I hate him

"yes doctor Michael.." Abhay said on the phone.

"Mr. Abhay khanna, your grandpa is conscious now."

The news excited Abhay. He was too much happy. Finally, after two days, his grandpa got conscious and he is now out of danger.

"Thank you doctor, i will be there in five minutes." Abhay hung up the phone and hurried out of the conference room. Meanwhile Uday stood up, apologized to those who were present, and followed him.

"Sorry Mr.luka, will take care of this meeting after a short coffee.." Andrea added.

"Abhay, Where are you going? Don't you know about the importance of this meeting?" Uday stopped Abhay and asked.

"Grand pa woke up uday.. " He replied immediately.

"Really.. That's great.." On hearing this Uday hugged him happily.

"okey, I have to go now.." Abhay said.

"just go.. i will handle here.." Uday patted on his shoulder and said. Abhay walked out as if he had found solace in his words.


"I will wait here.." Rajveer said, sticking his head out the window of his car.

"No need Raj.. You can go.. " Replied Nihan.

"Are you sure???" Raj veer asked with a grin.

"100 percent Raj.." She smiled and said in a firm voice.

"okey.. see you then.." He agreed with her and drove his car away.

Nihan saw Mira raising her hand from the entrance, and she walked toward her.

"it's good that you came.i have a good news for you.." Mira hugged her and said.

"what???" Nihan asked in surprise.

"Your Old man opened his eyes.."

"Mira..." Nihan rolled her eyes as a warning. And Mira corrected her mistake. "okey sorry. The Great Mister Dev raj khanna has opened his eyes Ma'm.."

"Really... That's great.."

"No, not enough. i have expected a lot from you. hey, it can terminate your suspension dear.. His one word is enough for you to get a jackpot." Meera said as predicted.

"it's not the time Mira.., I am not in a mood for all this.. Where is Dr. Harshad?" Nihan asked.

"And why are you asking for him?" Mira asked back with curiosity.

"To marry.." The reply was instant. Mira's expression became thoughtful and sad. Nihan noticed this and smiled.

"I was just kidding Mira.. Can I get to see your Doctor sir for one minute..?" Asked Nihan, watching her face. Her cheeks turned red with shame and she lowered her face to hide it. Nihan slowly touched her chin and lifted it up.

"Do not hide it inside Mira, Go and tell him straight. Otherwise you are going to lose him to other girls. And you can't blame him for that.."

"I was going to propose him dear.. But what to do? He is on a leave. will come back at your law suit." Said Mira. And it disappointed Nihan. She wanted a clarity in Arun's matter. Dr. Harshad could help her in it. But now it's not possible. And she have no patience to wait for him. She wanted to get her answers as soon as possible. She turned to Mira and said. "Sorry Mira, I want to see the chairman.. i will see you later."

After hugging her Nihan hurried to the chairman's room.


"You told me that you are sick and I ran here Ammi. Now you are talking about Match making, marriage and all.. how can you expect me to not be angry?" Dr. Harshad became angry at his mother as he took the clothes out of his bag.

"Do you think that you can live like this for the rest of your life? You are not even thinking about me.." A middle-aged lady who looks more than forty walked behind him and complained. She was fat and healthy, not affected by her age. She was wearing a Salwar kamees and a lengthy duppatta covering her head. He stopped the women and pinched her cheeks.

"What is wrong with my Razia beegum? What do you want now?" He asked, a gentle smile in his lips.

"I am all alone here. And do you care about that?" She wrenched herself from his hands and complained.

"I do.. Isn't that why i put so many people on guard duty here?"

"Do you think that we can cut our life with them all the time?" She asked again with a lot more upset.

"yes, we can.." He said coolly watching her innocent face.

"if so, i am going to fire them all.." She turned her face away from him and sat on the bed angrily. Seeing that, he stopped what he was doing, bent down on his knee, sitting in front of her in the floor.

"Tell me Ammi.. What do you want me to do now?" She remained silent pretending to be angry.

"look at me.." He took her face in his hands and said in a warm voice. "So, You want to quarrel with someone to avoid this boredom. Not only that, You need a daughter in law for that. Should I sacrifice myself to it?" He sighed deeply as if he is in a big problem. Razia beegum wanted to laugh at his question. But She controlled herself and nodded her head as ' 'yes'.

"okey then, I will think about it."

"Think about it?? that's not enough.." She shouted.

"And??" He raised his eyebrows, very confused.

"This time few alliances have come for you. Just confirm one of them and go." She suggested, taking his hands.

