Family Time

Shirley was coming to India after five years and I was at the airport waiting for her arrival. Survi has returned to her safe house and now again I am back to my work. The airport was quite empty that morning and I was waiting at the port for her. After some time, Shirley appeared and I waved my hand and she waved it back. Indeed my sister has become quite young and beautiful, but for me she is still that chubby annoying sister that I used to carry on my shoulders. I was quite emotional at that moment, when Shirley snapped on my face. I recalled my sense and hugged her tightly and she too gave me a warm hug. She punched on my stomach and asked, "Why do you never called me or texted me when I was in U.S. I gave the usual reason that I was busy. After we reached home, she went to the bathroom to get fresh. Mom and Dad had been busy and will come tomorrow morning, I laid down and opened my laptop and opened my mails. I read all the emails regarding my work and was about to close when a new email popped on my screen. It was from some '' and I opened it but it was blank. 'Who could send me a blank email and why?' I was having those thoughts when Shirley came to my room and coughed. She asked with one eyebrow raised, " Whose email are you reading so attentively? Is it a girl? Do you have a girlfriend?" I was bombarded with her questions and then replied, "No, there is no one special in my life for now." Shirley said, "Ahh! You are such a boring person." " Yeah? How many boyfriends do you have?" I asked.

"Well, I have a confession to make." - Shirley.


"I have a boyfriend and even I have engaged with him."- Shirley.

"Ahaha, you are kidding right? Who will want to jump in fire?"

"Someone who has a heart of iron."- Shirley

" Who is the person with a 'heart of iron'?"

"His name is Vivek Khatri and he is the youngest CEO of a multinational company."- Shirley.

" Well, I am happy for you guys. When are you going to introduce me to your 'heart of iron'?

"You!" Shirley threw a pillow on my face and I returned one to her face. We then engaged in a friendly pillow fight. Time when on like light and night came. I was reading a book when my phone screen beeped and an unknown number called me. I picked up the phone and said 'Hello' when the person on the other end cried, " Hello, Harsh I am Survi. Some strange people kidnapped me and I cannot call the police. Please save me." And the call disconnected. I was heavily tensed and was worrying about her. I tried to call Inspector Sanjay but his line was busy. I called my friend who is a computer genius and said him to track the phone's location. After few minutes he said it was coming from Andheri West. I jumped in my car and raced towards the location. I was tracking its location with my phone and got the signal from an old building. I entered into the house stealthily and saw Survi was tied in a chair and two guards were trying to molest her. I took out the iron rod that I had brought for my safety and banged it on the guards's head and then the other guard jumped on me and I kicked him in his gut and then gave him a taste of my brass knuckles. I have came prepared in case I have to fight. I didn't gave the location to police as it will bring unnecessary drama for media and would harm Survi's reputation. I untied Survi but she was unconscious and a little blood was flowing from her forehead that could from her fall. I teared one of the guards shirted and tied Survi's head with it. I sprinkled water on her face and she regained consciousness. I asked, "How did you came?'' She said scarely, "I was with Inspector Sanjay when he sprinkled chloroform on my face and then I knew that I was in a dark room. I escaped from the room and then I found the landline in the hall and caller you. The kidnappers caught me and then tied me." She was explaining her story when two men came in the room and saw the bodies of their partners. Then, a wild chase began, I said to Survi, "Go and hide. I will go and see if the way is clear."She said, "No, I will accompany you." We then got ready to fight, I gave her my iron rod and then jumped on the attackers. We had beaten them blue and red when someone kicked on my back and hit my head. I controlled myself and saw that Inspector Sanjay is holding a gun at us with him was Ravi who slapped Survi so hard that blood came out from her mouth. I asked, " Inspector, why are you helping in criminal activities? You should help others and not torture them." " Oh! Shut up you bastard. I know what am I doing. Government jobs don't pay that well and we have to do such things to feed ourselves." Sanjay shouted. Ravi then pulled Survi's hair and forcefully kissed her and then said in a harsh tone, " You bitch! You will file a case on me and destroy my career. Girls like you no more than prostitutes who sell their body for money." I didn't not what came into me, I kicked on Sanjay's chest and took his gun and shooted on Ravi's knee. Ravi started crying in pain when Survi hitted his other knee with the iron rod. Sanjay tried to grab me and I shot on his thigh and then threw the gun away. I was wearing gloves so I had no tension of fingerprints. I then punched Sanjay's face and then kicked in his groin. I really don't know what got into me. Sanjay became unconscious after few more punches on the face. Some of his teeth were also falling here and there as my brass knuckles hitted him hard. Survi was hitting Ravi badly crying, " Bastard for people like you women don't feel safe to work in film industry. You think we are just toys you and we have no feelings. Ahhhhhh." She was so angry that even I couldn't help but be scared. I controlled her and said, "It's over. Ravi is dead. He is gone.GONE!" I took her to my car and then we went to my house. I took her to my room and said her to sleep. She was quite scared so I had to take her in my arms and make her sleep. After a while, she fell asleep on my chest. I put her head on the pillow and covered her with the blanket. I went to the hall and slept on the sofa. Today, I did something that was very much opposite to my behavior. Why am I still feeling good? Did I started falling in love with her?....