Moments Undefined

Three weeks has passed like a sweet dream and Survi will depart tomorrow. I was instructed to take her to a safe spot and then call Inspector Sanjay who will then take her safely to her new house which was fully guarded by the police. We had packed our clothes and other stuff; since today was our last day together we decided to go out for a picnic to the nearby park. Since, we have to be safe from any trouble we decided to go to Cherry Park which is now closed and is going to be demolished to build a hotel. We packed some food and other stuff that will be neccessary for a picnic. We reached the gate, it was once a big park and was the favorite picnic spot of Lonavla, but with time it lost its charm and magnificence. The gate was locked, so we decided to climb on the wall and get in. I used to climb trees in my childhood but now I am out of practice. But, since Survi was with me and I have to act brave before her, I decided to try once. The wall was 8 feet tall and was quite plain having no holes to use my hands to climb. I looked for anything to stand to increase my height and found a medium size rock that maybe was broken from one of the gargoyles standing on the walls. I stood on it and then could touch the wall top with my hands, but the problem was that I have to drag my body upwards and that was quite difficult for me as my feet were slipping on the wall. I called Survi, "Survi, it looks like you have to go first. I will cup my hand and give you a raise then you could easily get on the top of the wall." She hesitated but still agreed. I cupped my hands and gave her a raise, well she was quite heavy but still I managed to push her upward. She got on the wall and I asked, "Is it safe on the other side of the wall?" She replied positive. I gave her a rope and told her to tie it to the branch of the adjoining tree, she did it and then I climbed on the wall. Now, the problem was to jump, the wall was 8 feet and the ground was covered with bushes. I asked, "Well, Do you trust me?" She asked why. I caught her waist and hugged her and then jumped off the wall, I kept myself under so that I receive the slam and Survi remains safe. The fall was quite heroic but still I received only a little thump on the back. Bushes saved me from getting a broken back. She was quite shocked and cried, " Well you could have got hurt. Why did you did that?" I just smiled and said, "It's Ok. I know the bushes will save us. I only wanted to make you safe." After a little setup, our tent was ready, the sky was filled with clouds and looks like it was going to rain at night. Survi was sitting on the bench nearby which was once called the 'Chair of Love" as mostly couples would sit on it. I went near her and sat beside her. She was looking towards the sky and was quite lost in thoughts. I started the conversation.

"Survi, what are you searching in the sky?"

"My parents."- Survi.

"Your parents?"

"Yes, when I was small, my parents would bring me here on weekends and we had so much fun. I would always look at the stars and wonder from where did they come from and why didn't they appear only at night and not at day? Mom always believed that people become stars when they die and advised me to look for her in the sky when she would not be with me. Now, I am looking for my parents and want to say how much I love them"- Survi.

"So, did you find your parents?"

"Can't really say, there are so much stars but I think those two twinkling stars should be them."- Survi.

"Well, it looks like that star is Sunaina. It is also close to the moon as my Sunaina always wanted."

"Sunaina?"- Survi

"Sunaina! She is the bright light of my life. My first love and my only girlfriend from school."

"It looks like you love her very much."- Survi.

"Yeah, I always loved her but she never loved me back."

"Why?"- Survi

"I always loved her but she had an affair with Pintu, the boy I hate the most. Pintu never loved her but used her to extract money from me. She would always ask for money for some reasons and I would readily give her. She then would give it to Pintu and he would spend it on drugs and prostitutes. When, I got to know that Sunaina was cheating on me, I was devastated and broken from inside. I decided to confront Sunaina but I got news that she fell from the balcony and died. Actually, she and Pintu had a fight and Pintu in rage, pushed her from the balcony and then tried to run away. But, due to high doses of drugs and fear, he stumbled on the stairs and died too from head injuries. In just few hours, my whole life became a joke. My girlfriend and her boyfriend died and I couldn't even ask them the reason why they cheated on me."

"My life has been too very much deceiving. I also once trusted someone who cheated on me. His name was Sudhir and we met when I was still struggling with my career. He was the son of the assistant director who was filming a film in which I had a small role. He was very good and polite, he would occasionally approach me and would appreciate me. With his help, I got many films and my career started to bloom. We started to get close and eventually fell in love. He would take me to movies, introduce me to his celeb friends and was caring. One day, at a party he drank too much and even forced me to have some drinks saying it's a rich man's taste. He took me to his room and then we had made love. The next morning, when I woke up I was shocked as instead of Sudhir, his friend Ravi was sleeping beside me. Ravi then started to blackmail me and even demanded money or he will tell Sudhir. I secretly gave him much money but then I couldn't not give any more. I was scared and was about to end my life when I was saved by the staff and then I met you."- Survi.

A moment of silence was followed when thunder broke the silence. It was going to rain so we went inside the tent. The tent was quite big, actually it was a nomadic tent which my grandparents used in their youth. Exactly my grandparents met on a adventure trip and then there life had always been adventurous. Survi was cooking the meat and I was reading 'A Tale of Two Cities', she was really silent from that time and even I didn't talk much. After dinner, we took out our sleeping bags and slept. I asked Survi, "Do you really think that God has made someone special for everyone?" Survi laughed and said, "God has made someone special for everyone, but we often ignore them and run after the people who don't care for us." I smiled and then turned other side to sleep. A thought circled my mind 'I could easily define every moment of mine with Sunaina, but with Survi it looks like every moment is a mystery. So, what is love? Moments defined or moments undefined?'....