The Old Days

Charan drove straight towards "Soulful Vineyard ". They parked their car at the parking place and after a walk of ten minutes, they reached an elegant building covered with bushes all around. The guards opened the gate and a building of modern architecture appeared before them. The house was quite sophisticated and from the look of it must belong to some highly respected and important person. A girl was watering the plants and other exotic bushes; on seeing them she rushed towards them and jumped on Charan. She and Charan started kissing; Vivek never saw his brother's girlfriend but from the look of the situation the girl seems to be Alia. She is really beautiful and was quite sexy in comparison to Shirley; Vivek was quite upset about that. He coughed a little and said, "Well, the house looks nice. Is it your own house, Alia?" Charan and Alia looked at him and started laughing, "No, it is not Alia's house; it is my hideout. I built it long before and Alia manages this place." Vivek was quite shocked but still agreed that his brother is now not the previous Charan, but a real gangster. They entered the villa and Charan was quite pleased to see that the house is as intact as he had left before. Alia brought some whiskey and cigars for them; they relaxed for a few minutes and then Vivek left for his house. After, he left Charan asked Alia, "Well, how is my team and why they are not here?" Alia said with a sigh, "Well, after you were caught and imprisoned; Victor and Robert fought and made their own gangs. They mutinied me and you and had decided to throw over your empire." Charan said, "Well, if they want war I will give them WAR!!!"....