Myriads of humanoid creatures

When the micro white colored tentacle was supposed to return back to the invader it just got detached from the invader's body and formed a infinite loop all over.

Yeah, what's the difference between this image and the original image that the invader created with the white colored tentacle?

The simple image that was supposed to be the master piece of art as per the invader was actually a three dimensional image of a normal human male.

And the image that the invader tried to copy on the micro form wasn't a image of a human but it looked humanoid. Yes, its looked more like " Slender man " from creepy pasta. The three dimensional image on the micro form was quite stretched form of a human form making it to look like so. If it wasn't stretched it would look like a image of a human rather than a slender man.

As the invader decided before that it would detach the micro white colored tentacle from its body when the image has been formed.

Looking at this ugly version of its original work the invader subconsciously wanted to throw it way. So, it subconsciously detached the ugly slender man from its body.

Soon after getting detached from the invader's body the micro white colored tentacle started to move in a loop keeping the image intact not letting it to collapse.

The invader looked at the ugly version of its original work that hasn't collapsed until now. Whenever the invader looked at it, the invader would feel irritated.

So, the invader created another super micro version of the white colored tentacle. And the first thing the invader did was to use the newly created micro white colored tentacle to shove the three dimensional image of the slender man away.

The invader soon again started to look at the how it modified the original white colored tentacle to form the image of a human male.

The invader observed the modification of the original version of the white colored tentacle few more time before it moved its senses toward the micro white colored tentacle.

The invader was in quite serious mood as it moved again to replicate the human like image in to its micro white colored tentacle. The invader soon started to modify the micro white colored tentacle like it did before.

Soon the invader completed the modification of the micro white colored tentacle. The invader looked quite vigilant after it completely modified the micro white colored tentacle. The invader readied itself to shoot the newly modified micro white colored tentacle to form another image soon.

At last the invader shot the micro white colored tentacle through the micro venture cylindrical pipe. The micro white colored tentacle shot through the air soon started to form a three dimensional image in the air.

Soon the micro white colored tentacle reached the limit of its length and formed an complete image in the air. After the image was completely formed the invader didn't wanted to have another look at this another second and the invader detached it from its body.

Then the invader didn't even wait to create a micro white colored tentacle to shove this image away instead the invader used the micro venture cylindrical pipe to shove the image away. The invader truly felt disgusted when it took a glance at it and decided to throw it away at once without having any second thought.

The invader felt that this image is a blasphemy toward its art so it decided to push it away from its sight as soon as possible making it seem like it have never created such ugly thing before.

This image is truly ugly to behold. Its ugly feature is even beyond human imagination. No can even imagine or ugly feature if anyone even saw such appearing in front of them they would faint immediately if he or she didn't die on the spot.

This little failure didn't drag the invader down from trying again as the invader started to observe the modification of the original white colored tentacle and then trying to copy the structure of the original white colored into the micro white colored tentacle.

The invader repeated the same process again and again and each time the invader created an image with the micro white colored tentacle it would shove them away with the white venture cylindrical pipe. Meanwhile whatever the invader created all of them looked ugly beyond imagination the invader even felt that if it let white colored tentacle that constructed the ugly images it might bring bad luck upon them.

Until now the invader had created more than thousands ugly humanoid images. After thousands of failure the invader had started to create some better humanoid creatures than before. The invader soon understood that if kept on practicing like that it would soon be able to create a better humanoid figure and finally the human image it had created with original white colored tentacle.

The invader soon concentrated on practicing with the micro white colored tentacle like a mad white ball of light that was possessed. The invader kept throwing the already created image from its body whenever they were complete it only kept a glance at them if they resembles the image that it had once created with the original white colored tentacle or not.

Quite a long time has already passed since then and the humanoid images that the invader had creating with the white colored tentacle seems to be quite good but it wasn't that beautiful at all.

After another round of practicing with the micro white colored tentacle the invader became quite competent with creating humanoid images. Currently whatever the invader kept on creating looked much more beautiful than before. It seems that the invader had gained mastery over creating the humanoid images now the invader didn't even need to look at the original white colored tentacle as a reference to create any beautiful humanoid images.

The image that the invader was creating its beauty is beyond the imagination of any human mind. The invader had created more than thousands of such images by now. The invader indeed removed the micro white colored tentacle from its body which kept spinning at a loop according to the modification of the micro white colored tentacles while a beautiful mage left without getting collapsed.

The invader didn't throw them away like it did with the ugly looking humanoid images instead the invader kept them with itself they were like trophy towards its achievement in creating the beautiful humanoid images.

Soon the invader understood that no matter how beautiful these humanoid images looked like but they were not the human figure that it wanted to create. The soon understood that while it was kept on creating the beautiful humanoid images it had deviated from its main goal of creating a three dimensional image of a human.

Soon the invader started to look at the modification of the original white colored tentacle again and this time the invader was much more serious than it had ever been before. The invader kept observing the modification of the original white colored tentacle for quite a while without moving its senses at any other place.

The invader soon started to remember what it did on previous experiences from the ugly one to the beautiful one like how it modified each of them and how their modification was different from each other and how they were different from the modification of the original white colored tentacle.

It took quite a long time for the invader to understand why it failed in replicating the modification design of the original white colored into the micro white colored tentacle. The invader soon realized that though it as able to replicate most of the man design still some minor changes were able to bypass the senses of the invader. That lead to the invader unable to perfectly copy the human image into the micro white colored tentacle.

The invader soon understood the fact and started to analyze the tiny details in the modification of the white colored tentacle. The invader thought that might not be enough so it shot the original white colored tentacle through the original venture cylindrical pipe to observe each details carefully few times.

Soon the invader felt that it was ready to for another modification on its micro white colored tentacle. The invader proceeded t modify its new micro white colored tentacle the invader was quite vigilant and its mood was also quite serious while it was modifying the micro white colored tentacle.

It took quite a lot of time for the invader to modify the new white colored tentacle. Whatever, as the modification was now complete it was time for the invade use the micro venture cylindrical pipe to shoot the newly modified micro white colored tentacle through it.

The micro white colored tentacle soon formed a whole image after being shot. This image that formed just now can easily be identified by a human who lives on earth and had read books about fairies and mythology.

This image looks like a merman because though the man in the image has his two legs attached to each other making it look so. If it wasn't it would surely look like a human.