Turvy Topsy

Though the night was quite shocking and adventurous, but still I have to explain to my parents and now my sister that why Survi Ghoshal is at my home. Survi and I decided to tell the truth excluding the part where I and Survi stayed at our grandparent's house. I woke up early in the morning and cleaned the house a little. Shirley was suffering from jet lag and was sleeping soundly in her bed. Survi was quite traumatized by last night's incident but still was sleeping like a baby. I was the owner of the house but I still doing the chores like a housemaid. While two princesses were sleeping one who doesn't live in this house and other that rarely lives in the house. After cleaning the house, putting the clothes for washing and preparing breakfast for me and the two sleeping beauties, I took a bath. After I returned I saw that 'Charlie' was waiting for me. Charlie is a little puppy which I found on the road crying beside his mother's dead body. A car had crushed his mom when she was bringing food for her puppies. When I approached them, all puppies ran away except Charlie; he was looking at me and his eyes were asking for help. I reached my hand and he put his soft tiny paw on my hand. I took him in my hands and was about to leave when he barked and signalled that his brothers and sisters should come too. Charlie was obedient but others were a little naughty and catching them were little hard. Thank God there were only four puppies or I will have to call a friend to help me. Charlie and his companions were a little grown up from that day. Charlie would take care of my house in my absence and would also take care of his two sisters Elena and Selena and one brother Rooney and other was with my parents named Charles. They were all 'Golden Retrievers'. I took Charlie in my hands then took him to my room and put him on the tub. I then brought his siblings and gave all of them a clean bath. They would occasionally go and jump in the small swimming pool that I had made for them to learn swimming and would put water on them. But like men they also don't like having frequent baths. So, I bathed them and then feed them. After a while Shirley woke up and came to my room and cried, "Thief! Thief!" and attacked on Survi. Survi retaliated and caught Shirley in a Nelson hold, she started crying, "Harsh!HARSH!" I then broke in and disassembled them. I then told Shirley all the truth and how Survi ended up in the house, excluding the part where Survi killed Ravi. Shirley then asked, " Girl! You really wanted to stranglehold and break my neck." Survi said, " You attacked me first. I just defended myself." We then went to eat our breakfast. I introduced Charlie and his siblings to Survi and she pet them and even feed from her plate. We turned on the TV for entertainment when a news popped out that 'Ravi Kumar aka R.K was found dead in an abandoned building. His patrolling officer Sanjay Singh was also found unconscious Sources say that the last night people heard gunshots from the building and they even called police but they couldn't say who were the people. When the police arrived they found that some local goons were lying unconscious on the ground. When the ground floor they found that a heavily disfigured body was lying on the ground along with Inspector Sanjay's body. Sanjay's face was black with marks of punches and his left thigh was bleeding immensely. On further investigation it was revealed that the disfigured person was Ravi Kumar the famous actor of the Modern Era. His death has brought immense lose to the Bollywood Industry. Inspector Sanjay is admitted in the General Hospital. Doctors say that his condition is very bad with a broken jaw, damaged thigh and much blood has flowed from his body. The attacker must have known boxing as the punch spots were quite critical. Mr. Ravi's body was attacked very cruelly and it shows that he has been beaten with a rod. Police are investigating the incident and assured they will find the people responsible very soon.' Survi was quite shocked on hearing but retained her calm posture, Shirley on the other hand was cursing the person who killed such a noble soul like Ravi Kumar. I was worried about the fact that Sanjay was alive and could tell our names. He was in a very serious condition and his chance of survival were quite less, but still he had the ability to speak our names. Broken ribs, broken jaw and broken teeth, Sanjay has really payed a big price. I was really sorry for his condition but he was the real person behind all this. If he had done his duty sincerely then Ravi would have been alive and he would be physically fine. Survi looked at my face and her eyes were asking, "What are we going to do?" I just smiled and said, " Well it was God's will. We cannot accuse someone just because he is accused. We should listen to both sides and then decide." Shirley laughed and asked, "From when did my brother became a philosopher?" I replied, "I have been always been a philosopher." Shirley gave me a skeptical look. The day went on and evening came, my parents were coming to home and we had to decorate our house as it was my parent's marriage anniversary. Things has always been complicated for me but now it has become turvy topsy...