Hearing the announcement everyone was stunned.

"Who is number twenty-three?

What has he done to get eliminated from the running race?"

These were the whispers running among the spectators. The announcement continued, "Sora from the sue-clan leave the testing ground and wait for the punishment". Hearing that everyone was dumbfounded.

Isn't that the son of Sue clans head!

Did they really eliminate the sue clan head's son?

Who did he offend to get eliminated?"

Normally such incidents occur in the tests every year. Major clans always use some dirty tricks to win the test and attain the seats. However, the city lord didn't choose to interfere as it concerns the reputation and balancing of the power in the city.

Though he is the city lord, he should give some face to the three major clans in the city. Namely Sue-clan, Mori-clan, Sei-clan. Though Sue-clan isn't the richest, it had the most powerful cultivator as it's clan head. His standing is next to that of the city lord.

Hearing that his son got eliminated the Sue clan head raised in anger. "How dare you eliminate my son!

What did he do to get eliminated?

I'll see the end of the person who eliminates my son", said with an imposing aura of authority.

He shook the entire stage with his mid-tire intermediate mage cultivation. All the crowd stepped back being unable to face his strength. Seeing this city lord raised his eyebrows and said, "clan head Hisashi, do you know what you are doing?

Are you questioning our judgement? Don't you know that your son violated the rules and got eliminated? As for the rules of the first test, no one should attack others but your son attacked two students which is unacceptable". " I don't believe, show me the proof that my son attacked others", said the clan head. As the attack was done in the nearby woods he didn't think that anyone will notice not to mention those two kids were here without anyone along with them. As the esteemed Sue clan head, he knows the offsprings of all the major powers in the city. If he didn't know them means their standing should be low, thought the clan head. Even if there are any eyewitnesses, who will oppose him? Only the city lord himself is one small cultivation realm stronger than him. If the city lord were to fight in behalf of them then both the parties will get great losses hence he will not dare to fight him and the remaining two clans were waiting for the opportunity to claim the top clan or even city lord position as both parties will be weakened significantly.

But contrary to his expectations city lord submits a recording crystal where it shows the ambush that his son lay for Shiv and John till shiv getting knocked out.

Seeing this clan head face paled! Just who in the world are those two he had been observing the whole fight between his son and John but there isn't anyone who went there to record it with record crystal. How did the record of this fight come out? Since there are proofs he didn't want to proceed any longer and left the stage. Seeing his father leaving the stage Sue- Sora ran towards him.

He thought using his father's identity as the clan head of the Sue-clan, he could easily get away with it. Not to mention such fights were normal every year and he didn't expect to get eliminated and he was just doing what his father said. He felt like crying to lose a lifetime opportunity. Next year he would be out of age to enter the academy and this year is his only chance. If he didn't have to fight with those two as his father said, with his cultivation as chi refinement level seven he would have easily entered the academy.

Seeing the entire commotion on the stage from afar John and Shiv were looking at each other as they don't know what's happening over there. The announcement that was made was only about a participant getting eliminated but after seeing the one who attacked and escaped from them before is the number twenty-three, both of them nodded in satisfaction.

After taking a few steps the clan head took few steps and looked at the city lord and said, "you owe me an explanation", and left without waiting for his son. Seeing his father leaving without even looking at him. Sue-sora got frustrated. He lost the opportunity to enter the academy and now even his father is ignoring him. Then his gaze falls on Shiv who got knocked out earlier in his hands. Without knowing this both of them were munching on the delicacy. Sue-sore got mad seeing that the people who made him lose the chance to enter the academy were having fun as nothing happened.

His eyes were reddened as he started to move towards John and Shiv. He completely ignored the snow white beard person sitting beside them. He released his aura of chi refinement level seven and hold a sword in his hands. With a single look, one can clearly say that he is going to kill both of them. Then John notices the person who attacked them before is coming toward them with a weapon in hand. John lips curled up in excitement. Just at that moment Shiv also noticed him and got excited. Seeing the excited looks in their eyes elder Dao was dumbfounded.

Shiv was mad that someone knocked him out but he didn't get the opportunity to repay them. Seeing that the opportunity is walking towards him, he couldn't stop his excitement.

Shiv stood up and took two steps towards Sora. Seeing that shiv is ready to face him Sora gritted his teeth and started running towards Shiv. He had already knocked Shiv once and he could do it again, thought Sora.

With an overwhelming speed, Sora jumped at Shiv with a sword in his hand. With a smirk, Shiv bent a little and grabbed the leg of sora, who was in the air and smacked him to the ground. Sora stood up with a flabbergasted look and a mouth full of mud in his mouth.

Seeing the speed of Shiv, he clearly understood that no matter how many times he tries he wouldn't be able to land a single blow on Shiv. With an embarrassed face which is covered in mud, Sora went back. If not for Sora to ambush him and hit him hard on his head catching him off guard and choose to fight face to face, Shiv would have easily defeated him.

Seeing the fight everyone was dumbfounded. Before this incident Sue clan used to be a major power now that its clan head offended the city lord and its offspring of the main family lost the chance to enter the academy and even got embarrassed its decline is sealed.