
The massacre indeed brought fame and power to both Charan and Vivek, but still their was some things that are still needed to be sorted. Anthony Salvatore was one of the founding fathers of the Underworld and Mr. Gonzalez was also the head of Gonzalez Family which was the most powerful family. Ryan will surely take revenge from Charan for killing his brother and now his father and mentor. The 'House of Crime' was the pride and symbol of the Underworld which was now half broken and filled with dead bodies of Anthony Salvatore and other giants of the High Table. They would surely take strict action against Charan.

Unaware of the consequences, Charan was quite happy and was partying at his forest house. Alia, Vivek, Shinobi Brothers, Jonathan and Andrews were also present there. They were recruiting members in their gang, now Charan has established his empire and needs members and personnel bodyguards for him. Vivek remains in his work most of the time, Alia is a lady and also love of Charan, Shinobi Brothers were not assassins but reputed members of Iga Province and now Charan also has to maintain a good relationship with the High Table Authority. So, members and bodyguards were quite the need of the time. The recruitment test was not that of a challenge but consists of three phrases- Strength, Agility and Technical Skills. After David and Victor died, their members joined Charan's group and other were rookies, laid-back small time gangsters and robbers who want to be big time gangsters. Charan stood on a tree stump and said in his loudspeaker, "Listen fellas. Today is the day when you can be a member of Khatri Family, one and now only leading family in UK. But to join our family you will have to be strong, agile and smart. So, here are three simple yet challenging tasks for you. We will be your opponent on every stage. Vivek will be the boss of the first stage and the person who can throw him out of the ring the fastest will be the winner." Vivek took his place on the mat and one by one all participants tried their luck but out of the total two fifty only two managed to throw Vivek out of the ring but they took more than a minute to do that. Vivek after washing his hands and face, stood on the tree stump and said in his loudspeaker, "Well, all of you tried their best and I quite like the enthusiasm and energy but the real thing is that in real fight timing matters the most. You have to be faster than your enemy to defeat him. The two people who managed to defeat me were quite tactical but they still need to pass the remaining two tests to qualify. The second test will be taken by Shinobi Brothers. In this test, you will have to defend or deflect thirty common attacks. The person to deflect most of the attacks will be the winner For your safety we are using wooden swords." As per the rules, the test occurred and this time the result was quite better and all were able to deflect more than half of the attacks that is fifteen. Akiro stood on the tree stump and said in the loudspeaker, "Furenzu, the test was quite tricky and we had tried our best to make it simple for all of you. The result is satisfactory and quite promising. The next test will be conducted by Alia and his team. Saiko no tomadachi." Alia conducted the test and this time no one passed the test. Alia came and stood on the tree stump, said in her sweet voice, "Well, the test was quite easy, but still no one passed. It's OK, I also passed in the third attempt. Ok we will decide your positions later and call you on Saturday morning. The class is dismissed." After all left, Alia came to Charan's room and asked, "Do you have any names in mind?" Charan said, "We will think about that later. Now let's have fun." Alia smiled, "You naughty!"

London Luton Airport.

A Cessna Citation Mustang landed on the runway. The door opened and a tall, well dressed man descended from the stairs. He was holding a leather briefcase and his eyes were hidden behind his 'label blinde' glasses. Behind him were two of his assistants. A black limousine was waiting for them. The driver welcomed him, "Welcome to UK. Sir Lorenzo." Sir Lorenzo replied in a stiff voice, "Grazie. Let's get to work." Then, one of Lorenzo's assistant asked, "I heard that someone killed Richeff, Anthony Salvatore, Mr. Gonzalez and Charon within just a week. He must be a man of great courage." Lorenzo said, " Indeed, he must be a man of great courage. But he cannot escape from the imperial justice of the High Table and I will find him and his associates, then they will face the wrath of the Underworld." The driver said, " Of course, we have faith in you and I am sure they will be punished for their actions. Now, please allow me to take you to the Royal House." Lorenzo commanded his associates "Andiamo." They got on the limousine and went out of the airport. On the way, Lorenzo opened his iPad and asked the driver, " Well, can you explain the incident from Richeff's death till the recent massacre?" The driver said, " Well, the word on the street is that the first murder was conducted by two people who might have been of a rival gang, professional assassins or police. They killed all the people including Richeff and his two partners Robert and Victor. The second time it was a planned massacre as the assassins trapped the people and then killed all of them. The assassins knew all the corners of the house as they neatly killed all the people. Mr. Gonzalez and Charon were killed at the last as their bullets marks were still fresh." Lorenzo wrote all the statement in his iPad and then approached for a glass of champagne. After considering the odds and finishing his drink, he said, "It looks like the first murder and second murder were done by same people as the 'modus operandi' was the same. I think we got our first lead." He looked towards his assistants and said, "Gian and Enzo, find out who recently sold large quantities of smoke grenades and guns. Once we find that person, our culprit is not that far...