't able to find a good solution from the information that it just got. So, the invader started to glare at the whole map intensely trying to imprint the whole layout of the map inside its mind.

After imprinting the whole layout inside its mind the invader started to analyze the best way to hit the unreadable sentence without any mishap. The invader was still quite afraid that if caused any mistake the dark blue ball of lights might run away again.

After analyzing for some time the invader found a path that connected to that unreadable sentence. Though the way toward that unreadable sentence was quite tricky and zigzagged like an old school way puzzle or maze puzzle game. Surely it was a tricky one.

The invader soon realized that those turns were quite tricky as I said it was like a maze puzzle. Oh, I forgot to say this puzzle wasn't just a maze puzzle but a complicated one. Still the invader found the way to the unreadable sentence on the right inner side of the map.

Soon the invader felt that even if wanted to hit on the unreadable sentence there no way for it do that right now. The invader soon started to think of solution how it would be hit on the unreadable sentence without making any mishap.

After thinking for a while the invader found that it wasn't able to come with a viable solution to reach the unreadable. The invader felt that this unreadable sentence was surely messing with it because it looked down on it before.

After having such thought the invader looked at the projection of the unreadable sentence then on the real sentence on the map. The invader felt being challenged by this unreadable sentence.

So, the invader started to think of other ways to hit on the unreadable sentences. But after thinking for a while and not able to find any solution. And invader thought again that this line of thought was not applicable in here.

There was only this way that was like a complicated way puzzle. Since there were no other way than this so the invader had to think of other way to hit the unreadable sentence. After thinking of other way around finally the invader came to a realization.

The invader realized that there were only the venture cylindrical pipe and the white tentacle that were involved in hitting the sentences and words. So, it can only make adjustment to them.

Soon the invader found that no matter what kind of adjust it does to the venture cylindrical pipe there was no way it would be able to hit on the unreadable sentence through those tricky turns.

Right now the invade can only look at its white colored tentacle. Soon the invader started to think what kind of adjustment it could to it make it twist and turn on those tricky turns inside the map.

Soon the invader started to imagine the possible changes that can be made to the white colored tentacle that it would be able successfully able to land a hit on the unreadable sentence.

After thinking for a while the invader soon came to realize that t can't only make changes to white it also needed to some changes to the venture cylindrical pipe too.

The invader soon started to look at the white colored tentacle and the venture cylindrical pipe repeatedly again and again. Soon an idea struck the invader as t remembered the time when it practiced throwing its tentacle with the venture cylindrical pipe.

Soon the invader started to make adjustment to its venture cylindrical pipe. After making some adjust to it the invader took its white colored tentacle and started t modify it too.

The invader first modified the white colored tentacle to the point where it looked like a white colored bars of light. Yes, these white colored tentacles couldn't be called tentacle at all as they were quite tuff and stiff right now like iron bar they weren't flexible at all like how it use to be before.

After completing its work the invader looked at hard stiff long bar of white colored bar of lights. The invader felt that this modified form of the white colored lights was too unusual to be used for hitting the unreadable sentence through those twist and turn through the map.

Soon the invader thought it wasn't what it wanted to do so it thought of returning it back to its previous form. But soon the invader stopped in its track and didn't step forward to make changes to the stiff white colored lights bar.

The invader soon started to think what it could do with this stiff white colored lights bar this white colored lights bar might not be that useless at all. So, the invader started to think what it can do with this stiff white colored lights bar.

The invader soon thought how good it would be if it mixes the both stiff white colored lights bar and the flexible white colored lights tentacle.

As such idea came inside its mind it started to transform most of the parts into its tentacle form.

After turning many parts of the bar into tentacle form the hard stiff bar again became flexible instead the part where it was still stiff. It just looked like a broken chain or should say a lots of nun-chucks were attached together.