"oh ooo, So you have planned everything and called me here. Bravo.. it won't happen" He got up and screamed like a kid.

"my dearest son.. my baby.. please agree with Ammi.." She followed him and started pleading.

"I have no intention to marry some stranger like that.." He placed his hands on her shoulders and said calmly. Razia beegum was totally disappointed by him.

"You can't even do this small thing for me. How much longer do I have to wait? and who knows about how much long i will live? I have only one wish before my death. To see your Nikah. That's the only thing I want from you.." She cried.

"Whatever it is Ammi.. But I will never marry some stranger nor i will come with you.."

"Allah.. I have no one to hear my grief." She wiped her nose with the corner of her duppatta and whined like a child. Soon she realized her fault.

"What did you say?" She asked staring at his naughty smile. "if you don't want to see any strangers, then..? You have found someone already for you..?" She yelled with happiness. He smiled.

"Tell me.. who is it?" She asked again excitedly.

"No Ammi.. Not now.. First I have to propose her. and then i will bring her here in front of you.

Is that enough?" Dr. Harshad wrapped his arms around her shoulders in a hold resting his cheek against her and asked with love.

"enough.. more than enough... Finally you made me happy my boy.." She cupped his cheeks with one of her hands and they smiled together happily.


"Doctor Nihan.., Come.. come.. have a seat.." Krishnakumar smiled when he saw Nihan pushing the door open and entering inside like a storm. She stopped for a moment, grasping her breath and sat down at the table facing him.

"I was going to see you Dr. Nihan. we have a good news. your patient has started self breathing.If this continues, it won't take long for his condition to become normal." Krishnakumar leaned back in his chair and said pleasantly.

"learned about it.." Replied Nihan. but she showed no interest at all. it surprised Krishnakumar.

"Why are you not happy Doctor Nihan?" He asked.

"Of course I am happy for him.. But now I want to know something from you"

"And what is it?" Krishnakumar smelled something wrong in her tone. but remained calm for the time.

"it's about Devaki sister, sorry.. you won't understand like that..She is the mother of Varun, a deceased brain dead patient. You know him now.. right?" Nihan corrected her voice watching his changing expressions, leaned forward to the table and asked. "Did you get their permission to transplant the boy's heart? "

Krishnakumar was shocked for a moment. it was a secret he was hiding from everyone. even from the authority. At that time, he had no option than obeying the order from the above. And the time was running out. But devaki insisted not to sign. She was not ready to change her mind. So he had to do it. He made a plan with Rajan and made her sign in the papers without her conscious.

"Why are you asking this now?" He asked hiding his fear under a dry smile.

"i have to.. What if I say that we did this heart transplant surgery without their permission?" She asked looking sharply at him with a firm voice.

"Mind your words Dr. Nihan.." Krishnakumar screamed at her angrily.

"First you mind your activities sir.." She replied in the same coin and slammed her fist against the table in frustration.

"Calm down Dr.Nihan.. It's not like what you think.. You have a misunderstanding. I have no connection with these matters." Krishnakumar lied without hesitation in a calm and cool voice. He knew that Dr. Nihan will do anything if she knew about his involvement in this case. He was thinking to get rid of her all this time. He was thinking deeply for a solution to solve her doubts on him.

"Then what about Devaki sister.. i saw her with my own eyes. She was collapsed, Mentallysick, staying in a dark room.. Was that all a lie? And her Mother, who has no complaints, no one. Was she lying to me?" She yelled with as much as anger, firmly fixed her brown eyes directly on his face.

"No Dr. Nihan. Not like that. It's not my fault. It was an order. it was an order to get the permission of the donor by any means within one week after Dev raj khanna was admitted."

"From Abhay khanna?" Nihan asked at an instant. She was so sure about it. There is only one person who keep ordering people around her life. and it's Abhay khanna, The royal monster.

"yes.." Said krishnakumar. "We tried to talk to varun's mother several times but she refused to hear us. She refused to see the truth. Then Mr.Abhay khanna was the one who suggested this idea."

"offer the money and get the sign.. " Nihan asked in between his speech. And he nodded yes and continued. "fifty lakhs for the permission letter. And Varun's father agreed with it as soon as he heard it. Then what's the big deal Dr. Nihan? Why are you blaming hospital ethics when they lost their sentiments when they saw money?" He asked and grinned taunting her over confidence.

