Unfulfilled Dreams

After 2 hour of awkward silence, we reached my house in Lonavla. The weather was quite cold and we had to turn on the heater of our car, though we were wearing warm clothes and I was adapted to the cold I began to shiver a little. Survi was quite packed in scarf, heavy clothes more to conceal her identity than to keep her warm. After we reached the gate, I got down from the car to open the gate and then we entered in the house. I won't boast about myself but I am not only a renowned doctor but also the son of famous industrialist Rajendra Bhardwaj and renowned social activist Mrs. Gayatri Devi Bhardwaj; so I was quite rich and pompous. I lost my grandparents at a young age and this house was built for their retirement home. After their demise in a sudden accident, this house remained vacant for most of the year; occasionally some caretaker was appointed but you know people really don't like to do household work and even their wage was not that luxurious. Survi roamed around the house like an unsatiated spirit; touching photos, looking outside the window and other predictable actions. I asked her, "So, do you like my house? Is it comfortable for you?" She replied with a smile, "No, Doctor. It's fine and I am not really the spoiled rich bitches who like to avoid mixing with their fans." I really wasn't listening to her talk but her expressions and the way she smiles. I have seen many smiles but her was an unforgettable one. After instructing about the rooms and other facilities of my "luxurious" house, I went to cook dinner for us. I asked for her choice, she said something luscious will do. She went for a bath and I started making food for us. After both our tasks were completed, we gathered at the dining table to eat. Even though she was with a stranger, she wore a revealing night dress, her hair were still drenched and a pleasant yet uncommon perfume touched my nostrils. She indeed had the qualities of an actress, I could feel some hardness in my body. She observed it but she was quite adapted to this hormonal unbalance in the body of the boys, so she ignored it and sat opposite to me. I made a vegetarian meal for us as I don't know if she eats anything non-vegetarian; she may do as she looked at the food with a pout. After dinner, we went to our respective beds; she chose the bed near the balcony as she likes the air and I was left with one near the kitchen At near midnight, I heard a knock on my door and after I opened the door, Survi said in a fast pace, "Would you mind if I sleep with you? I am having really scary dreams and too afraid to sleep alone." I didn't hesitate and we made a border of pillows and cushions between us and then let our bodies in the arms of sleep....