Mysterious girl

Abhay khanna was working in the office. Suddenly, the door swung open and someone pushed his head inside.

"Can I come inside son?" He asked. Abhay looked at him. He was about forty , forty five years old. The seriousness in Abhay's eyes were vanished and lips were widened by seeing him.

"Madhav uncle, please come and have a seat" The man came in and sat in a chair facing him.

"What will you have? Tea or coffee?" Abhay asked taking the receiver in his hand.

"Nothing, You are too busy that I didn't get a chance to meet you these days. So I came here." Abhay put the receiver down and smiled slowly.

"You can come here anytime uncle."

"I know that very well son. But today I have a motive to visit you." Madhavan suddenly sounded serious.

"Tell me uncle, i am free now." Abhay leaned forward inorder to make it more casual.

"Did you get any information about that girl? "

As soon as he heared it, his smile disappeared.

And he is back to his angry young man mode.

"Not yet, but i am trying my best.." he said.

"You have to find her Abhay, She's a weapon that can destroy our family. "

"I don't understand one thing. Why will grandpa go after such a girl?" Abhay's voice was filled with anger and hatred.

"This is the regular occupation of such down-to-earth women. Find rich men and throw them in their net. Age will be not a problem for them. " Madhavan said with a disgusted laugh.

Abhay didn't speak anything for a few moments. He was thinking about something. The change in his grandfather intrigued him. His Grand father was a person who never wanted to marry another women after his wife's death. He wanted to live his life for his children and grandchildren. But Abhay recognized his another face three months ago.

For years, the old man was helping a girl. Without letting anyone know, keeping it as a big secret. Either she can be his illegitimate child. If so, why will he hesitate to talk about it. Dev raj khanna, whom I know will never keep such a secret.

Then, thoughts will lead to more subversive way. The girl must have been a cancer which is affected grand pa for money. No matter how much he thought about it. He could not come to a conclusion.

He woke up from his thoughts hearing Madhavan's phone ringing. Madhavan picked it up and started talking.

"Hello" From the other side, a rough voice began to speak. "Boss, it's me agent Mohit. I got some informations about her"

"What is it that you know about her?" Madhavan asked excitedely. Abhay's eyes lit up with excitement as he listened to Madhavan's words.

"She works at seven heartz hospital in Mumbai."

"Anything else?"

"A few photos have been collected"

"Excellent. Just send it to me." Madhavan became impatient as well as Abhay.

"What about my money?" Mohit asked with a slight fear.

"Once all the work is completed, the money will be credited to your account. Now send me the photos immediately" Madhavan screamed. After disconnecting the phone call, Madhavan turned to Abhay. His face was filled with sympathy.

"Abhay, things have gone out of our hands"

"What happened uncle? Did you find her? " Abhay asked eagerly.

"There is another reason behind Your grand father's sudden decision to go to Mumbai for treatment."

"What is it?"

"It's her" Madhavan's voice muffled. "She is working there"

Abhay's face turned red with anger. He got up from his seat angrily. And in a moment, He hit hard on the glass table with his fist. With a loud voice it burst and splashed to the ground.

Madhavan jumped from his seat and ran towards him. He gripped Abhay''s bloody hand and consoled him.

"Calm down Abhay, calm down. Within minutes, Her complete details will be in our hands. Then we will show her place to her."

"Of course , I will show her who I am." Anger burned in his eyes while he said it.