Life Is Smoke

Richeff's death was not a simple accident like dying of a member or a consignment getting caught. He was the foremost and brilliant leader of Gonzalez Crime Family and was recently elected to the High Table; murder of him means a threat and open challenge to the High Table Authority. Ryan was thinking all this when his Husky barked indicating that they had reached home, Ryan had no guts to face his father and tell him that their pride was now dead. Ryan was more fearsome and cruel than Richeff but his older brother brought the name and fame to their family and if he was even ready to appoint Ryan in a higher rank in the High Table. So, Richeff's death not only brought threat to the family but also took away Ryan's dream to become the youngest member of the High Table; Ryan was angry and worried both at the time when Charon, their main butler and concerige of their family tapped on his shoulder. He was a bald dark skinned man with a rotund body and was dressed in his regular uniform. Even though he is serving as a butler but he was once a big gang lord known for his aggression and brutality. He has been working with Mr. Gonzalez since they were of the age of Ryan. Ryan hugged him and started crying, Charon patted his head and asked, "What happened Ryan? You went suddenly and I was informed just two minutes earlier so I really couldn't understand the situation. Why are you crying?" Ryan beated Charon's chest and said in a crying manner, "Richeff! Richeff is dead. Someone killed him mercilessly." "O dear lord! May his soul find peace." Ryan was so depressed that he couldn't say much and just murmured, "Please, tell Papa about the incident. I have no courage to do that." Charon told the other servants to accompany Ryan to his bedroom. After, that he took off his butler uniform, wore his nightgown and went out for a smoke. After much hesitation, he called Mr. Gonzalez but the line was busy. He called for his servants and they appeared, he asked them to guard the Ryan's room and bring Richeff's body to the ice room. He want to see his dear son like master's body before they cremate him next morning, he observed and said, "Well, it looks like first he was shot in the legs and after he fell down, he was shot simultaneously in the head. There were too people as one hole was made by a six shooter and other by a Colt 45. The wound on his legs shows that they had also tortured him by stomping on his injured legs and then shot him. The other two guys who were also lying there must have known the two assassins as they tried to fight with them as one died due to a broken neck and another due to a direct shot on his forehead. The assassins were professionals as they killed the four strongmen by just puncturing their vital organs that too by a penknife or bayonet. Clearly, the massacre was planned and not a sudden attack." One of the guards asked, " Maybe police had encountered them. Victor and Robert were pretty notorious gangsters and were part of the 20/11 rape and murder case." "Rape and murder case?" Charon asked. "Yeah, they kidnapped a girl who was only fifteen years old and then brutally raped and murdered her. There was an another person who got caught but they escaped, but the police never left them alone. They were always on the red list of the police. Charon was thinking about something when his phone rang, it was Mrs. Gonzalez.

"Hello, speak Charon you were calling. What is the matter?" asked Mrs. Gonzalez.

"Well, there been a misfortune in our family, someone killed Richeff and his partners." said Charon.

"What are you talking about? Someone killed Richeff and you are just telling me. I want their bodies hanging on the gates when I return." yelled Mrs. Gonzalez.

"Don't worry ma'am, I have got a lead on the assassins and we will be putting bullets in their heads pretty soon."

Charon cut the line and then commanded his servants, "Find who the third person is and then I will make his life SMOKY!"