Sparks of Love

Survi was crying on my shoulder and I was consoling her. After a while, she regained her emotional balance and looked towards me with her watery eyes. Maybe it was the water in her eyes, that made her eyes sparkle like a diamond and she was looking like a timid rabbit. I said," We always come towards some turns, where we can really never decide whether we should go on or stay in the past. We never like moving on or pretend that all is normal, but what really matters is not what we think but what is correct for us at that moment. So, keep faith in God and let him take your way to the better end." Survi smiled and went inside, she may look like a tough girl but deep inside she is the small girl who wants someone to hold her and say that they are with her. The night was really moony but we had an awkward silence between us and that's maybe the reason we really not looking at each other's eyes. To lessen the tense moment between us, I offered a movie night plan to her. She too was feeling bored and definitely that was a good idea. Since the house was intended to be my grandparents retirement home, it had antique ways of entertainment. I after many hours found a old projector and some old film reels; since this was the only mode of entertainment for us we installed the projector and started it. The white wall acted as the screen for us and we turned off the lights. The film was quite an old one, maybe made before our birth. The name appeared "Anubhav" It casts- Sanjeev Kumar and Tanuja as the main cast. The movie was good and it appeared that Survi is a great fan of Tanuja and Sanjeev Kumar. I was a fan of neither, I like Amitabh Sir and Vinod Sir, one of whom is now not between us anymore. The film ended and Survi said, "Films of that age were meaningful and had a message for the audience. Nowadays all is glamour and false acting." I laughed and said, " Madam, you too are a part of this meaningless stories." She said, "One day, I will make a film that will be a legend of our era. And, that people will respect Bollywood as much as they do Hollywood." I can see determination in her eyes and I am sure that one day she will become a great actress of her era. After putting the things properly, we went to the bed; but this time I slept on the sofa and she occupied the bed. She slept very quickly and I was looking at her face, seeing the young free bird inside her who wants to fly but couldn't.....