A bitter truth

Nihan's teary eyes widened with a surprise by seeing Abhay khanna standing infront of her. She tried to reveal all her strength to escape the mighty hands of strangers.

"We will deal with this.. you.. just leave from here.." The leader replied to Abhay khanna.

"What if I don't go?" Abhay khanna jumped down to the stone where they were standing.

"Don't just get stuck in unnecessary things." The leader angrily pointed his finger at Abhay and warned him.

"What if it's necessary?" Abhay leaned back against one of the stones behind him and smiled coolly.

"We also need some dude.. You can take her after that. We have no grudge.." All of them burst into laughter together. And Abhay joined them in response. Their conversation was making Nihan more upset.

Fear ran through her heart, wondering if he will use this chance to pay her back to for what she has done. He was the one whom she was most afraid of. Maybe more than this gang. She thought she was in a big trouble, but he was ten times worse. Like going out of the frying pan and into the fire.

"Yes.., bring it here...near the rocks.." Abhay called someone on his phone and ordered in his bossy manners. Unaware of his intention, the leader pulled out the knife he was hiding from his waist and shouted at him angrily.

""If you are going to call the police, i will kill you both and throw into this sea. And this would also be a record in Raghavan's list.. That's all..."

"Hey cool down.. Mr. Raghavan..." Abhay raised his hands and told him to calm down.

"These fights, knife, injuries and hospital.. i am not interested in that.. since I am a business man let's talk about deal.."

Raghavan and his companions looked at each other unable to understand what Abhay was

talking about. Nihan nodded her head in panic. She wanted the leader to reject his offer. Because she was sure that he was using the moment to take revenge on her. So she prefered to die in their hands rather than struggling with his revenge plans.

"Boss, They are playing with us.. They want to fool us... Stab him in his chest boss..." One of the goons shouted at Raghavan. And Raghavan started to throw his knife at Abhay.

"Fifty thousand..." Said abhay. "I offer you fifty thousand to leave her and run away from here without any problems.." Raghavan and his companions were shocked to hear this. But Nihan was not. Not at all.

This is him. A typical Abhay khanna. The royal monster. He is always like this! He is a complete business man before a humanbeing. Whatever he does, it should reflect his cold and emotionless behaviour. He prefer to deal the problems rather than solving it.Nihan kept her thoughts to herself, waiting for her chance to escape.

"Do I look stupid to trust you? You are not crazy to pay for a woman who has nothing to do with you.." Raghavan sounded like an intellectual. But he was holding the knife towards Abhay all the time.

"Who said that?" He asked and glared into Nihan's eyes. "She is my wife.." and he declared.

No one expected such a reply from him. Especially Nihan. Her eyes snapped open. Raghavan lowered his knife and instructed others with his eyes to leave her.

"Is it true?" Raghavan asked Nihan in a threatening voice. She couldn't speak for a while. She had already fallen into a new astonishment. She must be hallucinating. There is no way he just said those words just to save her. This whole thing was baffling. She stared at him incredulously, unaware that the goons had even set her free.

"You.... Is he telling the truth..?" Raghavan shouted again in a loud voice. Nihan woke up from her thoughts and nodded yes to him in fear.

Meanwhile, Abhay's driver had arrived there with a check book. Abhay signed a check leaf and sent him back with the rest of it.

Abhay handed it to Raghavan. He bought it with a gleam in his eyes and checked it throughly. When satisfied, he raised his hand and gestured others to release her. The next moment one of them forcefully pushed her away.

Nihan, who lost her control, fall forward laying her head on Abhay's chest. And when she tried to get up from him, he hugged her tighter. Nihan could not resist him.because she knew his intentions of doing so.

"All good sir.. we trust you now.. Then we are leaving you alone.... "

Nihaan has realised that the seriousness of Raghavan's voice, which had lasted so long, had vanished in an instant, and had become gentle. It really surprised her.

Raghavan repeatedly kissed the check leaf and jumped on the rocks with his companions and vanished.

