Plan To Kill

On Vivek's advice, Charan decided to kill Charon on Saturday as on that day Ryan will take Richeff's place officially. But, since Ryan will be home guarded and will not attend the event; Charon will go to the event in place of him. Charon is a gangster and also one of the most important person in Gonzalez family so his security will be as tight as of a President. Charan was in prison and therefore he really don't know about the blueprints of the High Table Parliament or commonly known as the 'House of Crime'. Charan likes to work alone as more people means more trouble and expenses, but since it was not a one-man job and they couldn't get their name involved in Charon's murder. Charan was a well known man in the Underworld and has many contacts who could easily get his job done, but that will be quite risky for him. So, after many hours of thinking two names came on Charan's mind. Now, at the present moment those two arrived on his doorstep. Two masked men wearing ninja attire got off from the black Mercedes Benz, Charan approached them and greeted them, "Welcome, Shinobi Brothers. It's my pleasure to have you here." Charan took them inside his villa and then to the basement. Vivek, Alia and Arman were already present there along with the blueprints and heist plan ready. Vivek asked Charan, "Who are they?" Charan introduced, "They are Shinobi Brothers, my long time friends from Iga Province. They are the top students of the Academy and has come here to help us." Vivek reached towards them and said, "Kon'nichiwa, hajimemashite(Hello, nice to meet you)" They both bowed down and said, "Hajimemashite" Charan asked, "Where did you learn Japanese?" Vivek said, "I am a businessman. I need to know many languages." Charan implied, "Ok, you tell them the plan, but they can speak English." Vivek looked towards them and they nodded.

"Ok! First can I ask your names? - Vivek.

"Well my name is Aiko Chan and he is my elder brother Ami Chan."- Aiko.

"Well, I think Charan had already told you why he have called you."- Vivek.

"Of course! But the real problem is that killing Charon will be quite hard as the building will surrounded by gunmen and snipers of Z class."- Ami.

" Well, the first step will be getting in and killing Charon. Then, we can easily escape through the sewer system beneath the building. The most hard thing is killing Charon because he always remained surrounded by his men and moreover he is a very cunning person. He would be wearing bulletproof jacket."- Charan.

"So, what's the plan?"- Arman.

"The building is divided into three parts- the main hall, the dining hall and the parking lot. Ami and Aiko will disguise as valets and would silently kill their drivers when the they got down the parking lot to park his car. We will make their masks for you. Charan and Vivek would dress as waiters and will be inside inspecting Charon's move. At near 11:30 we will create an explosion on the back alleyway of the building. Charon will rush towards his car and then Aiko will take him towards Central Market, where Arman and his men will be in the guise of traffic police and would then advise them to take the left turn rather than the usual right turn. The left turn would lead towards the Old Testament Cemetery where Aiko will sprinkle chloroform on Charon. Then, he would take the car towards the down alley and then call Jonathan who will come in an ambulance along with the dead bodies of Charon's drivers. We will then plant a bomb in his car and then after we reach a safe spot we will detonate the bomb and then Charon along with his drivers will be burned in flames."- Alia.

"Well, the plan is good but we have to take care of the odds that can happen. And moreover what's our backup plan?"- Ami.

" If the plan go that way and if Charon does have a plan of his own. We have a plan B."- Vivek.

"Please elaborate."- Ami.

''Ok! If the plan doesn't go that way and Charon remains in the building and the room is filled with guards and goons. We will escape towards the kitchen where the chef will provide us with our weapons and suits, then when we give you a missed call on your phone. You put on your masks and would enter through the back door. Ami and Aiko will throw smoke grenades in the room and then our guns will do the talking. But since it will hundred vs five we have to cooperate with each other. The inside structure is quite like Colosseum so attacking from below will be a disadvantage so Ami and Aiko will clean the upper two floors and we will direct our target on Charon. Alia and Jonathan will take care of the snipers and Andrews would put the bomb inside his car. Having no options Charon will have to drive his own vehicle and get away. In that case two of our men will chase him and will continuously shoot at the car's tyres to show that he is being chased by a gang. Our men will be blocking his way and diverting him towards the Slum Colony. There they can easily kill him by exploding the bomb and everyone will think that it was a gang war."- Charan.

All agreed to plan and got busy with the preparations, Charan had especially ordered two boxes of hand grenades and selected the best weapons for them. Alia was checking the connectivity of the chips and bugs that will be used in the mission. Andrews and Jonathan were making the bomb. Aiko and Ami were practicing their moves and Vivek was testing the new guns. Charan was quite relaxed and was watching 'Tom and Jerry' on T.V. After three hours of preparation, Vivek came and sat beside his brother. Charan offered him popcorn and asked, " Is everything thing ready for Saturday?" ''Yeah, everything's cool. We will bang Charon's ass on Saturday once and for all." Vivek replied. Vivek asked suddenly, "Don't you think I should marry Shirley and settle down. I love her and telling her lies are very much painful for me." Charan laughed and said," What will you tell Shirley that you are a hardcore gangster cum businessman who kills anyone who stands in his way. Bro, our clan does work that is too dirty even for the gods. We solve problems and correct others' mistakes. Why do you want her to hate you?" Vivek said in a sad tone, "One day she will know the truth and then what will I do?" Charan put a hand on Vivek's shoulder and said," That day brother, you will have to kill her"...