The mist of misunderstanding

Feliz was not home for a week. She never came back since the last time. Nihan was not curious at all these days. She never tried to find her whereabouts. Concerned, Nihan opened the door and stepped inside. After getting refreshed with a cool bath and food, She lied down on the bed and the phone rang like a lizard. It was a message from Raj veer. she opened and read it.

"Is everything alright fighter?"

A pleasant smirk spontaneously spread across her face. the next moment she typed "yes bhudhu.. Good night.." and soon dropped off to sleep.


In the morning the nurse came and moved the curtain of the room to both sides. Abhay slowly opened his eyes when the threads of light entered through the balcony pierced his face. Last day, he dropped off to deep sleep while sitting beside grandpa for a long time. He looked at the watch.The time is nearly eight o'clock.

"Abhay.. My son.. " Dev raj khanna called in a trembling voice. Abhay looked up when he heard his grandfather's voice.

"Grand pa are you okey now?" He hold old man's raised hand tight and shouted happily. Dev raj khanna nodded his head smiling.

"okey,, don't talk too much.. take some rest.." Said Abhay.

"What are you talking about big brother. You are telling Grandpa to rest again, He has been bored for so many days."

Both Dev raj khanna and Abhay turned to where they heard the sound. Aryan was standing there holding a large bouquet of white lilies.

"Good morning old people.." Aryan entered the room and handed over the flowers to Abhay. Abhay looked at Aryan suspiciously. Aryan suddenly took it back as he rememberd something and said. "oops am sorry.. this is for this old man..not for you.."

Then he gave it to Dev raj khanna. And in response Dev raj khanna called him near. The moment Aryan reached by him, he caught his ear and started to pull it asking. "weren't you happy thinking, I was dead., you little dumb?"

"Uff... uff... Leave me Grandpa.. it hurts..."

while Aryan was screaming out of pain Abhay enjoyed it very much. He was smiling excitedly and happily looking at their mischievous act.

"stop smiling like this and tell him to leave me big brother.. " Aryan shouted at Abhay with a slight resentment. Abhay gestured Dev raj khanna to leave him and he took off his hand.

"This is what happens when we hang out with this guy ... look at him.. he is thinking himself as a teenage boy after getting a young heart. You were just going to kill me old man.." Aryan complained while rubbing his ear.

"This lilly flower has a specialty. Do you know what it is?" asked Abhay and soon cleared his doubts saying "The ancients said that leaving it in the room would bring peace to the souls of the dead." And he put the bouquet in the waste basket and said. "Let it lie here for now. "

Convinced of his own stupidity, Aryan burst out into laugh and sat near Dev raj khanna. "haha.. of course i know that. i was testing our grandpa ..."

"get lost you treefrog..." Dev raj khanna giggled lying on the bed. At the same time Abhay got into the bed and hugged him.

"I will not give this diligent item to death that easily.." Said Abhay with a sweet smile.

"Oh yes.... You just said it correct.. because both of you will die together because you guys are of same age.." Aryan took an apple from the basket lying on the table and bit it.

"Are you referring Abhay to an old man? Can you even find an handsome and successful young man like my Abhay these days?" Dev raj khanna asked in a serious note. He was excited and proud to talk about his grandson. and Abhay agreeing with him nodded his head and stared at Aryan for an explanation.

"That's true Grandpa.. 100 percentage.. You cant find a master piece like him even if you search in the whole world." Aryan unable to control his laugh, fell into the bed.

"Why? What is lacking in him? He is super handsome, well educated.. and success in his job." Dev raj khanna argued.

"He has more than everything.. and that is the problem. He is handsome.. but wearing this boring suits all the time like old people. He is educated. But he has education only. just a bookworm.. He is 100 percentage success in his business.. But in life.." Aryan stopped talking and showed his two fingers creating a zero and added. "he is a big Zero.."

"You rascal... " Abhay raised his hand to slap him but embraced him happily and whispered. "I love my life this way. So do not worry too much about me.."

"No way brother.. not this way all the time.. I swear one day your life will change too.." Aryan replied.

"whatever Aryan said, is true. Not everyone can live the same way all the time." Dev raj khanna laughed out loud which ended in coughing.

"Excuse me.. do not make him speak too much.." The nurse who went out earlier came back and gave directions. She took out the syringe and started preparing the injection.

Seeing this, Abhay got up and collected his office coat from the chair and hanged over his shoulder. He smiled and winked his eyes at Dev raj khanna. it was his way of saying goodbye. Old man responded the same way. Aryan hugged Dev Raj Khanna in a hurry and soon followed Abhay who was already left the room.

"To where brother?" Asked Aryan and put his hand on Abhay's shoulder, walking with him.

"Going home, take a bath and straight to office.." he replied in an instance.

"I am also coming with you.."

"What happened to your car Aryan?" Abhay shifted a faintly confused gaze to Aryan.

"My friend dropped me here.. that's why.. And you can drop me now.." Aryan said enthusiastically and smiled mischievously.

"As you wish.." Abhay responded coolly.


Nihan sat between the two graves of her parents. She presented the rose flowers she was holding in her hand on each side. And closed her eyes, raised her hands to the sky silently praying. A few minutes passed. She finished her prayer and slowly got up and walked back. It was then that she noticed a new grave She had never seen before. She was so sure about it. Because she had been visiting her parents in all weekends since Childhood.

She stopped by the grave and read the name engraved on the tombstone. "Dr. Barish khan."

Unable to believe her eyes, Nihan sat on the floor reading the lines repeatedly.

'Dr. Barish khan

1960 - 2019 '

Nihan remained beside his grave, running her fingers through the letters engraved in Urdu language. A kind of total curiosity accumulates in the heart. What is happening here? If this is the truth, Then what about the funeral pyre and ceremonies that occurred at Abhay khanna's residence that day. She saw it with her own eyes. Not really? She just saw a funeral pyre. It could be of someone else. Maybe She was under the mist of misunderstanding and judged Abhay without thinking. So many questions in her head, but not even one answer.

"Nihan Didi..." Suddenly She heard a noise behind her and turned her head to see him. He was a young boy at his twenties, was wearing a white kurta and paijama.

"Faris.." Her lips whispered, eyes widened in surprise. The next moment, she got up excitedly and hugged him happily.

"Faris.. Where were you?" Cried Nihan. She loosened her hands and freed him.

"Tell me.. Where were you all these days..? Are you alright? Do you know how scared i was?" Nihan asked without a pause, growing nervous once again and he smiled warmly.

"And you are smiling now?" She slapped him playfully. Touched his cheek making a small voice but no pain.

"Ouch.. it hurts.." Faris rubbed his cheek, pretending to be in pain. He tried to comfort Nihan, who looked like a small child with a sharp face. He smiled and patted her on the shoulder and said. "Calm down Didi.. I am alright.."

"But I heard. You were busted in the US. What was that all about? And Barish sir.. How can he be here? But I saw him at Abhay khanna's residence.. how is it possible?" Asked Nihan in a curious tone.

"It's a big story Didi.. I can explain. But first Shall we go some where else..?" She agreed and walked outside along with him.


"Your mobile keep ringing, Aryan. Why don't you pick it up?" Abhay asked Aryan while driving as he saw Aryan's phone ringing non-stop.

"oops.. it's not an important one brother.." Aryan said, disconnecting the call. Abhay did not reply, But smiled silently as he understood his problem.