Hanged between two world

The invader had a hunch why the current construction of the space in the subconscious mind looked so dark and gloomy and why it was giving off such sinister vibe at that.

To enter the subconscious space the invader had used cursing as a method to gain access into the subconscious world. So, that can be the only reason why is this place looked so dark and gloomy.

The invader right now needed to think of a way to avoid thinking bad about the seawater or its believe on the seawater that it had constructed after so much of efforts would vanish into thin air and the invader can't let that happen at all. So, the invader started to think what it can do to avoid being influenced by this dark gloomy space.

The dark gloomy space was influencing the invader to lose its faith on the seawater and the invader was completely surrounded by such space right now it was quite hard for the invader to even think straight at this position.

The invader understood that it can't go on like this or else it would surely fall apart, so it started to think of another measure that can deal with this gloomy space.

The first thing that came inside the invader's mind was t use the destructiveness of the orange colored gas to destroy this construction of the subconscious mind. The invader soon shook off such idea from its mind because it was an absurd idea. Simply it would take too much time to manifest the orange colored gas so this idea is just absurd.

Soon the invader thought a lot of such absurd ideas, the invader just took glance at them before shaking those idea off its mind. The invader knew that it needed to have a usable idea that is not absurd and very detailed. Later on the invader thought that even if the idea is absurd or genuine it doesn't matter at all it matter if it is useful.

With such mindset the invader swapped through all the incoming thoughts one after another. Soon the invader thought one of the idea was quite useful.

The invader thought that that its previous self and the current self were different. So, why not just disgust its own previous self after all the reason why this place was dark and gloomy was all its own previous self's fault so why not.

As the invader thought it started to disgust its own previous self like how it thought. The invader cursed its previous self for some time then as the invader thought its unstable heart started to solidify again.

The invader only stopped when it made sure that its heart is stable enough. Soon the invader heaved a sigh of relief.

Soon the invader started to look around itself to search for the seawater again. Suddenly the invaders attention was attracted by the dark blue ball of light. Not exactly the dark blue ball of light but the water that were floating over the dark blue ball of light.

The invader looked at this little this little waters floating on the dark blue ball of light with great interest. The invader thought that if there is water in the subconscious space of the invader's mind why not use it to test out its skill on it. Can it truly harm it, the answer is no, not at all after all this is just a subconscious construction of its own self and it was not real after all so why not go on try with this after all this seawater might be a product its mind have created subconsciously after looking at the all behaviors of the seawater. This was what the invader thought.

Soon the invader stepped toward the dark blue ball of light. The invader reached toward it within a second it wasn't that far from the dark blue ball of light.

When the invader was too close to the dark blue ball of light it looked intently at the ever flowing water on the dark blue ball of light and the invader looked at it for some times. The invader was actually observing how the water was flowing on the dark blue ball of light.

It seems that the invader had observed enough as it started to stretch some of it of its tentacle as it started to sway them gently like quite similar to how the water on the dark blue ball of light flows.

After making such action the invader just started to look at the water on the dark blue ball of light the invader saw no reaction from the water on it and but the invader didn't felt disheartened from it after all this water is a projection of its own subconscious mind how can it compare to the real seawater. After the seawater was an ethereal and mighty existence how can it be so easily copied y its silly subconscious mind.

The invader stretched its tentacle toward the waters flowing on the dark blue ball of light. Soon the invader's tentacle touched the water flowing on the dark blue ball of light. As the invader touched the water on the dark blue ball of light its spectral body started to shrink in a visible rate.

After some time when the invader's spectral body had shrunk to a certain limit and it stopped shrinking. The invader didn't mind it at all, for the invader this was just a construction of its subconscious mind and they weren't real at all.

The invaders tentacle from its spectral body also shrunk they were quite thin right now still those tentacle were holding a lump of water on it.

Whatever the invader currently needed to return to the real world to observe the real seawater and try to gain control over it. With the current state of its heart toward the seawater and with enough information about it the invader was quite confident in gaining control over the seawater.

Right now the question how can the invader can return to the real world from this subconscious world. Somehow the invader always felt that if it destroyed this subconscious construction completely it would be able to return to the real world. So the invader started to try to manifest the colored gases, mainly the orange colored gas and obviously the dark violet colored gas.

It's been quite a long time since the invader started to try to manifest the colored gases yet the invader wasn't even able to get any feeling that made it feel like that it would be able to manifest the colored gases.

Soon another long time has passed since then and the invader was currently feeling that it might never be able to manifest the colored gases and for this it felt that it was all because of its state of heart. So, no matter how the invader tried it wouldn't be able to manifest the colored gases, that what the invader thought.

Again the invader remembered how it escaped from this subconscious world each time the invader entered the subconscious world. Yes, the destructive effect of the dangerous unknown word. This unknown word made the invader feel fearful of it.

The invader had no knowledge about this word, and the effect of imagining this unknown word was beyond the invader's imagination, so trying to find information about it that was out of question.

Again to get out of this subconscious space the invader had no other choice than to imagine the dangerous word. As the invader was thinking about getting out of this place and returning to the real world it remembered the current condition of its main body. The invader remembered that its main body was currently hiding behind the three layers of barriers which were constantly being bombarded by the splashing seawater from the chaotic dark violet colored gas. The invader felt too worried just from remembering all these.

The invader was worried to the point that it didn't even wanted to care about the consequences of imagining the dangerous unknown word. As the invader decided to imagine the dangerous unknown word and get out of this place as soon as possible without further wait.

Soon the invader started to imagines the dangerous unknown word. As the invader was imagining the dangerous unknown word the construction around the invader started to shatter not just the construction but seems that the whole subconscious world was shattering along with it.

The invader's spectral body started to float from its current position and started to rise up above away from the subconscious world toward the real world and the invader was also clearly able to feel that it was floating up and going to leave the subconscious world. Yeah, the invader's thin tentacles were still holding the lump of water from the dark blue ball of light in it.

When the invader was almost about to return to the real world the water that the invader was holding inside its tentacle started to churn and dissipate.

A heavy acidic thing started to manifest and they were going down while on the other hand two micro molecules started to float above. These two micro molecules were joining and retracting again and again at an incomprehensible speed. The invader wasn't able to see this at all after all it wasn't even able to see the micro molecule let alone the speed they were moving at. Lastly they were floating up due to their light body.

The invader was still in between the subconscious and the real world. Soon a dangerous feeling started to grab the invader as the colored gases on its six thousand six hundred sixty-sixth barrier was pulling its body toward the chaotic dark violet colored gas. Currently the invader wasn't even able to feel its body let alone control it. It could only see it happening.

However suddenly ninety nine tentacles were stretched toward the invader from the dark sea. When the invader wanted to see who protected it, it saw that here were ninety nine white ball of light floating above the dark sea. When the invader looked at the other side it saw trillion and trillion of colored floating there.

While on the other hand due to a strong suction force the seven colored gases on the invader got pulled into the chaotic dark violet colored gas merging with it and transforming it on the process.

The invader didn't know what kind of change would it's seven colored gases would bring on the chaotic dark violet colored gas. But it knew for sure that the dark sea would soon look similar to the sea in the world of the left eye. While the invader can only see being hanged between these two things.