Chapter 2: New Beginings

As we inched our way closer to the city, we got a good look at the situation. A group made up of about eight or nine zombies were roaming the streets; in what seemed to be some kind of mini horde. While two other ones were around the side of a boarded up supermarket, eating the remains of a person.  "I think i'm gonna puke.", JP whispered as we crouched our way pass the walking corpses using garbage bins and fences as cover.

"Yeah well try to at least hold it in. We don't need to die because of some barf".

I turned to Sean and then to Jamie who were lagging a bit behind me. "Shh, focus on the mission. There's no time for bickering."

Sneaking our way pass the walkers and venturing deeper into the city, we couldn't help but to notice how dead silent it was. Apart from the moans and groans of nearby zombies that is. My arms were covered completely with scratches and scrapes from crawling on the ground. But I'll take that over a zombie bite. We passed a few shops on the way to the gas station and from the looks of it; most shops seem to have not been raided..yet.

Which is a good thing all considering, but that fact that we'll have to dodge zombies going in and out of the city if we were too is a problem.

"Ethan!" "Ethan!" "Ethan!"

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Sean, who was currently leaning against the side of a wall with his gun out. While Jamie was behind a mini van, and cocking his. "Whats wrong?" Sean looked around the corner then to me. "There are four men in front of the store, and from what it looks like they're getting ready to start attacking the walkers, I guess trying to create a path to escape, because they seemed to be overrun by a larger horde of zombies. Thankfully none of the zombies or people saw us, I was especially grateful that we didn't run into any runners.

In what seemed like twenty minutes, the shooting dissipated into screaming then to nothing. Everything went was back to being silent, aside from the sounds of flesh being ripped from its bone.

"There were ten or more people, with assault rifles in that survival group. Yet they still lost to the corpses." I looked down at my pistol that was in my holster, then at Sean's which was in his hands. "Let's try not to get caught by them, I have a feeling that if we are seen. That'll be the Last Of Us." The boy nodded and holstered his gun.

"Alright let's make sure to let Jp know". I looked back at the mini van that was parked sideways on the curb, but couldn't find the boy. Until I saw a figure across the street motioning us to come on. I furrowed my brow and shook my head, not wanting to go cross the street in the open. As far as I see it that was a death sentence I guess Jamie realized that we weren't going to risk coming after I shook my head. He started climbing into the gas station through a broken back window.

There was a group of people shooting guns, near a gas station. It would only take one stray bullet to cause an explosion. I'm surprised that the station was left in such a good condition after the "fight". Well as good as it'll ever be, the cracked ground and boarded up windows wasn't helping.

After waiting awhile for the walkers to die down to little, both me and Sean started our journey to make it across the street without being seen. That was until we heard a yell then a gunshot. To which more than half of the walkers nearby turned toward that gas station, to find the source of the noise.

Their gaping mouths hanging loosely as if their jaws were broken, and blood all over their clothes. About four walkers didn't really pose a threat to us since they were missing the lower parts of their body, and for the rest of them; I couldn't say the same. Darting for the building my mind was set on saving JP and whatever predicament he was in. After dodging one of the walkers that lunged at me and shooting another I made it to the boarded up window.

I pointed my gun through the window and started scanning the inside, as Sean started shooting at the Zombies that seemingly getting to close. "JP you okay?"

"Yeah..-I ran into a walker and it caught me off guard sorry." The boy said tugging his sleeve before rubbing the back of his head. "Lowering your guard is like asking for a zombie to bite you.." The boy sighed before continuing "Did you find any gas?" Asked Sean, trying to be heard over the sound of his gun.

Jamie nodded his head before raising up two half full jugs of gas. "I guess we got lucky huh. Imagine if we didn't find anything here?"

"More importantly, how are we going to get out of here? I keep dropping them, but it seems as if more and more just keep coming. At this point I've already wasted 15 shots!" It seemed like there were hundreds of walkers outside, from the multitude of groans that could be heard from outside and certainly we don't have enough bullets to do the job.