Grandma! ( MOUNIKA)

"Elder I got blinded by the words of my men, I should have thought this through properly before deciding with the judgement." Its my insolence that lead me to this disaster so please pardon my life ill make sure that such a mistake wouldn't happen again. I didn't know that she is your daughter it wouldn't have come this far if I knew she had such a backing," exclaimed City Lord in fear.

With a nonchalant look on her face Mrs: Tywin completely ignored city lord and said, "Hey, you there with the emblem of the academy, are you an outer elder of the academy?" seeing that the old lady is calling her the outer elder who recently reached nascent mage intermediate realm almost shocked to his death and stood up unknowingly. With a low and shaking voice, he said," yes elder…"

"You can call me Mrs Tywin," said the old lady with a look of disdain in her eyes. The outer elder from the academy don't know what to say and he can clearly feel the look of disdain in her eyes so he quickly replied, "Mrs Tywin, I know that the city lord had gone overboard with his actions, even if I oppose his decision I may not walk out of here alive. being the city lord I don't think that there is anyone who will oppose him in the entire city. Even if I stayed silent here I would have surely reported this situation to the academy and let the authorities deal with him. if you are displeased with my actions please forgive me!"

As the outer elder of the academy, he is the incharge of picking the most talented students and guide them to the academy without fail. If they brought an outstanding student to the academy they would reward handful and would surely make a killing out of it. On the other hand, if the academy knows that they have failed to identify the proper students or let anything happened to the talented individuals who were about to join the academy they would face the consequences. Hence he doesn't have anything to reject Aarwi.

Seeing the honest look in the eyes of the outer elder Mrs Tywin nodded slowly and said, "report everything that happened here to the academy." Seeing that elder isn't going to pursue the situation any further city lord quickly gets on his knees and said, "Mrs Tywin thank you for saving my life, I will prepare a royal wagon to miss Aarwi to reach the academy."

Just as she heard this words Mrs Tywin looked at the outer elder and said, "also say that they have to appoint a new city lord as the old city lord is dead", hearing this the city lords face paled! He wanted to speak but couldn't find any words. Ignoring the city lord she continued to say "also say the Mrs Tywin suggested, not to appoint these eastern people as the city lords ever again, they have destroyed this world enough! Also, Your principal might be worrying about me so mention my name to him. "

Hearing this even the outer elder from the academy was stunned as well. Who is the principal? A person whose command could shake half of the earth element nation with a single hand. Just knowing her name is enough to him but she even said that he might be worried about her? Just who in the world is she? Everyone left with the wonderment, Even Aarwi got shocked at this statement. With a shocked expression, Aarwi asked, " who in the world are you, grandma? How do you know the principal of the academy?"

"I am not old enough to be called grandma yet you silly girl! Also, I am not your grandma I am your mother! And what are you looking at! take her to the academy! Yelled the old lady!

"…" the people,

"…" the outer elder,

"…" the city lord…


(next day in fire Nation)

John and shiv are still rolling in their bed when they heard a loud bang on the ground floor. They soon wake up and walked downstairs and found a blacked figure kicking utensils in rage. Seeing elder Dao looking like a black gorilla they popped in laughing. Seeing both of them laughing elder Dao quickly tided himself and smiled like nothing happened….

With excited and high spirits john and shiv entered the academy. They went to the receptionist and explain the details and get their tokens as fresh outer disciples. Walking along the corridors hey found their classroom and sat on the last bench. Surprisingly they were the first to enter the class, Except for the benches and black stone. Soon a pleasant chiming of bell started to echo in the distance shiv started to count one, two, three….people started to enter the class like a tide soon all the seats filled up...nine, ten. A teacher entered the class no one knows when like she just appeared near the black stone like appeared out of nowhere.

Hello everyone, this is miss sudhama of Mangalagiri academy. I am your new cultivation teacher….while she was still introducing herself a student walked in with bandages to his both arms and heavy body (its note like he is plump. He looks like a giant, if he was a little hight no doubt that everyone would call him again.) as soon as he found Miss Sudhama he smiled a little showing his broken tooth and said, "hehe sorry miss…"

"Miss Sudhama" replied miss sudhama.

" Miss Sudhama sorry for being late, hehe I had few broken bones so I went to the infirmary". Seeing him everyone laughed. He entered the class and searching for the bench. Shiv moved aside pushing john to the corner making enough space for the almost giant man with a broken tooth to sit beside him.

John couldn't understand why would shiv let this crazily heavy student sit beside them but he didn't bother to question as the giant student looks honest. "hehe hai I am srikanth", said the giant student.