Best Friends

After preparing breakfast, Nihan got ready really fast. She had hurriedly bathed, changed her clothes, done her hair and applied light makeup. She was wearing a black casual half sleeve t-shirt and blue jeans.But feliz was not back yet. She had been calling Feliz several times while eating breakfast. Finally Feliz showed up after half an hour. Nihan was picking her phone and inserting it in her pocket.

Feliz was wearing a red long dress which can barely cover her thighs. Her artificial eyelashes and lipstick-streaked lips were noticeable.

"When will you learn to dress decently, my felisz?" Nihan asked with a dissappointed face.

"That's what I want to ask you too" Felice grinned as she walked toward the dining table. She picked a sandwich and started eating. Soon she got alarmed by hearing the clock's sound. With a shock she started screaming at Nihan.

"Nihan, it's about eight and half. If I stay here one minute more, I will be late for my office." Nihan smiled and nodded her head agreeing with her.

Nihan put the files and bag into a worried Felice's empty hands and asked. "shall we just go, now?"

without answering , Felice ran to the door and went outside. Nihan accompanied her.

Felice owns expensive cars. So most of the day, she would give Nihan a ride to the hospital on the way to her office. There is a reason to refer specifically to 'most days'.

In most days, Felice will have to take her high society friends along with her. Without even thinking once, She would then leave Nihan half way on the road. Nihan was never able to adjust to her lifestyle. So she had no complaints about it. As usual, Felice left her half way this day too.

As Felice mentioned earlier, Nihan was in another world when she is in hospital. As if nothing other than duty matters to her. Her life become very busy there.

Mira was waiting for her at the cafe in front of the hospital. Nihan approached her with a wide smile. "Good morning "

"coffee?" Mira asked her.

"Of course dear.." Nihan hung her white coat and bag on the chair and sat down facing her.

"so, What's up Nihan hyder khan?" Mira asked as she leaned back in the chair.

"Tell me, what do you want to know first?" She looked at Mira while drinking her coffee.

"you are late again. That Devil left you behind, didn't she?"

"it's not her fault.. I didn't want to bother her."

"I don't understand one thing, how did you end up with a devil like her? She is not our type." Mira's voice was filled with dissappointment.

"some things happens which we don't want nor expect in our life." Nihan wanted to stop the flow of sympathy in their conversation.

"still..." but Mira was not satisfied with her reply.

With a sigh Nihan started talking. "I lived in her house as a paying guest while attending medical college for almost 2 years.

Back then her mother, jhansu aunt treated me as her daughter and loved me. She was the best aunt I ever saw." She leaned toward the table as she placed her hands on it and smiled.

"That's right. So you are in love with her mom, not her." Mira took the coffee cup and laughed out loud.

"This time, I will agree with you. But Felis is not bad as you think." The moment Mira heard it, she spat her cofffee and screamed. "what??"

Seeing her reaction, Nihan burst into laugh.

"I will never agree with your opinion on that, Nihan" Mira said. "I don't need any particular reason to hate her. I just hate her because she is Felis agarwal. Not only that, No one in the world can tolerate an item like her, except you. If I were you, I would have killed her" She stopped for a moment and looked at Nihan who was still smiling at her.

"How often do I tell you to leave her apartment and stay with me?" She seemed to be very angry now.

"I can't Mira.. jhansu aunt entrusted her to me.I can't dissappoint her. She loves me a lot."

"okay, I understand. But you have to promise me onething."

"what is it?" Nihan raised her eyebrows with curiosity.

"If she dare to trouble you , you have to come to me." Mira stretched out her hand to touch her fingers. Nihan didn't reply her. She calmly nodded her head agreeing with Mira's words.

"Are we going to stay here?" Nihan asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"oh yes, let's go" They both got up from where they were sitting and picked up the bags and white coats that were hanging on the chairs and walked to the hospital.

At the same time, Nihan felt something unnatural. After a moment's hesitation, she suddenly turned around.

"what happened? Why did you stop there?" Mira asked as she noticed it.

"Nothing, I felt like someone was watching me." Nihan uttered.

Mira looked everywhere but coud not find anything. "no one is there. It must be your hallucination" Nihan agreed with her.

"sometimes, I feel like that too" Mira said.

"How do you feel?"

"like someone is following me" Mira was serious.

"really? And why is that?" Nihan was really curious now. Meera hid her laugh well and replied.

"Because, in this age we need someone to love ,to be loved. But if there is none, we will wish to have one."