Nihan was still standing in Abhay's arms laying her head on his chest. He really enjoyed it for a moment. But soon patted on her shoulder and said. "Excuse me.. Doctor... They are already gone.."

As if shocked by a nightmare, she slipped away from him. Abhay climbed the stone and extended his hand to her. She looked sternly at him and an expression of anger suddenly came over her face. She climbed up on the rocks without his help. When he pulled his hand back, a gorgeous smile ran across his lips.

"In such situations, you can usually use the words, like 'Thank you, great of you, etc.." He murmured in order to hear Nihan who was moving forward through the stones with a heavy face.

"For what?" She yelled, turning back to him. Her attitude irritated him. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his arms, his eyes flashing fire.

"Oh.. really..?" He asked.

"Leave me.. it hurts.." Nihan cried in pain and tried to free her hand from his grip. But he gripped her wrist hard and commanded in his cold manner "First.., You should say sorry to me.."

Nihan looked at her agonizing hand with painful eyes. Abhay noticed this. And soon realised his fault. He sighed heavily and his hold loosened.

"Why will I apologize to you?" Nihan asked and soon argued. "You are the sole cause of all my problems. Everything has turned upside down since you came into my life. You are the reason I got stuck in this trouble today."

"Will you say I'm the one who summoned these goons now?" Abhay asked watching her angry face.

"I will.. I am damn sure that you have summoned them..It must be your idea to avenge me..."

Her words provoked him. His eyes flashed angrily and he stepped forward getting closer to her.

"Abhay khanna has no time to waste on a girl like you, who is not even worthy of a penny. And don't missunderstand that this money was spent on you. I would do the same for any woman in your position. Got it?"

"Great..." Nihan clapped her hands and smiled, her eyes mocking him. "You are right" she said.

"I will not missunderstand your actions. Ofcourse, you are the great Abhay khanna.. who offered the goons fifty thousand rupees and let them go.. you dealt with them very professionally.. afterall you are a businessman."

Her words confused her. He could not tell if she was praising him or teasing.

"Thugs like them should be beaten and brought before the law and punished." She continued. "Instead you have encouraged them to make more mistakes. Great Mr Abhay Khanna, Great"

"You.." His eyes turned red in anger. He wanted to yell at her. Before that she stopped him raising her arm.

"You can have money as you like. You can be a king.. but As long as you keep thinking that money is the solution to any problem, your place in my heart is worse than those goons. Good bye Mr. Abhay khanna.." Then without another word she turned and walked away.

Abhay stood frozen until she disappeared from his sight. The rage and hatred rolled up in his eyes. He closed his eyes and tried to calm his mind. Now, he can only hear the voice of waves and the wind. And soon he felt a cool breeze in his heart.

He opened his eyes and saw the bouquet lying between the rocks.He went down, picked it up and caressed it warmly. He smiled, the dimple playing below one of his twinkling eyes.


Nihan started drying off her hair standing in front of the mirror. Occasionally, Memories flashed in her eyes.

"She is my wife.." Abhay's words echoed again in her ear. The moment she rested on his chest,

engrossed in her thoughts. She heard her phone ringing and it woke her up.

"Hello" Nihan pressed the phone against her ear and talked.

"Nihan.., i have found the address.." It was Mira and Nihan was happy to hear the news.

"Really..? Thanks dear.. please whatsapp me it immediately.." Nihan said excitedly.

"I will... And i am warning you again... Do Not tangle with unnecessary matters. It won't make you any good.." Mira warned in her crisp tone.

"I just want to see them.. that's all.."

"Good. Do you remember, your lawsuit is in this weekend?" Asked Mira in a serious voice.

"I remember.. and thanks for being there.."

Nihan got the message just after the call was ended.


"And sir, Mr. Luka will be here in half an hour.." Andrea finished reading his schedule and waited for his response. On the contrary, Abhay didn't even hear it.

