Trying to act grate toward the seawater

The invader was filled with happiness when it realized how important this little information related to the word " bow " was.

Now to the next thing what the invader needed to was to act like the seawater to control it as per the information it had gained from the dark blue ball of light.

To bow toward the seawater feeling gratified that it was able to give birth to a great being like it and also to all other white light ball like it that were born from the seawater and the invader didn't forget the colorful light ball that were also born from the seawater.

While imagining all the greatness of the seawater the invader soon remembered the seawater where it tried to destroy it again and again in the world of the seawater the gratifying feelings that the invader accumulated until now just vanished into thin air and the invader started to feel that the seawater was hilarious with low intelligence or stupid.

The invader remembered how foolish it looked while it has been frozen by the effect of the green colored gas produced by the invader again and again as t tried to hit the invader. Again the invader remembered the moment where the seawater formed the humongous transparent seawater monster the invader soon felt terrified even while having such imagination to appear in its mind.

Yeah the invader was terrified by such presence of the seawater even in its mind. Soon the invader came to an understanding that no matter what it does with the current flow of thoughts about the seawater being too chaotic that it is quite hard for the invader to focus just on he good side of the seawater.

The invader knew that it was a taboo to think otherwise while thinking about gratifying the seawater or any other such being.

The invader knew what it needed to do. First of all, the invader started to remove all the thoughts that were running through its mind right now. Soon the invader's mind was empty of any stray or random thoughts.

Soon the invader felt that it was ready for another round. Yeah, an around of trying to act low and feel gratitude for the seawater like how it does.

The invader knew why it has failed this time and the invader felt that it wasn't that much of a big deal. It was a slight mistake from it that it gone off the road while immersed in its own thoughts. The invader felt that such mistake wouldn't happen even if it was little bit more careful.

With such thoughts in mind the invader started to think about all the glorious deeds of the seawater and feel awed by it to develop the pure gratifying feelings toward it. Then only the invader would be able to have some progress in copying the act of the seawater and gain control over it.

The invader soon thought about all the great things about the seawater but still the invader wasn't able to make itself feel grateful of the seawater from its heart. So, the invader thought about repeating all the glorious deeds of the seawater again to form a heart which can appreciate the great deeds of the seawater from its heart.

When the invader started to view the greatness of the seawater inside its mind just like before but suddenly the invader remembered those funny actions of the seawater and the horrifying form of it. It didn't take too long for the invader to realize that it had failed in this attempt too.

Think what would the invader do after its second failure? Let's see what happens next.

The invader thought the same way like it did before it thought that it was a slight mistake by it if it was little bit more careful it would have happen like how it happened right now. The invader wasn't too serious with this two failures it was being too casual with it.

Soon the invader tried for the third time. In this time the invader was able to view the glorious deeds of the seawater for three repeated times but on the forth repeat the invader again saw those idiotic and the horrifying scene which made its third try to fail too.

After the third failure the invader didn't thought too much about it again and just acted like before. The invader again started to imagine all the glorious deeds of the seawater again. This was the fourth attempt by the invader.

In this attempt the repeatedly saw the glorious deeds of the seawater for more than ten times and on the twelfth attempt the invader again remembered the funny action and the horrifying form of the seawater. Yes, the fourth attempt by the invader has ended with failure too.

This time the invader was serious about its next attempt. The invader wasn't worried that it remembered the funny thing or the horrifying form of the invader instead the invader was worried about that it wasn't able to form a stable heart where it can truly feel grateful toward the seawater from bottom of its heart.

The invader got frustrated upon realizing the fact that no matter how hard it tried it can't naturally feel grateful toward the seawater. For the invader if it viewed the glorious deeds of the seawater for more than five times it would be able to make itself feel grateful toward the seawater from bottom of its heart.

The invader soon realized that it needed to grind more and more to make its heart able to feel grateful toward the seawater from bottom of its heart. The invader unwillingly made the decision that it would only stop trying when it has truly completed its task on to feel grateful toward the seawater from the depth of its heart.

The invader started it's another round of grinding.

A long time has passed since then the invader just started to grind. The invader had tried more than three hundred times since then and as the times kept passing on the invader just felt that it was too near yet too far, just in yet unable to grab it.

Whatever the invader kept grinding to reach that point where it can grab on to that last point. With each try the amount of repeated view of the glorious deeds of the seawater also started to increase. Right now the invader was able to view about more than fifty times before viewing the stupid and terrifying view of the seawater and eventually losing the gratifying feeling that it had accumulated for the seawater.

Soon another long time has passed since then and right now the invader has practiced more than three thousand times. The invader just kept on trying it didn't even know how much time has passed since it started to grind.

After another long time, the invader had currently tried for more than forty thousand times. And right now the invader was able to view the glorious deeds of the seawater more than four hundred repeated times before viewing the stupid and terrifying view of the seawater.

Yeah, you can imagine how much time has passed since then.

Soon the invader was filled with sudden ecstasy like it has found its ureka. The invader swayed its spectral body from here and there like a mad white ball of light, I mean spectral white ball of light.

As per the invader it has finally formed a heart that was able to feel grateful toward the seawater and if someone tried to mess with the seawater it has to face it first and it can only trample on its dead body to try mess with the seawater later on.

The invader thought that with such thought and mentality it was finally ready to try to gain control over the seawater. And the invader felt so confident that it could easily gain control over the seawater on its first try. If not on the first try then surely it would surely be able to gain control over the seawater on the next few try.

Now it was time for the invader to look for some seawater around there for it to try to practice how much it had gained control over the seawater. So, the invader turned its senses toward its surrounding.

When the invader looked at around itself it was faced with the dark gloomy surrounding which was giving off a sinister vibe from it. The invader just looked through the dark gloomy surrounding unable find a trace of any water let alone seawater. Any way every type water is seawater for the invader so it doesn't matter at all.

The invader wasn't that hopeful while searching through the dark gloomy space with sinister vibe. The invader wasn't also feeling well while staying at this space.

This dark gloomy space was a space construction done by the subconscious mind of the invader itself. Looking at this dark gloomy space with sinister vibe the invader started to question its believe and respect upon the seawater.

When these questions started to appear on the invader's mind the invader started to shook those thoughts away from its mind as soon as they started to appear.