The Darkness Within

"Vivek was orphaned at a young age and was pampered by his maternal uncle, Sunderlal Tripathi. His uncle was also a stern person and Vivek too adapted sternness from him; he always remained alone for most of the time and therefore he was really not adapted to live with other people. He was homeschooled, therefore he got little or no friends; Sunderlal occasionally comes to meet his nephew and he loves him like his son as he got no children. Vivek's father Raman Khatri married three times, Vivek is his son from second wife Mrs. Sunita Khatri. Vivek has two stepsisters and one stepbrother. Both of his stepsmoms love him and always sends money to him. His stepbrother Charan was arrested years ago on the account of forgery and juvenile rape. His two stepsisters Bhavna and Geeta are studying B.Com and are going to join in their family business soon. Though life was never easy on him, still he got love from many girls. He was in many relationships with many girls, but his love of life is Ms. Shirley Bhardwaj sister of famous doctor Harsh Bhardwaj. Vivek was a hardcore businessman and whoever tries to get in his way gets a dagger in their heart. He is quite aggressive, intimidating, powerful personality."- Intro of Vivek Khatri.

Vivek woke up by the sound of the large grandfather clock in his room; he was looking angrily at the clock as the day was Sunday and he wanted to wake up late. He was going to sleep again when his phone beeped, he looked at the phone screen and it was Shirley's message- " Baby, where are you? Did you forget that today you are going to introduce me to your family at your parent's 14th death anniversary?😱😱" Vivek got up, took a bath and after few hours, Vivek's Ferrari Portofino stopped near Milton Green Restaurant where Shirley was waiting for him. She got in and start beating Vivek with her palms like a cat, to stop her Vivek pulled her closer and kissed her. They kissed passionately for some ten seconds and then Shirley started laughing and hugged him. Vivek started driving and after sometime, he asked, "Shirley will you close your eyes? I have something for you." Shirley likes surprises and she closed her eyes immediately; when she opened her eyes Vivek gave her a small wooden box. She opened it and there was a sparkling red ruby pendant for her; it was the newest collection and she had it even before the launch. She cried in happiness and planted a kiss on Vivek's lips. After few minutes of driving, they reach Vivek's summer house where everyone was gathered and was putting flowers on the pictures of Vivek's parents. Bhavna and Geeta excitedly ran towards their brother and hugged him. Vivek put a bouquet of red roses, his mother's favorite. Then, all joined at the lunch table and started chatting and eating. Since it was a day of sadness, the diet was vegetarian. Shirley was sitting between his two stepmoms and Vivek was sitting between his two stepsisters. All were having a nice time, when Vivek's phone beeped; he looked at the message and was shocked. It was from his stepbrother Charan saying, "Bro, I am being released from prison tomorrow. Come and pick me up at 10AM.".....