(in the earth element nation)

Knock… Knock… Knock…

knocks were heard, disturbing a lovely peaceful home. "Who is it!" came an old lady's voice from inside. She peeked through the peephole of her doors to check just who in the world come to her home?

"Missus Tywin…" A young man with a hushed voice called out to her.

She opened the doors without a second thought. Seeing the person in front of her, the old lady's heart skipped a beat for a moment. Tears rolled out of her eyes. Emotions ran through her from the unexpected visitor in a black cloak.

"Would it hurt to call me, your mother, and say I'm home," said Mrs.Tywin, with a hint of disappointment. Her son has finally come home at last.

Before she could continue her words, he gets inside the house and closes the door firmly behind them. Before he can take another step, he stomped his foot to the ground. The inside of the house suddenly turned frozen solid, the furniture and the flowers were not spared. The entire home went silent and due to frozen walls, no sound could be heard from outside. Time itself seemed to have paused at that moment.

Mrs Tywin was startled by this action but knowing that it was done by his son, he must have a good reason for doing so, She has chosen to never question his actions.

"You have grown stronger, my child." Seeing his son at this moment made the old lady notice how greatly things have changed. At that moment, many questions ran through her mind. 'Why have you come? Did something happen? Why do you seem anxious? What's wrong? 'Before she could voice out anything, a faint giggle was heard, coming under her son's cloak.

The young man pushed his cloak slightly to the side, revealing a baby in his arms. The old lady was caught off guard by this. His son was carrying a baby. "Just when did you get married, how dare you not invite us to your wedding!" The old lady berated in her assumptions. She harumphs coldly, then continues to say "... And you already have a child!?"

The young man quickly interjects before his mother can speak any further. "This child isn't mine. And I haven't married yet".He told the old woman, continuing his explanation. "I am on a mission to save this baby" He looked down at the angel's face and slight brush it with his hand. "While I'm at it, I have to freeze a few dogs who were fallowing me thinking that i am carrying some secrets of the north"

Understanding his intentions, she did not pursue the matter. All the old lady wanted was to not miss her opportunity to spend some time with her son, realizing that he might leave at any moment and might not come back ever again.

She then asks her concerns.

"When did you last eat? You look so weak!

Here, give me the cutie-pie." Seeing the little baby giggling at her, Missus Tywin's heart was quickly filled with joy. "I always wanted to have a baby girl after you were born. I think God has now sent me the gift that I wanted." She took the baby in her arms. It made the old lady smile. "What's her name?"

"I don't know," replied the young man.

"Aarwi was the name that I wanted to call if you had a sister."

"So it's Aarwi then," the young man gently smiles and responds.

Holding the baby in her arms, she serves her son some food while asking about the North.

"Did you like it there?"

While eating, he replied to his mother "Miss Vanissa is an honourable lady. I'm currently serving as a knight of the Royal Army. But I serve Miss Vanissa more than the kingdom. She is really an admirable woman, a leader who united the entire North within a single day after that night. But as you know, the element ice is as cold as ever. Everything looks perfectly fine outside but there are many who want to claim leadership. Things had not settled down in the least when I left the capital. But I received information regarding the North. She has united the entire army, formed a new government, assigned new roles, and created new rules."

While he was talking about North, she could see the passion and admiration in her son's eyes. "You are a wonderful knight," says the old lady with a bright smile on her face.

"I hope it's finally over so that the entirety of mankind would be safe from now on. And the earth... " Her sentence was cut off "Yes, I know. And the five elements got divided and formed a nation each." Her son finished it for her.

"What about the dogs you mentioned?"

"A few people are waiting for me outside. I better go before the word gets out." He then stood up to leave.

"Be careful, my son. Don't you worry, I'll take care of this baby."

"I wish you well mother. "He turned back one last time to see his mother and Aarwi before leaving. As he exits, the previously frozen room returned to normal.

The old lady shuts the door firmly, and then the entire house slips into the earth like it was never there. Seeing the old lady keeping her promise, a smile could be seen on his lips.

He then kicked the ground, creating a crater. A cold burst of energy was released into the atmosphere forming a cloud in the clear sky. It seemed like foggy weather of a cold winter.

Just a little far from where he stood, a kid, playing with his friends sees something and stops suddenly. As the mist becomes thick it gets harder to see and in the blink of an eye, the young man vanishes into the mist.

It was hard to say whether he turned into the mist himself or if he is moving just too fast. The mist has concealed the happenings in the area to the outside world. Not even sound could be heard from outside. It seemed the area that mist covered was entirely isolated from the rest of the world.

The kid who noticed it stopped to a halt and stared intently. Noticed by the others, they called out for his attention and for what he was looking at. When the boy looked back, there was nothing.

Within the blink of an eye, everything that he had seen before was just gone. It was like there wasn't anything over there in the first place.

After the mist faded, a man stood in a black cloak. With a faint smile, he says "Mrs Tywin, I am glad that I was able to meet you again. Farewell. "The man then disappears into nothing.

