Super ultimate micro version of the white colored tentacle and venture cylindrical pipe

The invader mixed all sorts of shapes with each other was creating different things many of them looked picturesque while many of them looked ugly to the invader.

It's been while since the invader started to create different images with the mixture of different shapes. And with the passing of time the invader's artistic ability seems to be increasing too.

The first when the invader started to create these images most of them looked ugly to the invader. As time kept passing while the invader kept playing with different shapes of the images the invader kept creating seems to be there were more beautiful images were increasing in number than before.

Currently whatever the invader kept creating with mixing different shapes most of them looked picturesque to the invader. Soon a time came when the invader was only picturesque images while mixing different shapes.

Yes, each and every image the invader was creating was picturesque like it never saw until now itself still the invader was satisfied with these picturesque images that it had created. Who knows when the invader would be able to create its master piece art lets wait.

It's been a long time since the invader had started to create perfect picturesque still the invader wasn't able to create a master piece. Currently the invader was obsessed with art it even forgot what it was supposed to right now.

Soon the invader seems to be able to make picture perfect things with little or many mixture of shapes. No matter what how the invader currently created all of them looked beautiful, beautiful, and beautiful like no other. There no being that can call these images ugly. Even if someone wants call it ugly forcefully when they would be looking at any of these images they would fall in daze in their before it can even open their mouth to curse.

Soon the invader created a very simple image with the mixture of few of the shapes that were made from the white colored tentacle. When the image was formed and it was about to collapse, no shrink because of the length of the white colored has reached its limit. Yeah, collapse too because if the white colored tentacle shrinks this image would also collapse.

When the white colored tentacle reached its limit and this simple image was about to collapse the invader forcefully tried to stop the white color tentacle from shrinking and not to let this simple image to collapse.

While looking at this simple image the invader's non-existence eyes were lit brightly like this was art it looking for all this time. Though the art wasn't that exquisite still the invader's non-existence shining and it was it grinning from ear to ear from happiness.

Soon the invaders mood turned pale because it wasn't able to hold the shrinking of the white colored tentacle anymore and the white colored tentacle shrunk back to the invader. The invader just stood there without moving an inch. While it had just started to appreciate this simple image suddenly it lost control over the white colored tentacle and the white tentacle shrunk and the image the invader was appreciating collapsed immediately.

The invader knew that since it hadn't modified the stiff parts of the white colored tentacle it can make that simple image to appear again if it throws the white colored tentacle through the venture cylindrical pipe.

The invader soon hot the white colored tentacle through the venture cylindrical pipe. After the white tentacle came out of the venture cylindrical pipe it formed the same shape as it did before.

Soon the white colored tentacle stretched to its utmost limit. The complete image that the invader was waiting for appeared again. As soon as the complete image appeared the invader's non-existence eyes started to shine again.

But it didn't last too long as the invader wasn't able to hold the white colored tentacle in its stretched form for too long. After the white colored tentacle retracted back to the invader it was thrown out by the invader few more times.

Every time the invader shot the white the colored tentacle through the venture cylindrical pipe it would stretch to its utmost limit for a while as the invader kept holding it but it didn't remain at its utmost limit for too long. Such, the invader wasn't able to savor or appreciate the image whole heartedly because there wasn't enough time to do each. Because of this the invader became quite frustrated.

Soon realizing that no matter what it did it can't hold the white colored tentacle to its utmost limit and it would shrink and the image would collapse not letting the invader appreciate its creation. The invader thought that t can't go on like that so it stopped shooting the white tentacle through the venture cylindrical pipe.

The invader soon had an idea what it needed to do right now. The invader thought about creating a infinite loop of certain shape by detaching the white colored tentacle from its body after shooting it through the venture cylindrical pipe.

As the invader had made a plan it was time for it test it out but there seems to be some problem when the invader was intending to execute its idea. Yeah, the problem was that there weren't much white colored light on the invader itself. The invader had more than sixty percent of the white colored lights from its spectral body to form the venture cylindrical pipe and the white colored tentacle.

Faced with another crisis the invader started to think what it can do right now. The invader kept for a while but it didn't get a valid way to use the white colored lights to form that image with infinite loop.

Suddenly an idea struck the invader while it was thinking. The invader thought about creating a miniature form of the white colored venture cylindrical pipe and the tentacles. Soon, the invader realized that it was a brilliant idea why didn't this idea came before it wouldn't need to think so hard all these while.

The invader soon took a little bit of white colored lights from its body and formed a miniature venture cylindrical pipe. It took quite a while for the invader to create the miniature venture cylindrical pipe. The invader soon started to grin from ear to ear to with happiness it seems that the invader has already created the miniature version of the venture cylindrical pipe. But where it the miniature venture cylindrical pipe right now. Soon the author found the miniature version of the venture cylindrical pipe.

Yeah , it's not just miniature form of the current venture cylindrical pipe instead it should be micro version of the venture cylindrical pipe. No, I think I might be wrong again it should be called super ultimate micro version of the venture cylindrical pipe.

It's hard to even notice where the super ultimate micro version of the venture cylindrical pipe I might need a super ultimate microscope to find where it was right now. Whatever, it should be around the invader.

The invader soon started to create the miniature version of the white colored tentacle too. I mean the super ultimate micro version of the white colored tentacle.

After the creating the super ultimate micro version of the venture cylindrical pipe and the white tentacle the invader started to modify the white colored tentacle. At the fist the invader turned the whole the super ultimate micro version of the white colored tentacle into stiff white colored rod.

Soon the invader started to transform a part of the white colored rod into slithering non stiff form just like how it did with the original version of the white colored tentacle. Soon the all the stiff parts of the super ultimate micro version of the white colored tentacle looked perfectly same in shape and size just like before.

The invader soon looked at the original white colored tentacle and started to observe each of the stiff parts and how it had modified it. Soon, the invader started take glance at the original white colored tentacle again and again while trying to modify the stiff parts super ultimate micro version of the white colored tentacle.

It took quite a while for the invader to copy the modification of the original white colored into the super ultimate micro version of the white colored tentacle.

The invader shot the super ultimate micro version of the white colored tentacle through the super ultimate micro version of the venture cylindrical pipe. The white colored tentacle shot itself and soon formed a shape in the air.

The invader soon looked at the super ultimate micro version of the white colored lights that was stretched to its utmost limit right now and soon the image it formed would collapse. Whatever, the main thing is that the invader intended to imitate the image that it just formed with the original white colored tentacle into the super ultimate micro version of the white colored tentacle. But they doesn't look alike at all instead this image looked quite uglier to the invader.

Soon the invader understood that it has failed in copying it was ugly fail on top of that.