A different person.

"It was an accident Didi.. I was innocent. When my car was broke down on the way, I asked for a lift and got into trouble. I could not realize that the passengers were drunk until I got in the car" Faris said, mixing sugar in his coffee.

"Then how did your name get on the case list as a drunk?" Asked Nihan.

"Those drunks forced me to drink at some point. I don't remember what happened after that. When I woke up, I was in police custody already." He picked up the coffee cup and leaned back in his chair, eyeing her thoughtfully.

"And how did you get here?" Nihan asked, curious filled in her eyes.

"Thanks to Abhay bhaiyya.." Faris replied with a warm smile.

"Who? Abhay khanna?" Nihan stared at him, her expression sour. And he nodded yes instantly without a doubt.

"That rude, arrogant, emotionless Abhay khanna?" She asked again. Because from her viewpoint, Abhay khanna will never do good to people. He only does business. This must be a misunderstanding. Or maybe Faris is talking about a different person with same name. But Faris still nodded yes with a pleasant smile which surprised her very much.

"And how do you know him?" Nihan sipped her coffee and eyed him suspiciously.

"His grandpa Mr. Dev raj khanna was my Abbu's old Family friend. That's how Abhay bhaiyya knows about me and my Abbu. The day Baiyya found out about Abbu and me, he saved me from the case first. But I could not reach my Abbu in time. That's why I gave all permission to Abhay bhaiyya to do his last rituals.." He stopped and smiled at her.

That story was new to Nihan. Abhay had real reasons behind his actions. He had true responsibility and feelings towards Dr. Barish khan. Unaware of that, She lashed out her anger and hatred on him. She felt a great deal of guilt about it.

Farris noticed Nihan, who was quietly stirring the coffee with her silver spoon, leaving her eyes wandering somewhere. He drank the rest of his coffee and waved his eyes in front of her face. Nihan woke up from her thoughts and looked at his calm face.

"I am really sorry Faris.., I could only stand as a daughter to him. I couldn't save him." Nihan smiled sadly as she glanced at him.

"What is this, Didi? I know how well You looked after Abbu, when I was not there. In a way, I'm responsible for his death." Said Faris in a trembling voice, slight sparkling in eyes.Nihan pressed his arm lying on the table and he glanced up.

"Don't think like that dear.. You were the best son, the best brother and best friend for him. So, he was too sensitive about you. No one is responsible for anything, Farris. What is going to happen will happen anyway.There is no need to blame yourself."

"Yes.. i know.. And you are right." He comforted himself by holding her hand. She winked her eyes as a yes and smiled.

"You are going to complete your studies, Aren't you?" Nihan asked Faris after a short silence, sitting her coffee cup on the table.

"Yes.. That's the only thing he had left for me.. His dream. I have to finish it.And That's the only thing I can do for him." He fell into the silence for some minutes and finally spoke again "I will go back today, to the U.S."

"Really?" She asked. He nodded yes and Nihan didn't oppose him. She rose and hugged him in the sense of agreeing with his decision.

"You should study well and become a better doctor than your Abbu. Didi's prayers will always be with you." She said and looked at his face emotionally saying "I will miss you.." In response, he looked at her affectionately and smiled.


Abhay stopped his car infront of Peace Mansion and turned to Aryan. "And.. Who is it?" he asked.

Aryan who was about to open the door looked back and nodded his head as if he did not understand his question.

"Who?" He asked.

"The one you are hiding my little bro.." Abhay said, hiding a naughty smile in his lips.

"Hey man.. What are you talking about..? just go back that you don't miss your work" Said Aryan and tried to open the door again, just then Abhay asked. "Is this the same woman who was in the mansion then?"

Aryan was shocked to hear his question. There is no way he could have seen her that day. Then, what does this question mean. Aryan stared at him unblinkingly like a cat.

"How do you..?" Aryan's words trailed off at his raised eyebrows. Abhay didn't reply.He remembered the night he went to the mansion.

There he caught his eye on the fancy ladies bag which was lying lazily in the dining table. And deliberately, he didn't even mention about it.

"I told you.. The edge of your string is in my hands.." His eyes twinkled with humour.

"Brother.. I.. just wanted.. to tell you.. " Aryan tried to gather his words together. Abhay stopped him saying "it's okey.. I know that you are in love.." Aryan nodded yes, like a thief captured by police.

"It was not meant to be hidden. But first, I wanted to achieve something in my life with my own effort." Said Aryan.

"Why? You are the one who has to look after our business. Aren't you?" Abhay asked, changing his expression into a serious one.

"No brother.." Aryan yelled and said. "You can't force me..I want to go on my own way. Actually I want to be a singer."

Abhay did not want to beat the apparent confidence in Aryan's words.

"As you wish Aryan.. and I will always support you.. got it?" Abhay asked, pressing his hand on his shoulder with care and concern. Aryan winked at him as a yes very happily.

"So, When are you going to introduce her to us? or you have no intention to do so?" Abhay asked as he took back his hand.

"Of course brother... She is my life..Next time, i will introduce her to you for sure." Aryan said excitedly. Abhay looked at him incredulously. He was amazed at the sudden maturity invaded in Aryan's words.

He smiled in reply. Aryan hugged him gratefully before getting out of the car. Abhay silently watched Aryan as he walked into the mansion. His thoughts froze for a few moments at Aryan.