(Somewhere else in the fire nation)

In a lively city to the east of the city, an old man appears out of nowhere. He walks among the streets, blending himself along with the people. The way he walks is unique and elegant. One could say it was almost as if aligned with nature. when he's walking along the streets, he notices that all the citizens are running towards a specific direction. One could see a state of panic in everyone's eyes. As the people ran in hurried steps, he caught one young man's arm and asked what's happening.?

The young man was caught off guard and startled due to the sudden action. With a flustered look in his eyes, he turned to see who is stopping him, Only to see an old man with an amiable smile. The young man tried to estimate the old man's strength but Surprisingly, he wasn't able to gauge the strength of the old man. Then the old man asks the question again. "What's going on?"

The question pulled him from the bewilderment and replied politely to the old man "Elder, three bandit groups came to the city square. the black wolf, red wolf, and the white wolf. They have formed a week ago after the incident on that night. Many other groups were formed in the same night. And they fought with each other for authority to take over the city. However, in the end, only these three groups remained. They are now standing on the city's square. Rumour has it they are going to ally to rob the city of food and water. If I were you elder, I'd run or Join them rather than get killed by them."

The old man tightened his grip on the young man's arm further, not letting him go just yet "Why would they rob the city of food and water? Aren't wealth and cultivation resources supposed to be robbed?" The elder asked in confusion.

"Elder, after the incident happened, the city got isolated. The routes out of the city got blocked. The fields and river are far from city gates. So the source of food and water is no longer available. As You can see, no one can get out of the city. We will be starved to death unless we fly. "

After listening to the situation in the city the elder frowns with displeasure.

If u want, I can take you to the city square, it is located in the centre of the city. Said the young man. The elder simply nodes and follows the young man to the city square.

In the city's centre, three people stood in front of each other in a triangle manner and are discussing something intensely. If one could observe, there are at least one hundred people behind each of them who are armed with swords and knives.

Just when they are about to shake each other's hands, a furious roar was heard from the sky. An unbelievable pressure was exerted on the group of people who are standing in the city's centre.

A magnificent beast came into the sight with wings nearly ten meters long with claws that of an eagle and face that of a lion. The beast then descended from the sky.

Atop of it, a young man in golden armour stood majestically. He then got down and faces everyone who stood at the square.

Those who were present there stood in helplessness and fear with surprise, confuse and shock on their faces.

Entire city square went silent under the perplexed glazes of the people.

The city square was big enough to host at least 60,000 people. After the Royal guards and soldiers left the city for the war, things started to get worse. However, no one dares enough to make a move on others. After the night of the incident, the whole city was in an uproar. People started showing their true colours and started preying on the weak. Though the bandits walk in daylight, no one has enough courage to touch them, not only due to the numbers but also due to the heads of each group. They were extremely powerful mages.

Behind the beast, a few more of its kind followed and landed in the city square. Each beast carried soldiers in silver. They then joined behind the man in golden armour. Though these soldiers are strong, they couldn't be compared to the man in front of them. Just the aura that the man in golden armour emanate a burning sensation as if he would torch down everything that stands in his way. All the people who are behind the three bandit leaders couldn't bare the pressure. They either fell down or bent knee, all the lackeys knelt down as they were unable to handle the pressure. Only the three leaders were able to withstand it. However, they were under so much pressure they were unable to talk or unable to move a single muscle. people in the square started to whisper about what they think will happen next. Under the curious gazes of people, the man in golden armour stood in front of them and stomped his foot. A loud sound was created and the entire square went silent.

With a clear and loud voice, the young man declared "I am Haoren, who serves the Fire Nation."

The young man and the elder just arrived at the scene, seeing what lay before their eyes. They got curious about the happenings.

"Fire Nation? Where is that? I've never heard of it."

Before the elder could answer the young man, the man in golden armour continued, "After the incident a week ago, the entire continent got divided into five nations. This city is now under the Fire Nation. From now on, I am your protector, Haoren the city's knight."

After hearing this, the people of the city aren't sure if they should be glad or frightened as they don't know who is going to rule the nation. They don't know what happened after the night incident that happened before a week as the city was located far from the other cities and the capital. And got isolated from all kinds of connections It was mainly a city of great food and cloth marketing. Hence, the people here were not even used to any magic. Cultivation isn't a necessary commodity to them. Not to mention that there isn't anyone to teach them how to cultivate.

Surprisingly, the bandits were the only ones who cultivated a little so that they can prey on the weak. However, due to the presence of royal guards, none of them tried to make a move. Since the royal guards had left the city for war, there was no one to stop these bandits. They started getting active afterwards. It was just bad luck for all these three groups, meeting in the city square. As they were surprised by the Golden Knight and his army.

These bandits usually operate in the shadows. It would have been hard to find them since they easily blend with the people. Now they got the courage to pray on the weak as there is no one to protect them. But as of this moment, thanks to the city knight they cower like chickens in front of a butcher.