Something New

Survi was indeed a fitness freak as she woke up at 5 am in the morning and started doing yoga listening to acrobatic music. I woke up at the sound of the music and when I didn't found Survi in bed, I searched for her shouting her name. She was wearing earplugs but still listened my voice and cried " Here, Doctor" She definitely know my name but still like to call me "Doctor" and I really don't care. She started laughing when I reached her and she said in a sarcastic way, "I think you are a pretty good doctor." I smiled and said, "What is the use of me being a good doctor, it looks like you don't need a doctor." She finished some stretching and then got up and went to the kitchen to drink water. After some important activities, I joined her at the breakfast table; she cooked this time and her food was even more dry than mine. Four brown bread covered with peanut butter, avocado juice with a glass of Tropicana mixed fruit juice. She is an actress and I am a doctor but still I want atleast a eatable breakfast. I ate reluctantly and then got busy with my work; Dr Ashutosh let me a leave of minimum three weeks and so I will be at home this days. Survi also postponed her dates and she too is quite idle for three weeks. The day was bright, so we decided to lie in the sun for some vitamin D. Even though I was much fair thanks to my parents, I decided to lie directly under the sun. But, Survi was drenched in sunscream and was wearing pajamas and tshirt with full sleeves. I said with a pun, " You will not get black in one single day." She replied with a grunt, "You don't know the value of fairness in film industry. One small tan on the skin and you lost 5 films and have to cover it with makeup." "So, your career and fame depends on your fairness and not on your talent. That's very unfair."I said with a sigh. She said with a grunt, "That's really not the thing in my case." I asked, " Than why don't you tell me something about "what's is in your case"?" Survi first thought for a minute and then replied, "Well I usually don't speak much about my personal life, but since you look like a decent guy it's Ok" She then begin to tell her story- "My life was not always as luxurious as now; I was born in a middle class family where my mother works as a teacher in a primary school and father is a government employee. Our life was quite dry and most of the times, our expenditure was greater than the income. Papa always saves money for my study, marriage and maybe dowry too. I lost my mom when I was 18 years old due to cholera and much money got poured in her treatment. My father tried much, but the debts were too high so I also started to work as a part time actress in theatres and plays. The money was little still it was my hard earned money so father never complained about it. My beauty attracted many high contracts and many wealthy people brought marriage proposals for me to my father. But, I agreed for none and my father's health was too deteriorating so leaving him and going to someone's house was not the talk of the time. After, I reached enough fame to give him a happy life, he left me and went to my mother. Then, life keep circulating and here I am. That is the small story of this so-called diva icon of the future female generation." I was really feeling sad for her. Survi started crying and I tried to console her; she hugged me tightly and was crying and I keep patting her head. The time has really passed too much and the sun was going to hide under the horizon, giving a strong red appearance....