You Only Live Once

Charan was very happy as he got all his problems solved; Victor and Robert were dead, his name now has gained power again. He invited all his mafia partners and his family. He introduced his girlfriend Alia to his mother and sisters. Vivek invited Shirley saying that it is a get-together for his brother. All were having very much fun, booze and smoke filled the atmosphere; the house was decorated with much pomp and glam. The dress code was Italian but Charan was wearing a red British Army General's uniform and Vivek was dressed in a black cowboy tuxedo. Though they were looking like 'beans among potatoes', their dress indicates that the are the host of the party and they have recently crushed the people who had opposed them. Charan was quite jolly with his guests, but Vivek was quiet and was having a Bourbon shot at the bar. His eyes were looking at the glass when someone tapped on his shoulder, he turned and saw that the person was his childhood friend and longtime business partner Arman Khan. Arman said beside him and said to the bartender, " Give me a bottle of Oldie English 800 with two ice cubes." He then turned towards Vivek,

"Hey, how are you?"- Arman

"I am fine. But where were you? I have seen you last two months ago."- Vivek

"I was in Turkey, managing my father's business. You know how hard is to deal with Turks especially in the matters of business."- Arman.

"Yeah, last time I met a Turk named Al- Tunia he was smuggling arms to Syria. He told me to put my men at Gaziantep so that they could ambush the authorities and passed it stealthily from Damascus to Syria. All was going well but on the way someone stole their truck and the whole plan was destroyed. Al- Tunia was caught and then jailed and I have to pay the expenses and then had to pay the authorities to kill Al- Tunia lest he speaks my name." - Vivek

"Well, it always happens like that. But, that is not the thing that bothers me. Turks are quite aggressive in their dealings and often tries to cheat on us."- Arman

"Well, that is the case with every gang in the world."- Vivek

"I heard that you and Charan killed Richeff. Well, you know what trouble you two have taken."- Arman

Vivek was shocked and then remembered that Victor and Robert didn't just mutinied against Charan by their own wish. Richeff encouraged them saying that Charan is now weak and they can easily cut their profits by betraying him. He ran towards Charan who was talking with his new associates from West Indies. Vivek pulled Charan and took him to a corner. Charan asked, "What happened?" Vivek told him what Arman said him. Charan listened to him carefully and said, " Well, they really don't know who we are and even if they know, they can't attack us directly. Who is Richeff's successor? Vivek said, " Yeah, I have heard that he has a younger brother named Ryan. He is now under the guidance of Lord Charon." Charan smiled, "Charon, ah! The big dog of streets. He was once a big name in the streets and was quite a nightmare for his enemies in his youth. But, now he is a butler of Gonzalez and operates mainly for him. Vivek, I want you to keep an eye on him. When the time comes right, we will get rid of him." Charan went to his associates and Vivek was standing there for some time, when Shirley called his name. He went to her and took her in his arms and asked, " What happened? Are you not comfortable here?" Shirley said, "Well, I am really enjoying the company of your family. But, I am getting late and have a flight to India tomorrow morning." Vivek really loves Shirley and was very sad to be far from her, but given current situation it was better for her to stay away from him. Vivek said, " Well, since you will be away from me for a while, let me take you home." She smiled and agreed. They were about to go to the parking lot when Arman came running after them. He said, " Charan told me to accompany you." Well, Vivek never disobeys his brother so they got inside Arman's hummer and then drove away. Shirley was quite angry and was sitting in the back seat pouting. To lighten her anger, Arman played some songs of Selena Gomez. Vivek was thinking about Charan's advice when he observed that some bikers were following them. He signalled Arman and then Arman said to Shirley, "Well, the journey will be long, why don't you hear music in my earphones? I have the latest collection of Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez." Shirley was angry but how can she reject her favorites, she put on earphones and then Arman gave Vivek his Uzi. Vivek opened his door and then started shooting at the bikers. The bikers also started shooting, when one of the bikers came near his window he kicked the driver and jumped on his bike. Arman closed the door and then went to the other direction. The bikers were after Vivek so they left the hummer and started shooting at Vivek. Vivek speeded towards the alleyway and then a wild chase began. Vivek knew that he can't shoot and drive at the same time, so he drove towards the Slum colony which was the home of many small time gangsters and robbers. He parked his bike near a house and climbed on the roof, the bikers saw his bike and then got off their bikes to search for him. The place was filled with gangsters and shooting can only bring more trouble for both Vivek and the bikers. So, they took out their knives and began searching for Vivek. Vivek silently got off the roof and saw that one goon was coming towards him. He silently waited for him and then pulled him close and broke his neck. He took the knife and was about to leave when two attackers saw him. With that sound the other two attackers also came towards the direction. He was surrounded and only fight can solve the problem. The attackers started running towards him, Vivek quickly dodged the first attack and thrusted his knife in one of them and quickly jumped on another and kicked his face. When the first attacker was trying to get up, he took out his most trusted dagger and cut down the attacker's head. One caught him in a Nelson hold and other tried to stab him when he kicked on the foot and the attacker stabbed his own partner. Vivek quickly stab the attacker's Adam's apple and then only one attacker was left. He was searching for him when suddenly the attacker inserted his knife in Vivek's back. He quickly turned around and inserted his dagger inside the attacker's head. His bulletproof vest saved his life, he quickly cleaned his clothes and wiped out the blood from his hands. He took out his phone and called Arman, "Shirley reached home?" Arman replied," Yeah, but she was angry at you. I said you have to return to the party so you couldn't be with her." Vivek disconnected the call and then got on his bike and rode off. Vivek said to himself, " Definitely they were Charon's men. It looks like we have to kill that man within this week.....