Hide and Seek.

At about six o'clock, Nihan woke up and sat down in her bed. Suddenly Felice came into her thoughts. She pulled out the blanket and went to the bed where Felice used to sleep. But it was empty like last day.

"Felice.." Nihan called out loudly and checked each rooms of her flat.

"Felice, are you there?" She shouted standing outside the bathroom. And soon opened the door and checked inside. Felice was not there. She sighed desperately. The next moment she dialled felice's number and it was switched off.

After fifteen minutes of futile attempts, Nihan reached the conclusion. Felice did not return last day. Since she has repeated this many times lately, Nihan felt nothing new in it. Nihan confirmed that if Felice returned, She had to make a decision on this.

She quickly changed her clothes and went outside for jogging. She stood for a while, looking out into the sea along the shore of Marine Drive.

"Didi... Please buy one.."

Nihan turned to the sound and found a little girl of approximately eight years old. Her face was cute and tired and was filled with a warm smile. She has a basket made with bamboo in her hands. It was full of bright red roses.

Nihan sat down on her knees and touched the little girl's cheek. "Can I know your sweet name??" Asked Nihan with a sweet smile.

"Malini.." She replied without hesitation.

"What's the point of not going to school at the age of learning? And what are you doing here?" Nihan enquired very gently. Eventhough the question made Malini very sad. Her smile faded and she bowed her head without saying anything.

Nihan touched her chin and lifted her face towards her. The girl's eyes were wet like a cloud which is going to rain soon.

"What happened?" Nihan asked her.

"Didi... My mom was working at a cracker's company. I went to school with the wages from it. Until last month...." she stopped her words as she tried to suppress her weep. Nihan wiped Malini's eyes and looked forward to hear more from her.

"Last month, a huge cracker exploded in my Moms hand.." Said Malini. "She has severe injuries. And she is in Ayur arogya kendra now. I had to quit my school to find money for my Mom's treatment."

Malini's story caused a great deal of pain in Nihan's heart. A mother and daughter who had struggled to recover from their sufferings slipped into more trouble. Sometimes God will close his eyes and pretend to see nothing. Even if it is about little children like Malini who are innocent and sinless.

Nihan took out two of two thousand rupees notes and extended it towards Malini. Malini hesitated to take it.

"I don't have balance to give you Didi.." She said innocently.

"Then Give me all of it..." Nihan showed red roses and smiled. Malini's face widened with happiness when she heard that. She tied the whole flowers together like a bouquet and handed it to Nihan.

Nihan gave her money and patted her hair with care. She sighed looking Malini walk away with her empty basket. Soon Nihan noticed a familiar face running towards her on the way Malini had left.

He was wearing a red t-shirt and a black long track suit. She looked a few more closely.

"Royal Monster..." Her lips mumbled in a shock.

"Allah knows the truth... If I encounter him in the morning, my day's gone..." She looked up to the sky and complained to no one.

Nihan looked around, searching for some place to hide. A series of sloping rocky slopes lay adjacent to the sea. She realized that if she get down on the little stones, he would not be able to find her. She hid there with great care.

Nihan was very proud of her idea. she decided to wait there until he leave from her sight.

Abhay stood at the same spot where Nihan was standing a while ago. He took the bottle he had in his hand and drank some water and poured some over his head. He sat on the bench and stated at the deep blue sea.

Nihan slowly turned her head to see if he was gone or not. As soon as she saw that he was still there, she fell backwards.

At the same time two or three young men jumped on the rocks and started walking on it.

Two or three steps further, one of them noticed Nihan, who was hiding, holding a large bouquet of red roses. He called out to the others and showed her off silently and murmured something.

Suddenly they jumped in front of Nihan which shocked her. Nihan looked at them in panic, wondering what was happening. At the same time one of them grabbed a flower from her bouquet and kissed it and immediately looked at her with an ugly smile.

"Hey Babes... What do you like? Let us do here or...?" He asked.

Disgusted, Nihan reached out her hand to strike at him. But he grabbed her arm and prevented her from doing so.

"I like it.. what do you say it in english..?" He asked others in a loud voice.

"Brave and beautiful boss..." Other replied with a laugh.

"That's it.." The boss took the pan from one of the men and began to chew it. Nihan tried to free her hand from him with all her strength. But he was squeezing her hand with more force. He spit out the red pan and laughed out loud. And suddenly he released her hand.

"Stupid.." Nihan uttered. She tried to suppress her fear and started to walk from there. The next moment, two of his men forcibly held her and made her sit back.

"That's right.. If you have so much courage if I hold your hands.. then....." He glared at her with so many meanings in his eyes.

Nihan tried to get up and push them away. But she couldn't. She watched in horror as his hands stretched to her chest. A scream of helplessness and fear went out of her.

" Help.. somebody help please... Leave me.. please let me go.." Her screams rang out amidst their laughter and the heavy waves.

Abhay was staring at the sea waves. He looked at the wrist watch and it was seven and half hours. He got up from there and started running away.

At the same time, when Nihan was pleading again and again, the boss screamed rubbing his ears to others. "Cover her mouth idiots..."

One of them, who was holding her hand, closed her mouth with his other hand. Nihan tried hard to resist in fear and pain. She narrowed her eyes as she saw his hand started to extend toward her chest again.

"Are you playing hide and seek with me?" Soon Nihan heard a familiar voice and looked up with hope.