Leaning back in the chair, he was distracted by something else. He was thinking about Nihan, who was lying on his chest. Her terrified gaze, high heartbeats, trembling lips, her black hair and strands of her hair playing with the cool breeze.

As he remembers, his lips twisted into a wry smile. The next moment, her last words began to echo inside him. His smile faded replaced by anger.

"Sir, Are you alright?" Andrea asked.

"Yes?" Abhay asked back as soon as he gained his senses back.

"Are you alright? Is something wrong?" Andrea repeated her question.

"Andrea, why did I bring you from the US as an assistant, Tell Me Why?" Abhay glared at her in resentment.

"Sir.. because I am well aware of your rules.."

"Then do not repeat it.." Abhay warned her in his furious tone.

"Sorry sir.." Even though she didn't understand what went wrong, she was sweating and shaking.

"You can go now.." He ordered her showing the door. His mind was still disturbed even after she was long gone. He dialed Madhavan's phone number, pledging not to think about Nihan again.

"Hello uncle.., Did you get it?" He asked hopefully.

"No son, it's not yet. Give me a couple of days. And I'll find some way." Madhavan's voice rose from the other hand.

"Okey uncle.. i trust you.."

Madhavan ended the phone call and immediately dialled Mohit's number.

Mohit's phone rang and he answered. "Hello boss.."

"You son of a bi***... i just gave you a simple matter and you couldn't even handle it.. useless fellow.." Madhavan barked.

"Just give me another chance... I will give you all the information.."

"I will give you two days.. i want to get the details inside it. Otherwise.. you know me very well." Madhavan gritted his teeth in anger and switched off the phone call.


"Nihan, where are you?" Raj veer asked Nihan on his Phone.

"Raj.. i can't talk to you right now.. i am in an urgent meeting.. i will call you later.. " Nihan dropped the call and rang the bell of a small old house. After a few minutes, An old women opened the door for her.

"Who are you?" She asked in a tired voice.

"Is this the house of Devaki? Varun's Mom?"

"Yes, but who are you?" She asked again.

"I am Dr.Nihan hyder khan, who was treating him.. She knows me."

The old women didn't ask for anything else.She opened the door and walked inside. Nihan felt that her act was a suggestion to follow her. Soon Nihan followed her inside.

She walked into a small dark hall. A little kerosene lamp was burning in its corner. The old woman turned around and gestured her to sit.

"What would you like to drink..?" She asked Nihan very politely.

"It's okey.. i just wanted to see her.." Said Nihan.

Suddenly, She started to cry wiping her nose with the tip of her saree. Nihan ran to her and patted on her shoulder consoling her.

"What happened? Why are you crying?" She asked.

"Come with me.."

The old women led her to a closed room and opened the small windows for her. Nihan looked inside with doubtful eyes. There was a women sitting in the dark. Still and Silent, gazing at the roof. Nihan looked at the women one more time.

"Devaki Didi..." Unknowingly, her lips whispered.

"Yes.. she is.. " The growl of the old women began to rise louder.

"Devaki didi... Why is she here? What happened..?" Nihan asked her in disbelief.

"Follow me.. i will tell you everything.. " She closed the door and walked back to the hall. Nihan accompanied her obediently.

"Devaki is my one and only daughter.." The old women started saying once they had seated. "I wanted to see her in a good state.. so that I spent all my money to teach her. And she got a good job in a big software company. But one of her co-worker cheated her. And varun was born. He has become her hope to live again"

"Then who was that man? Calling himself varun's father?" Nihan asked.

"No, he was not. Rajan wanted to marry my daughter despite knowing everything about her. He was ready to take her responsibility, varun's responsibility. I was the one who forced Devaki to accept him. But it turned out to be a wrong decision again. He was a drunkard, jerk and nerd. But Devaki still suffered everything silently just for our varun." Her words sowed the seeds of pain inside Nihan.

"Is varun's death, the reason of her current condition..?" Asked Nihan with a trembling voice.

