Break through

Everything happened so abruptly that the sue clan head didn't understand what happened. Thinking that the other party caught him off guard, he got frustrated and with razing anger, his eyes were reddened. Being the Sue clan head for so long had blinded his eyes. He had been respected and admired where ever he went and people were dying to get recognition from him. Now someone had beaten his son and made a move on him catching him off guard. Though he jumped with his full force that shouldn't be enough to create a dust cloud that was able to cover the entire? Thinking that something was amiss he stood up holding his chest which is hurting like hell.

Seeing an old man standing with a nonchalant expression he frowned in displeasure. Hmph! hitting me when I am off guard do you think you can leave this area alive?

Do you even know who I am and what I can do? Said the sue clan head with a provocative tone.

Elder Dao wanted to reveal his strength but if he were to do that lot of people will get hurt just by releasing aura so he chooses not to release his aura. Hence he said with a nonchalant expression, 'I don't need to know you to kill you, in my eyes everyone who miss uses their power and authority is equal'?

Hearing the haughty words of the old man sue clan head got even enraged and said, 'do you think the likes of you can kill me? I the sue clan head sue-Hisashi is an unravelled existence in this city no one can get out of the city after touching me.' Then sue-Hisashi waved his hand imposingly, following which ten elders from the sue clan encircled the old man. Seeing the old man got encircled easily with the elders of the sue clan, sue-Hisashi laughed devilishly and said those two kids who touched my son are also going to be killed too. Fallowing which four chi refinement level eight and one chi refinement level nine cultivators group encircled shiv and john.

Seeing the sue clan off springs encircling the shiv and john elder Dao looked at them. His first thought was that the two kids would be fearing for their life but contrary to his expectation both of them are bumping their hands like they just won the lottery. Understanding that they can manage the situation he turned his gaze to the sue clan head with a smirk on his lips.

Though elder Dao always acts under the rules he loves to fight. That's the only reason why he scouts the area for the academy and resolves the issues. It had been a while since he last took a fight. The last fight he had was with the creature in the mist. Seeing the situation his hunger for battle rose up and wanted to have some fun.

Seeing the old man with a smile on his lips sue clan head thought he was laughing at his fate out of regret for provoking him. Since the other party was feared he wanted to push forward and wiped his weapon a wipe. Seeing the other party wiping the whip elder Dao said, 'nice choice of weapon'. Seeing the other party even trying to praise him so that he could be generous towards him sue clan head said, 'it's too late to beg for mercy I am going to kill you no matter what you do.'

Then all the sue clan elders who encircled the elder Dao started to make a move. Most of the elders from the sue clan were in low tire intermediate mage stage, for such low-level cultivators elder Dao didn't want to embarrass himself by using his power. He simply slapped every one even without the use of spiritual energy or the magic energy. elder Dao can easily defeat them. While elder Dao was slapping all the ten elders simultaneously no one knows what's going on as the sue clan elders were standing around the elder Dao. From outside it looked like the one in the middle would be getting a nice beating as the elders on the outside were not moving in the least.

For starters, if a group of people are after you the first thing you can do is to avoid getting encircled by them as they can beat you from all directions while you cannot defend yourself form all the directions. Since elder Dao got encircled easily everyone thought elder Dao is the one who was getting beaten up but on the contrary, to their expectation elder Dao is beating everyone soo fast that they didn't even get enough time to react before they get hit again.

With the swift slaps elder Dao was like a razing tornado. When he was finally done with the slaps all the elder's faces were swollen like a pumpkin and fall to the ground. All in all, he took only three breaths to slap each of them fifty times. Which means five hundred slaps in three breaths, with a satisfied look in his face elder Dao, turned to see at the sue clan head who just came from the stage. It took three breaths for him to come from stage to the elder Dao with in this short moment elder Dao was able to knock out all the ten elders. Not even the city lord would be able to do the same feat. Just who in the world is this old man. While he had his doubts he knows that it's not the right time to think about it so he gathered his spiritual and magic energy and channelled it into the whip. He was planning to go all out from the very beginning and strike the old man ending this once and for all.

With a swift move, he struck the old man. Just when he thought that his wipe will tear him into two pieces the old man simply waved his hand without moving and the whip touched his hand and fall to the ground as nothing happened. That whip was powerful enough to destroy a big bolder into small pebbles yet it didn't even leave a scratch on him seeing this sue clan head was unable to make any sense out of the situation and the entire conversation revolved in his head. Making such a move on such a powerful expert and even trying to kill the two kids that were related to him, there is no way the other party would leave him alive. Thinking that he can't kill the elder, he turned his gazes towards the kids.

Shiv and john just made a break through and were waiting to try out their new found strength when the opportunity presented itself. Words can't describe how happy they were. shiv reached chi refinement level eight while john reached chi refinement level seven. Hence shiv took down the one with chi refinement level nine while john handled four with chi refinement level eight. Shiv quickly managed to knock the one with chi refinement level nine and joined john then both of them took two each and beat them to a pulp. While elder Dao was fighting ten elders and the sue clan head on one paid much attention to john and shiv. Noticing the sue clan head was looking at the two teenagers every one turned their gazes to them when they looked at them they were again bumping their hands after knocking five of the sue clan offspring. With a single look, it was apparent that they made a break through. Seeing that they made a break through again everyone was dumb founded. Normally it takes one month for a commoner to gather his energy and steady his mind before attempting for a breakthrough in the chi refinement level. But they just made a break through a while ago haven't they? And when in the hell did they managed to find the time to cultivate? Seeing this everyone clutched their head in a frenzy.

…..Knowing that he is going to die anyway with a devilish smile sue-clan head whipped his whip towards the kids in hopes of killing them.