Rebirth of a Monster

Vivek hurriedly got dressed and rode as fast as he could to the prison. Charan was really not a patient person and Vivek didn't not want to angry his older brother; even though the time was 10AM but due to some paperwork and other important issues Charan finally came out near 10:30 am. Seeing each other after a long period, both hugged each other tightly and started crying. Charan kissed Vivek's forehead and said, "Vicky, you have grown into a young man, last time I saw you; you were still fresh bud and now you have grown beard and moustache." Vivek looked at his brother annoyingly as he was pampering him as a baby; of course ten years is a long time but still it not good. They were talking when a car rushed and stopped near the gate of the prison. It was a Porsche 911 twin gauge engine silver plated. They have looked many branded cars and even own them too, but the Porsche was feeling familiar to them. A few seconds later, the door opened and a fair and sexy lady got out and started to walk towards them. She was in her late twenties and was quite a diva herself. Following her was a stout middle aged man who was wearing a white suit with a black shirt and a red polka dotted tie. After they reached towards Charan and Vivek, the man said in a stern voice, "Good morning boys! What a lovely day to get out of prison!" Charan and Vivek failed to recognize them, so Vivek asked, "Sorry, we didn't recognize you two." The man was quite shocked so the lady started, " My name is Sophie Gonzalez and he is my husband Mr. Joseph Gonzalez. You may know him; he is quite a renowned person." I tried to recall and then I remembered that Mr. Gonzalez is the current lord of the American mafia. He is quite a dangerous and short-tempered too. I then told Charan about Mr. Gonzalez and his wife. Charan asked," Ok, but why does you want to meet us? I have been in prison for the last ten years and I really don't have any connection with mafia right now." Mr.Gonzalez said with a laugh, "Well boy! I have heard about you much and need a person like you in my organization. I will pay you a handsome salary." Charan said, "Ok! I will think about it later. I have just got out of prison and need freshnen up a little. I will contact you after a week." Mr. Gonzalez was quite angry with his reply but still agreed. They departed and got into their car. Charan insisted to drive and was quite driving very smoothly. Charan took out a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. He opened the window and nice air was blowing it the car. Charan suddenly spoke out, " Do you think I should accept that old man's offer? He was quite old and looking from his physique, he became a lord just by inheriting his father's seat. No gun wounds, no scars and not not even a single scratch on his face; that quite boring." Vivek was quite silent and then spoke up, " I am thinking of marrying my girlfriend, Shirley. Everyone likes her and I was waiting for your return. So, what do you say?" Charan smiled and said, " Let me first find a girl for me. Then we will think about you." Vivek asked, "Oh I almost forgot about your girlfriend, Alia. Where is she now?" Charan said with a smile, " We are going to meet her soon."...