"No dear.. i don't believe it.because death is unavoidable. And Doctors said that varun's death could not be prevented. But for her, he was everything. So she just couldn't accept the truth. Nor she had the time to accept it. And now, she is mumbling all the time just one word. 'They killed my baby'. Rajan bought money from the hospital authorities and signed the paper without even asking her permission. And She said she was not ready to let him go.."

"But i saw devaki didi's sign on the paper.." Nihan said, confused.

"I am not blaming anyone for that.. Rajan has cheated her for money. He lied that it was for varun's surgery, and she will get him back alive.."

Hearing this, Nihan was shocked and couldn't reciprocate for the moment. Her heart was pounding with the feeling of guilt and eyes filled with tears.

"My daughter just needed some time.. to gulp the truth. To gain some courage to let him go. But the moment she realized that everyone cheated her and killed varun for some money, She was collapsed." The old lady said.

In that case Nihan felt that she is also responsible for Devaki's current condition. And That feeling pierced in her heart as guilt. She lost the strength to face the lady.

"What about him?" Nihan asked avoiding eye contact with her.

"fled with the money.. just like that.." Old lady replied. Nihan could not ask anything more. Her whole body was burning like fire. And She wanted to run away from there. Suddenly she got up and called Raj veer on her mobile phone and said. "Raj.. i need your help.."


A tired feliz woke up from her bed and removed long hair strands from her face. She pressed both her forehead and head. She could not open her eyes due to severe headache. After sitting like that for about five or ten minutes, She opened her eyes and looked around. Suddenly, She jumped up from her bed. Soon then, Aryan's voice rose before she could start thinking.

"Goodmorning sweetheart.."

Aryan walked to her and made her sit back. He patted her hair with love and care. and gave her a large cup. Feliz, who was confused all this time raised her eyebrows at him in doubt.

"come on.. just drink it.." he said. Feliz was still staring at him.

"Dont worry.. it's lemonade.. for hangover.." Aryan explained. Feliz chuckled and took it from him and drank it in one instant. He was enjoying her actions. Giving the cup back she began to look for something in the bed.

"Are you looking for this??" Aryan showed her the mobile phone and asked.

"Oh yes....." She said with excitement. But he held the phone further away from her.

"Hey Aryan.. it's not funny.., Give it back.." Feliz screamed as she tried to grab it. Aryan quickly stopped playing and returned the phone. She looked for the time.

"Oh my God..! it's past ten.. and it's already late.. " She screamed out and got up in panic.

"Why didn't you wake me up Aryan?"

Felice rushed to the bathroom, after beating Aryan with a pillow and complaining. In response, he sat down and laughed as if he had just heard a joke.


"Thank you so much Raj...." Nihan said while taking the package from Rajveer's hand. And he smiled.

"Are you coming?" She asked.

"No.. i will be waiting here.." Agreeing with that, Nihan went back to Devaki's house. She forcibly handed over the package to the old lady.

"I know this is not a huge amount... it's only one lakh.. but somehow it will help you in this situation. please accept it and take her to a good doctor. I will come back again.. "

The old lady murmured something gratefully at the end of a sigh. Since Nihan could not see it for a long time, she left without saying goodbye.

"Shall we go?" Raj Veer asked as she approached the car.

"mm yes.." She nodded her head and got into the car.

"Sorry for bothering you Raj..." Nihan said, removing the veil of silence during the journey.

"What's the use of calling me a friend if i could not help you in such small things?" He pressed her forehead with one hand. And she felt relaxed.

"Thank you for being there.." Nihan looked at him gratefully and smiled.

"Are we getting emotional here...?" Asked raj veer, winking and turning mockingly to her. She nodded and smiled.

"Then tell me, what's next?" He asked running his fingers through the steering.

"Hospital.." She has a lot of questions in her head. And she knew that she will get the answers only from there. So She didn't have to think any further to answer that. The car ran faster on the highway.