Countless modification of the white colored tentacle

The invader soon shot that nun-chuck like tentacle through its venture cylindrical pipe. The nun-chuck shot itself in the distant opposite to the dark blue ball of lights.

The sickle like nun-chuck started to wiggle in the air as it sped through the air as I sped through the air it started to twist and turn and each of the parts started to move at different direction. Its movement wasn't swift like a snake or a tentacle rather than that it moved in a zigzag way each direction it took was straight.

When the nun-chuck like white tentacle reached to a certain distance that was its limit the invader soon retrieved it back to itself. The invader seems quite satisfied with this result as it again shot the nun-chuck like white tentacle in the distance.

The invader threw and relieved its white tentacle few more times and similarly the tentacle zigzagged its way forth and back.

The invader seems to have other plans with this nun-chuck like white tentacle as the invader started to modify the stiff parts of the nun-chucks like white colored tentacle.

After the modification the stiff parts of the nun-chuck like white colored tentacle became quite smaller than before and those stiff parts were same in shape and size.

The invader soon made a little modification to its venture cylindrical pipe too as it soon prepared for another shot.

Soon the invader shot the newly modified white colored tentacle through the venture cylindrical pipe. As the newly modified white colored tentacle came out of the venture cylindrical pipe it hot straight in to the distance without making any change in direction.

The flying white tentacle shot straight and soon reached it limit as the invader retracted it back toward itself soon the threw the newly modified white tentacle through its venture cylindrical pipe few more times.

Every time the invade shot the newly modified white colored tentacle it would always move at a straight without making any change in direction before retracting back to the invader.

The invader seems to be quite satisfied with the result too. Who knows what was going through the invader's mind as it started to modify this white colored tentacle again.

The invader again started to modify those stiff parts of the white colored tentacle. Soon the modification seems to have ended.

Currently the stiff parts of the newly modified white colored tentacles looked much different from before. Previously all the stiff parts were exact in size and they were perfectly shaped in little cylindrical shape.

And right now all the little cylindrical stiff parts can't be called perfectly cylindrical shaped at all because each of them looked a bit different from each other. Some of them were had bends on the middle parts whereas few of them had bends on their lower ends or the upper ends. And there were also where there a little to little bend s on the middle or the lower and upper ends that can even be recognized at all until someone looks at it carefully.

The invader soon got its venture cylindrical pipe for another shot. Soon the newly modified white colored tentacle was shot through the venture cylindrical pipe. The white colored tentacle started to move at the distance while taking many different turns.

The white colored tentacle first started to move at a straight angle then it bended a bit on the left then it took another left turn and soon it took another left turn followed by a right turn. Then it moved toward the invader in a zigzagged fashion that looked quite weird to look at.

The newly modified white colored tentacle didn't reach much further away from the invader it just twisted and turned around the invader before reaching its limit. As the white colored reached the limit of its length the invader soon started to retract it back toward itself. I can't say retracting it back toward itself as the white colored tentacle made twist turns around the invader.

After retracting back the tentacle the invader soon shot the newly modified white colored tentacle through the venture cylindrical pipe few more times. Just like the first time after this modification how the tentacle moved around the invader exactly the same way the white colored tentacle moved around the invader.

The invader felt satisfied with this test to as it moved forward to make some more modification to the stiff parts of the white colored tentacle. The new modification of the stiff parts soon completed.

There were few stiff cylindrical shaped parts of the white colored tentacle that had some bends on their middle parts. White the most of them were still looked like a little cylinder without any bends.

The invader soon shot the newly modified white colored tentacle through the venture cylindrical pipe. As the white colored tentacle shot from the venture cylindrical pipe it first moved straight then it took an right turn and then straight. The white colored tentacle then took another such turns three more times.

The white colored tentacle started to make four turn again and again similar to before. Soon the white colored tentacle reached its limit. The invader didn't retract its white colored tentacle this time and let it remain like that for few moments before they retracted by themselves.

When the white colored tentacle reached its limit the invader could see a stacked up rectangular shape on the space. Just like before te invader threw its tentacle few more times and letting it stay at the most stretched part for few moments before it retracted back to the invader by itself.

The invader again started to look at the white colored tentacle and felt happy.

It seems that the tests with the white colored tentacles hasn't ended yet as the invader again started to modify the stiff parts of the white colored tentacle.

The invader soon completed the modification of the white colored tentacle. In this modification there only slight bends on the middle of each of the stiff cylindrical parts of the white colored tentacle.

The invader again loaded the newly modified white colored tentacles inside the venture cylindrical pipe and shot it through it.

The invader soon started to look at the white colored tentacle that it shot through the venture cylindrical pipe. The white tentacle didn't make too much diversion while it was thrown instead when the white colored tentacle came out of the venture cylindrical pipe and it bend slightly evry time and made a smooth round shape when it started to expand around the invader.

Soon the invader was surrounded by the coiling of the white colored tentacle. The white colored tentacle has currently formed a shape similar to a spring. It might look like a circle if the invader had stacked the white tentacle with each other.

Currently from outside it looked like a white colored ball was floating inside a coiled spring.

The invader then started to modify the white colored tentacle again and again. And each time the invader modified the white colored tentacle and shot it with the venture cylindrical pipe there would be different shaped every time it shot.

There were triangle, rectangle, circle, the polygons and many such basic shapes. And each time the invader formed a shape it would shoot with the venture cylindrical pipe few more times before making further modifications.

It seemed that the invader had enough fun making simple shapes as it started to make multiple shapes at the same time with the white colored tentacle when it was shot through the venture cylindrical pipe.

The invader made circle, square, rectangle to appear at te same time when it shot the white colored tentacle through the venture cylindrical pipe. The invader tried it out few more times and it appeared the same way it did before.

Soon the invader moved for further modification of the white colored tentacle. After this modification the invader had made and shot the newly modified white colored through the venture cylindrical pipe.

After the white colored tentacle came out of the venture cylindrical pipe the white colored tentacle made multiple circles, rectangles, squares, and polygonal shapes.

Similarly the invader let the white colored rectangle remain stretched until it retracted itself back to the invader on its own. Soon the invader shot through the venture cylindrical pipe few more times.

Just like this invader soon started to join different shapes with each other with the white colored tentacle while shooting it through the venture cylindrical pipe.

Until now the invader seems to have changed to a different shapes several times. When these complex set of shapes were created by the invader many of these complicated mixture of shapes seems to picture out a cow, dog, tiger, mouse etc.

Who knew how many modification has been done by the invader. The invader seems to have covered all the types of flora and fauna. The invader was quite happy while creating all this mixture of different shapes.

However the invader wasn't satisfied with just these random shapes that it created until now the invader wanted to create something that can satisfy the invader artistic conception. Yes, the invader wanted to create a master piece of art with these shapes.