"Nice joke, you and your love advises Mira.. I was serious, I really felt like there was someone behind that pillar." She pointed at a pillar. But they couldn't find anything.

"look over there" Mira pointed at another direction. Nihan turned to see an young good looking man who was walking towards them.

"Dr. Harshad chopra" Mira murmered with adoration.

"we are seeing him everyday, what's the big deal?" Nihan asked. Mira leaned to her shoulder and she was Still watching him.

"He is getting more handsome day by day, isn't he Nihan? Look at him.. His blue eyes, long nose, 6 feet height and a perfect figure. He looks like a Bollywood hero" Mira looked at Nihan for a reply. But she was looking down at her phone all this time.

"Ufff.. you are such a thing.. Did you hear anything that I said now. How can you concentrate in your phone when he is here?" Mira grabbed her shoulders to gain her attention.

"what is your problem now?" Nihan asked with a sigh.

"you are my problem. Iam telling you about the hot doctor of Mumbai. And what are you doing? Playing with your phone. You should admire him"

"come on, check your phone Mira. Here are the reports about heart transplant surgery we have planned for Next Month. In addition to Dr. Barish, Dr. Michael and Dr. Sebastian from America will also be here in a week. We have to assist them. So we need to study this file as soon as possible. " Nihan's eyes were sparkling when she was speaking about it.

"Really Nihan? I am talking about heart here. And you are talking about cutting it. No one can change you girl.. not even an earthquake can.." Mira frowned with disappointment.

"Be serious Mira" Nihan was serious. She looked at Mira sternly So that Mira took her phone to check out the details about the surgery.

"Oh yes, I know. This is Mr.Dev raj khanna's case. This is very important for our hospital. You know he is also the owner of this hospital." As soon as Mira completed her words Dr.Harshad interrupted them.

"What are you two discussing in this early morning?" He asked. And both of them looked at him hearing his voice. He was wearing a pleasant smile on his face.

"Good morning Doctor" Nihan greeted him with respect. Mira was staring at him with eyes full of love. Nihan pinched at her wrist to wake her up from her dream. Mira tried to smile as she was struggling to suppress the pain inside her.

"We were discussing about Mr. Dev raj khanna's case. We were studying all the details." Nihan said.

"Oh yes, That is a critical one. We have to study it carefully inorder to avoid any risk through the surgery. And you can't go with the surgery team if you don't know enough details and knowledge." He replied.

Nihan grabbed a file from her bag and handed it over to him. "I have prepared this"

" Doctor. i have a doubt. Since he is an old man. The rate for success will be very low. Do we have to take this risk?" When he started reading it Mira interrupted them and opined like an intellectual. Nihan stabbed her in the stomach with her elbow as giving a command to keep quite. Mira smiled at her innocently realizing her fault.

" Mira is right too." Harshad said surprising Mira. "Because the age of the patient is over sixty, the risk is higher. And he is a VIP too. But we can't decide that the success rate will be low or not. Especially when we have a brilliant team like us under the leadership of Dr. Barish khan."

"I have no doubt about that" Nihan said.

"Me too" Meera shouted standing between them.

"But Doctor, why did they choose this hospital in Mumbai overlooking hospitals in major countries like USA." Nihan asked Harshad.

"Maybe, it's because he owns this hospital" Mira suggested.

"I don't think so, because We also have a branch of our hospital in the US. In addition with the numerous facilities." Nihan said.

"I agree with you Nihan, you are correct." Dr. Harshad agreed with Nihan's opinion. "And I think it in another way. Mr. Khanna is less confident about this surgery. If it results in death, he will rather choose his own country than others. " Mira too was satisfied with Dr. Harshad's judgement.

"And what about the boy Doctor? He is been lying as a brain dead patient for one month. And His parents are not ready for this surgery." Nihan said with concern.

"That is a serious problem.. it will be too difficult to find another donour in such a short period of time."

"Stop,stop" once again Meera interrupted their conversation seeing that it won't last if it continues like this. "Iam afraid that your discussion won't end like this. Did you forget about our duty guys?"

"Of course not " said Nihan.

"Then let's go. We can continue this later. " Three of them started walking inside the hospital toward their rooms.

But at the same time, someone was taking pictures of them on mobile hiding behind one of the pillars at a distance on the entrance of the hospital.

He lowered his mobile to see them walking inside. And pulled down the black hat he wore to his face and walked out.