"You are wrong sir.. " Nihan nodded her head showing sympathy to his question. "There are also some sacred relationships that do not hurt or affect no matter how much money they see. But you people won't understand. There was another way. You should have approached her in a good way.. "

"But you also tried once.. and nothing happened. right Dr. Nihan?" Krishnakumar asked mocking her.

"Yes, i tried.. but only once.. If I had tried two or three times, I'm sure she would have been convinced." Nihan said in a calculating tone.

"Whatever Dr. Nihan.. No one will get any profit if the boy lived. Then why are you making it a huge issue.. leave it and move on.."

"It's not about profit or something Sir. it's about your attitude that Money is the only solution to all problems. You have no value, no respect for other people's feelings and decisions. if I file a case from the side of Devaki didi, it will be enough to destroy the reputation of this hospital.." Nihan got up from her seat and snapped her fingers in front of his face. She shot him a warning look. Krishnakumar, up from his seat tried to calm her.

"please calm down Dr. Nihan.. Don't make any wrong decision in excitement. Management is ready to pay them the compensation." He said to Nihan. And instead of relaxing her it made her more angry.

"Sorry sir," She said. "I did not come here to ask for a compensation from you. i just came here to warn your actions. Do not ever repeat this mistake..That's all.." Nihan stopped for a moment and sighed deeply and spoke again. "Because there are lots of valuable lives that can be shattered by your so called small mistakes. Your laws, however, are just an injustice to them. Take it as a reminder Sir. because next time I will never let you go.. "

And She left the room without waiting for a reply. Soon after Krishnakumar dialled a number and talked on his phone to someone. "Yes. Dr. Nihan hyder khan.. Keep an eye on her."

He disconnected the phone, removed his glasses and gritted his teeth, hating the fact that he had to listen to her.

Nihan went straight from there to room number 201. She opened the door and got inside. Dev raj khanna was in a deep sleep. 'oxygen' mask and other machines were already removed. She checked his pulse and made sure that his heartbeats are normal. Then dragged a chair near his bed. She sank into the chair and let out a long breath.

"Buddy, your beats are coming to normal. i have all the right to be happy for you. Because you are my first heart transplant patient." She said to the sleeping man with a forced smile.

At the same time, Abhay had reached the door and accidentally heard her voice. He looked inside through the half opened door. He was happy to see her there. His face lit with a sweet smile. But he decided to watch her from there silently.

"And I know.. " Said Nihan. "You are a great person and you deserve a new life. or maybe.., if i start to think in a selfish way, then i can get my job back easily through you. Then I should be really happy.. shouldn't i?" She rested her right elbow on the bed and rested her face on it.

Although Nihan was talking about happiness her face looked more confused, sad and disappointed. Slowly she touched old man's chest and listened to the heartbeat.

"But this heart.. There is one person who is still mourning for its owner. without conscious, in the darkness.. Do you know about the one who is behind all of this guilt? yes.. it's your rude, arrogant grand son. The great royal monster."

Hearing Nihan, Abhay's lips smiled without moving.He looked at her with more curiosity and listened very carefully.

"I know, i understand.. he has his own reasons.. You are his grandfather. He had no other way to save you. he had to do that. I am not against it.." Nihan took her hand back from the old man's heart and argued with herself.

"But buddy..., Isn't that what a mother's mind is like? Her one and only son. How worried the women was about him.What she needed at that time were words of comfort that could heal her wounds." She looked at Devraj Khanna and asked as if asking for his opinion.

"But do you know what he did? Her wound was further torn by his thoughtless actions. Now that poor women has gone crazy. this heart inside you must be really hurt buddy. An orphan like me can understand that pain. Can you feel it buddy?"

Nihan's each words shocked Abhay. He was hurt by the realization that a big mistake had been made through his actions unknowingly. He tried to emember where the mistakes had been made.

"you know what buddy?" Nihan asked again and soon said. "I hate him. i hate him very much. He doesn't even know how to respect someone's feelings.."

After a long silence She got up from her seat. Her last words hit Abhay's heart like how a hammer hit a glass.

Mean while Nihan looked at the old man for the last time. "Get well soon." murmured and took out a red string brought from dargga. She tied it in old man's wrist with great care and walked outside. Abhay deliberately stood a short distance, hiding away from her, out of her sight.

After Nihan left, he went into the room and sat in the same chair beside the bed. As if unresponsive for some time, he stared at the old man, deep in thought. A few minutes later he picked up the phone and called Andrea.

"Hello Andrea.. You have to do something for me." As he spoke, his hand was moving gently around the red string lying in the old man's wrist.