There is a difference of four to five years between Aryan and him.And Aryan is different from him in everyway. In his dressing, thoughts ,lifestyle and so on. Aryan moved back to Mumbai at the age of eighteen due to his obsession with music. He has been living with his father in the family mansion ever since.

Abhay, however, never expected such a return. He was living alone, until last year his Mom returned to the U S A as a part of her medication. Three long years of loneliness. So he focused only on business. There were no rooms for other kind of sentiments in his heart.

And Aryan, on the other hand was really opposite. A kind of emotional. When his life was confined to a single point on the globe, Aryan flew across every boundary of life.

Behind his car, a horn honked and he woke up from his thoughts. He checked his rear view mirror and his lips whispered. "Ram khanna.."

Soon his expression changed revealing his hatred and anger in his face. He hurriedly started the car and drove away from there.

Ram khanna's car entered through the open gate of mansion. He stopped, lowered his window glass and called the watchman.

"Was that Abhay?" he asked.

"Yes sir.. It was Abhay sir. Recently, he had visited Aryan baba here." Watchman replied.

Ram khanna looked more thoughtful. Abhay never visited mansion before. He always closed the doors of his heart for his Dad. And whatever his reason was, he himself changed his rules. It gave a little hope to Ram khanna. His face was mixed with emotions of happiness and sadness together. He closed his window and ordered the driver to move forward .


Abhay khanna parked his car at the Ayur arogya kendra and walked inside to the building. He entered the doctor's room and sat down on a chair beside the table. Within seconds, the doctor came in and confronted him.

"Good morning Mr. Abhay khanna.."

"Doctor. How is she doing now?" Abhay asked.

"I can't tell anything now.. " The doctor began to speak thoughtfully. And his face darkened when he heard that.

"But don't worry, it's a case of mental shock. it will take some time to heal. That's all." Doctor said with a warm smile. Abhay was relieved.

"I need results doctor.. and I trust you.." He got up, shook hands with the doctor and walked out.


"Nihan Didi..." From a distance, Malini ran towards Nihan and hugged her.

"Malini.. how are you..?" Nihan knelt down and grabbed her cheek.

"Hmmm..." She hummed as a yes and smiled sweetly. Nihan took a big packet and handed it to Malini.

"What is this Didi..?" Malini asked innocently.

"open and check yourself.." Said Nihan eyeing her happily. Malini opened the packet slowly and found a couple of school uniform. Her eyes were dazzled but soon a sad gaze came back to her face, paving from her eyes to her lips.

"But Mother.." She whispered. Nihan held her, drawing her closer and rubbed her hands.

"Don't worry about her.. Don't worry about anything..I will take care of it.. You will go to school from tomorrow onwards. Won't you?" Nihan asked in a sweet voice. With tears in her eyes, Malini nodded yes and kissed her cheek with love.

Abhay khanna was watching them from a distance. For a moment a smile appeared on his lips. And he immediately walked away from there.

"Let's go see your mother." Nihan stood up and said holding Malini's hand.

Her eyes flickered unknowingly as she walked into the building with Malini. She saw Abhay's car going out through the gate.

"Abhay?" She asked herself. "What was he doing here? The great Abhay khanna at a Place like this..?" She stood as if deliberating with herself.

"Didi... let's go.." Malini pulled her hand and said.

"yes.. let's go inside.." Nihan kept her doubts to herself and walked with Malini.


" I was worried about her school and studies.. Thank you very much for your help.." Malini's Mother said, lying in the bed. Gratitude and happiness reflected in her eyes. Nihan only smiled faintly and sighed.

"Hey Malini... What's your Mom saying?" Without a warning, the doctor approached the woman with a stethoscope in his ear and asked to Malini in a warm voice. He started to check his patient. Malini laughed happily and a little shyly at his question.

Meanwhile, the nurse prepared an injection. And after giving it to the women, He rubbed affectionately on Malini's head and left the room. Nihan jumped up, pulling Malini away from her lap gently.

"I will come back soon..." She said to the women and soon followed the doctor. She did not have to look for him much. He was standing in the front verandah, holding a file of some patients and was talking to the duty nurse.

"Excuse me Doctor.." Nihan cleared her throat and called him.

"Yes.." He turned to her.

"I am Dr. Nihan hyder khan.." She introduced herself.

"Oh.. Nice to meet you Dr. Nihan hyder khan.. Why are you here?" The doctor asked, confused.

"I am a friend of Malini.." She answered with a chuckle.

"which one? Daughter of room no 124 patient? Sounds interesting.."

Nihan nodded, eyeing him expectantly and asked."How is she doing now Doctor?"

"She is alright now.. Only days will take to heal the wound. She can leave after that.." The doctor smiled casually.

"Great.. Thank you doctor.." A Satisfied Nihan started to walk back but soon stopped her steps and turned back. She stared at him for a moment and Called. "Doctor.."

"What is it Dr. Nihan?" He asked, on eyebrow arching.

"I wanted to ask you something.." She said. He granted her the permission to speak.

"The person who left earlier was the famous business man Abhay khanna, wasn't him?" Nihan asked in a curious tone.

"yes.. Do you know him?" The doctor asked back.

"Who doesn't know him? i mean the whole Mumbai knows him.. " She laughed as she was enjoying her own joke.

"True... true.. That was true. " The doctor joined her and laughed cheerfully. Soon then, Nihan stopped her laugh, gaped at him seriously and asked.

"Why was he here?"