The Massacre

All was set as per the plan, Charan and Vivek were dressed as waiters, Alia and Jonathan were at their position and Aiko and Ami were dressed as valets. The 'House of Crime' was a five storeyed building decorated with much pose and glamour. The snipers and guards were assigned to their respective locations and every person was examined carefully. The ceremony was not only about consecration of Ryan but also a get together of all the crime families to discuss about the person who can kill Richeff, a high member of the High Table. Many high authorities of the High Table has arrived at the event and therefore the security consists of men of many organizations. Now, killing Charon will be as difficult as finding water in desert. Charan and Vivek were quite shocked as their whole plan has gone wrong. Vivek asked, "See, brother the whole Mafia families are here and many high ranking members have come here. Should we abort the mission?" Charan said, "Are you crazy? We will not get another chance like this and moreover if we can kill Charon today our half problem of establishing an empire would be finished." They were talking when the drums start to beat, the chief guest has arrived. All eyes were posted on the door and then the door opened and four strongmen wearing tuxedo ran and took their positions. A minute later, an old man came inside. He was smoking a pipe and had a walking stick on his hand. He was Anthony Salvatore one of the founding fathers of the 'House of Crime.' He was now nearly 85 years old but still had that stern and intimidating look on his face. Charan was quite excited to see him as he has always admired him. Now the murder was more like a chance to prove his dominance in the Underworld. Moments later, the bodyguards of Gonzalez Family came in. They can be recognized by their furry jackets and wolf tattoo on the neck. But to their surprise Mr. Gonzalez has arrived along with Charon. Mr. Gonzalez knew both Charan and Vivek; they were at risk of getting caught. Charan texted Aiko and instructed, " See! Mr. Gonzalez has also came with Charon. He knows our faces. So, when I call you start the explosion and come inside." Mr. Salvatore and Mr. Takashi the head of Japanese Mafia were talking about some issues when Takishi called Charan, "Hey! Waiter bring some wine for us." Charan had no option but go to them. As he was serving Mr. Takishi some wine, Mr. Gonzalez came and sat with them. He took a look towards Charan and said, " I have seen you somewhere." Charan said obediently, " No, sir I am new here." He was about leave when Mr. Gonzalez cried 'CHARAN!!!'. Charan immediately pressed the panic button and BOOM! an explosion occurred on the back alleyway and then smoke grenades and tear gas filled the room. Charan and Vivek immediately ran towards the kitchen and signalled the chef. He opened a closet and then Charan and Vivek quickly wore their suit and loaded their guns. Charan cried, " MAYDAY!!!'' Aiko and Ami immediately started firing the guards outside and Alia and Jonathan took out their sniper guns. Alia was using her most trusted Blaster R93 Tactical and then then put a bullet in every sniper's head. Charan was waiting for this moment and opened the door. The guards were looking at the entrance when Charan threw grenades on the floor and BAM! bodies of guards were flying in the air. Vivek and the chef took the role of gunners and were covering Charan's back as he was loading grenades in his grenade launcher. BANG!BOOM! the two brothers cleaned the hall. After killing the last man in the hall, Charan opened the door for Akio, Ami, Alia, Jonathan and Andrews to enter. He signalled them to split up and use codes for communication. Charan and Vivek went to the north, Aiko and Ami to the south, Alia and Jonathan to the East and Andrew and the Chef towards the West. The building was an auto lock system that closes the shutters so that no invaders could attack them from outside. Charan know this well and therefore closed the shutters. Closing the shutters made the rooms dark so they activated their night vision. Vivek and Charan were crossing the door when two men jumped on them and their guns fell on the ground. The two men tried to attack again when Charan and Vivek dodged them and punched on their face and kicked them in their chest. They then quickly took out their knives and jammed it in the attacker's necks. The two men were the bodyguards of Anthony Salvatore and that means that they were at the place where Anthony was hiding. Charan didn't want to kill him but leaving any witnesses will be lethal. He then signalled Vivek to come with him. The door was of a Presidential Suite and was bulletproof. Charan asked in his earpiece, " How's the status guys? Alia replied positive, Ami and Aiko said, " Clear." Andrews replied, "Secured." Charan asked, " Are Mr. Gonzalez and Charon dead?" 'No' came as the answer. " That means they are holed in with Mr. Salvatore. Gather guys." After they gathered, Charan threw three grenades on the door and BAM! the door blasted along with the guards standing behind the door. Then, they entered the room. Mr. Gonzalez and Charon were hiding behind the desk and Anthony Salvatore was caught in the blast. Mr. Gonzalez tried to shoot but Vivek shot on his hand. He started crying in pain and cried, " Why did you killed Richeff? What did he did?" Charan said, "Nothing, he was just with them and so he got killed." 'YOU BASTARD!!!' Mr. Gonzalez cried and tried to jump on Charan but Charan put bullets in his head. Then they turned towards Charon and then asked, ''Aab Tera Kya Hoga Kaalia". They then rained bullets on him. After ensuring that no one is alive they left through the back door. Today they not only done a massacre but also made Charan the most powerful personality in the Underworld, now one will think ten times before messing with Charan...